Posts with term TerraCycle X

Teen Collects Candy Wrappers to Help Cousin

Brittany Lowe, an eighth-grader at Citrus Hills Intermediate School in Corona, has collected candy wrappers — thousands of them — in less than two months. And someday, those wrappers may help people with a genetic muscular condition that most children won’t survive past their first year. The timing couldn’t have been better as candy wrappers typically appear out of nowhere around Halloween. Since then, Brittany has collected and shipped 32 pounds of wrappers, and has plenty more to send to TerraCycle in New Jersey, which pays two cents per wrapper and then “repurposes” them into binders, notebooks and tote bags.


Recollim els bolígrafs, rotuladors i estris d'escriptura que ja no funcionen i els fem arribar a Terracycle on els reciclaran per fer nous productes. Per cada enviament que fem, a l'escola li donen punts que més tard es podran canviar per ajudes a la reforestació dels boscos, ajudes a persones amb risc d'exclusió i molts més projectes.
La campanya continua fins al desembre així que us demanem que continueu portant els estris a l'escola. Els podeu fer arribar a les classes a través dels nens i nenes o els podeu dipositar a la porteria (hi ha un contenidor per recollir-los).

Highland Christian School Partners with TerraCycle

PTO is excited to announce that our school is going GREEN! We teamed up with a program called TERRACYCLE.  We are going to be collecting a number of items to recycle and earn CASH.  Each classroom will have a bin to place collected items, which may be brought from home or just saved from lunch/snacks at school.  Please consider getting involved as we strive to make God’s creation a beautiful masterpiece one community at a time.  Below is a list of all items we are going to collect.  PTO will keep everyone informed throw here as to our progress throughout the year.

TerraCycle Develops a Way to Recycle Cigarette Butts

From worm poop to cigarette butts. When you really think about it, there is a connection. They’re both disgusting, the sorts of things you would not want to touch, and the quantities of them are astronomical. For a Trenton-based recycling company named TerraCycle, which made its name selling worm-generated fertilizer, there’s a potential gold mine in cigarette butts. TerraCycle has found a way to recycle cigarette butts into plastic lumber, pallets, bins and ashtrays. A house, for example, could be framed from the recycled material. Through its Cigarette Waste Brigade program, launched last month, TerraCycle collects discarded cigarettes, melts the filters and mixes the material with other recyclables to create plastic pellets, which are then used to create industrial products.

TerraCycle Featured in Brighton Memorial Library's Recycling Event

The Brighton Memorial Library, 2300 Elmwood Ave., will host "Recycling Beyond the Blue Box: TerraCycle and the Monroe County Ecopark" at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 23, 2013.
Guests may learn how Cheryl Bertou and her son were able to partner with TerraCycle, an company focused on reducing waste through the recycling of previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste, to raise funds for a school building project in South Sudan.