Posts with term TerraCycle X

Basisschool De Wiekslag verzamelt actief pennen in

Basisschool De Wiekslag is actief bezig met duurzaamheid. In samenwerking met TerraCycle zamelen zij het hele jaar oude pennen en stiften in. Voor elke 5 kilo (ca. 500 pennen), die zij inleveren ontvangen zij € 100,00. De totale opbrengst wordt gebruikt voor het aanschaffen van speeltoestellen op het speelplein. In de klas van juf Jessica van De Wiekslag zijn de leerlingen van groep 6, 7 en 8 druk bezig met het project. Er worden tekeningen gemaakt en verzameldozen versierd. Indy (9) Willemijn(10) en Ilse (11) vinden het een geweldige actie. “Want stiften en pennen worden elke dag in de gewone afvalcontainers gegooid. Dan komen ze in de verbrandingsovens terecht, dat is schadelijk voor het milieu. De schrijfwaren brigade van De Wiekslag. Pennen en stiften kunnen heel eenvoudig worden gerecycled. Het is zonde om die gewoon weg te gooien”, weten Willemijn en Ilse. “Ik hoop echt dat we heel veel ophalen, want dan helpen we niet alleen het milieu, maar kunnen we straks ook mooie speeltoestellen kopen op

Recycling entrepreneur stubs out cigarette garbage

TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky works in his office at the company's headquarters in Trenton, New Jersey, on January 10, 2013. TerraCycle Inc., a company devoted to creating recycling systems for hard-to-recycle waste, has created an alternative to leaving cigarette butts on roadways or putting them into landfills. Recycling entrepreneur Tom Szaky is stubbing out the world's cigarette problem—one butt at a time.

TerraCycle to Recycle Cigarette Waste

Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co. (SFNTC) teams up with TerraCycle, a world leader in developing solutions for hard-to-recycle materials, to do something about cigarette butt litter. According to Keep America Beautiful (KAB), 65 percent of all cigarette butts are disposed of improperly. But thanks to another environmental breakthrough by TerraCycle, cigarette litter can now be recycled. With funding from SFNTC, TerraCycle is launching a national program to collect and recycle cigarette waste. The Cigarette Waste Brigade will divert used cigarette butts from landfills. By sponsoring this program, SFNTC is not only taking responsibility for the end-life of its products, but also for the products of its competitors.

Martin County Environmental Awards Presented

Young environmentalists also received major accolades throughout the night. The Pine School received an award for its organic garden, where produce is harvested and used to liven up cafeteria food. Students at Bessey Creek Elementary netted an award for their efforts to keep their school clean. They even raised $500 for the school by sending empty juice pouches to Terracycle. “We’re just so proud of these students,” said Bessey Creek teacher Celeste Norup. “Each week they give up their recess — so they volunteer their time to keep their school campus free of litter.” Pat Yancey, executive vice president for Keep Martin Beautiful, expressed his gratitude to all those in the community who understand the importance of having an eco-friendly community. Said Yancey of the awards: “It’s just a way to thank people for all the hard and just to recognize them.”

KCC student proposes new recycling program

LIHU‘E — A Kaua‘i Community College student is attempting to introduce a recycling program that would ship waste to the Mainland annually, with hopes that it would pay for itself over time. Britney Gurkin, a freshman biochemistry major with a goal of eventually pursuing a doctorate, has taken the lead in an effort to bring an innovative recycling program to Kaua‘i.