Posts with term TerraCycle X

Conheça o trabalho da TerraCycle

A TerraCycle upcycle e recicla resíduos difíceis de reciclar (incluindo embalagens de refresco em pó, salgadinhos, chocolate, papel e muitos mais) em uma grande variedade de produtos de consumo. Esses produtos desviam os resíduos de aterros e contribuiem para um mundo mais limpo. Clique aqui para saber mais!

Campanha sustentável da Coppertone

Uma campanha da Coppertone com a TerraCycle, chamada Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta, coletará embalagens de protetor solar vazias – independente do tamanho e da marca – e transformará em matéria-prima novamente, substituindo material virgem e evitando que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos. Para participar, deve-se cadastrar no site http://www.coppertone.com.br/brigada-coppertone.

TerraCycle: Drink Pouch Messenger Bag Review and Giveaway and DIY Project

I was searching for a green, reusable bag that will allow me to carry it like a purse. I love to take walks in the fresh air, and sometimes I find myself walking to a Department store a little less than a mile away, so I needed a bag that was durable, spacey, and had shoulder straps. I found the perfect bag, The Drink Pouch Messenger Bag by TerraCycle ! This bag had it all, shoulder straps, durability, awesome space, and the best of all, its made from everyday recycled products!

Projeto Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta

Foi pensando nisso que a Coppertone lançou o projeto Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta, um programa que coletará embalagens de protetor solar vazias, independente do tamanho e da marca, e transformará novamente em matéria-prima, substituindo material virgem e evitando que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos. Essa matéria prima poderá ser usada na produção de novos materiais a base de plástico.

Grundschule Haßbergen gewinnt Recycling-Wettbewerb

Die Schüler der Grundschule Haßbergen streben eine abfallfreie Schule an und gewannen mit ihrer Stifte-Recyclingbox 300€ für ein Umweltprojekt. Stifte finden in jeder Bildungseinrichtung Anwendung, doch einmal leer, landen sie ohne weiteren materiellen Nutzen in Müllverbrennungsanlagen. Das Recycling-Engagement der Grundschule Haßbergen gibt leeren Schreibgeräten und Korrekturmitteln ein zweites Leben als Rohstoff für neue Produkte. Für jeden Stift, den die Schüler und Lehrer sammeln und an das Recycling- und Upcycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle senden, erhält die Grundschule Haßbergen 2 Cent als Spendenbeitrag für eine gemeinnützige Organisation ihrer Wahl gutgeschrieben. Jetzt haben die Schüler den ersten Bastelwettbewerb für die kreativste Stifte-Recyclingbox gewonnen und erhalten 300 € für ein Umweltprojekt an ihrer Schule.

Bring on the 'Brigades'

TerraCycle offers support for stores that sign up for snack bag, candy wrapper recycling. CSP Daily News | March 22, 2012 TRENTON, N.J. -- In an effort to divert more waste from landfills and help businesses engage in their local community, TerraCycle Inc., the leading upcycler and recycler of difficult-to-recycle waste, is encouraging supermarkets and convenience stores to sign up to recycle empty chip bags, candy wrappers and other packaging that accumulates on a daily basis. Each year, millions of these wrappers and bags are needlessly discarded and end up in landfills. The stores can join several programs to collect previously nonrecyclable items and give their customers a way to recycle and earn extra funding for a local charity. TerraCycle collects more than 40 kinds of products and packaging.

TerraCycle Tips for Spring Cleaning and Recycling Clutter

Spring is here, and with it comes the task of spring cleaning. This can mean emptying closets, de-cluttering your home, or ridding the air of any germs. Whatever you choose, the objective is the same: to live clean. Traditional standard cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can be hazardous so to keep them out of your home, you can make your own green cleaners by using inexpensive ingredients. Here is some information that may help you to weigh the opposing benefits and risks: