Posts with term TerraCycle X

Some solutions for the trickiest of recycling problems

How many tubes of toothpaste do you think you've thrown in the trash after you've gotten that last squeeze? What about old toothbrushes? Once you're done with them there are ways to get them recycled. In fact, Terracycle will pay for you to send them in. From there, they are made into plastic pellets that can then be molded into everything from playground equipment to garden tools. Do Your Part and to get your trickiest of items recycled. It's actually a whole lot easier than you might have thought!

St. Patrick's Day at the Zoo

Be green and save some green on St. Patrick's Day at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. If you have an old cell phone, aluminum cans (1 lb. minimum), shoes and/or cooking and dining supplies you'd like to recycle, drop it off at the Zoo's box office on March 17, and you'll receive a $2 discount on Zoo admission. Volunteers will accept the above mentioned recyclable items from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. outside the Zoo's box office. These special offers are redeemable on March 17, 2013, only. Limit one discount per person. Proceeds from the aluminum can recycling will support the Zoo's Cans for Conservation program, which helps fund conservation projects here and abroad. The Cans for Conservation collection this year will benefit Slow Loris Conservation, The Little Fireface Project. Cell phones and cooking and dining supplies will be recycled through various organizations; and Terracycle will recycle paired shoes in good condition shoes (all types except sandals, slippers, skates).

Holt Elementary Recycling Queen

Holt Elementary School is one of the only schools in the Eugene School District that participates in a program put on by Terra Cycle, a New Jersey based company that turns previously non-recyclable items such as chip bags, candy wrappers, juice pouches and yogurt containers into new products that range from park benches to backpacks to pencil cases, all thanks to Chastain. “I’ve been recycling for almost 40 years, because I feel that it is something I can do to help save the environment,” say Chastain. “It just seemed like a wise thing for me to do.” This program first caught Chastain’s eye in 2009 when she read a label on her son’s juice pouch box saying, “Earn money for your school.” After that, she started having the children in her son’s class collect juice pouches and she would then personally wash them and send them into Terra Cycle. Terra Cycle, which was started back 2001, has grown tremendously as a company and in 2012 it celebrated its 9th straight year of growing revenue.  The company recently expanded and created a system where schools can send in recycled items that can then be redeemed for points that benefit different charities that provide clean drinking water in Africa, meals to homeless Americans, or school supplies to homeless students.

Recycle Spa Flip Flops with TerraCycle

There’s no longer any reason to throw out used, disposable pedicure flip-flops! They can be recycled with TerraCycle. Thanks to the sponsorship of Old Navy, spas can send their old flip-flops to TerraCycle free of charge—and receive exclusive coupons to share with clients in return for their recycling efforts. Employees and customers can simply drop the flip-flips in a designated box. When the box is full, an employee can download and print a prepaid UPS shipping label from the TerraCycle website and send the waste to TerraCycle. The flip-flops will be recycled into innovative products such as playgrounds, park benches and bike racks.

De ‘TerraCycle’ teaching case heeft de eerste plaats weggekaapt in de categorie ‘Social Entrepreneurship

De ‘TerraCycle’ teaching case heeft de eerste plaats weggekaapt in de categorie ‘Social Entrepreneurship’ tijdens de ‘oikos Case Writing’-wedstrijd van dit jaar. De case is de gemeenschappelijke verdienste van Jan Lepoutre (professor in ondernemerschap en strategie aan Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School), Stuart Read (professor aan IMD) en Philippe Margery (Research Associate aan IMD). Met deze eerste plaats winnen ze één van de meest prestigieuze prijzen voor teaching cases binnen het vakgebied Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen en Sociaal Ondernemerschap. De TerraCycle case schetst het verhaal van Tom Szaky, een ondernemer die zijn studies aan Princeton University (VS) stopzette, en in 2001 met succes het ecologische bedrijf TerraCycle oprichtte. Op vandaag is hij nog steeds de CEO. TerraCycle vertrekt vanuit de droom om afval weg te werken via het opzetten van recyclagesystemen voor afval dat tot dan toe niet of moeilijk te recycleren was. Met andere woorden: het bedrijf gebruikt afval als bron voor de productie van industriële en consumentengoederen. Het begon allemaal met een meststof voor planten gemaakt van vloeibare uitwerpselen van wormen. Sindsdien is TerraCycle geëvolueerd tot één van de snelst groeiende groene bedrijven ter wereld.

Gezocht: oude balpennen, fluostiften, stiften, kleurpotloden!

Gezocht: oude balpennen, fluostiften, stiften, kleurpotloden!

Op woensdag 20 maart komt een oud-leerling van onze school, Loredana, vertellen over haar vrijwilligerswerk in een opvangcentrum voor kinderen uit arme gezinnen in Senegal. Ze houdt haar uiteenzetting voor de leerlingen van de 2e graad.
De organisatie waar zij lid van is zoekt oude balpennen, fluostiften, kleurpotloden, stiften,....(Deze mogen leeg zijn!) Hebben jullie deze nog liggen? Breng ze mee naar school! We bezorgen alles op 20 maart aan Loredana, die daar heel wat arme kinderen gelukkig mee zal maken!