Posts with term TerraCycle X

Kids and Co. donates to United Way

Kids and Company, an after-school program for elementary students who need a safe, supervised, place after school, has been recycling juice boxes through Terracycle for the past few years and received the money from recycling. The donation will provide approximately 175 food packs to elementary-aged students in Bemidji. Backpack Buddies is registered Feeding America program that provides food packs for children experiencing severe hunger. The program helps provide food for those children on weekends and school breaks since schools do not.

Sint-Jozefscollege zamelt lege pennen in voor goed doel

HERENTALS - De leerlingen en leerkrachten van het Sint-Jozefscollege uit Herentals gooien hun oude balpennen niet meer in de vuilbak. Het schrijfgerief wordt gerecycleerd om geld in te zamelen voor een goed doel.
De actie startte in het eerste trimester en draait ondertussen op volle toeren. 'We zetten overal verzameldozen neer. De leerlingen gooien er hun balpennen, stiften en fluomarkers in', zegt leerkracht Koen Peeters. Voor elke pen die de school inzamelt, ontvangt ze 2eurocent. 'Dat komt neer op ongeveer 2euro per kilogram. Sinds het begin van de actie hebben we al ruim 20 kilo ingezameld.'

How to organize your home office

As we continue into modernity, the trend of people working from home will only grow. Having a home office is going to become an important area in our abodes like a living room or dining area. It’s a place (hopefully quiet) to get work done and do what’s necessary to pay bills. How does your current room or area look? Can it be more organized or functional? Should your home office need a revamp, here are some tips you may want to consider. Wall organizer. Wall organizers are an absolute must for home offices because you want to utilize every bit of space you have to keep your room looking clean and pristine. Great examples include a wall system (Daily System, Pottery Barn), chalkboard or chalkboard decal (Chalkboard Wall Decal, Urban Outfitters), corkboard or magnet board (TerraCycle Corkboard, Vine.com) or an over-sized wall calendar.

Huntsville Hot List

4. Recycle and raise funds You've probably got old cell phones, ink cartridges and other small electronics sitting around your house. You've been meaning to recycle them, and now's the time. Nexus Energy Center, a Huntsville organization that provides services to help improve Alabama's energy future, is collecting these items in order to reach a fundraising goal of $5,000. TerraCycle is another collection program that accepts previously non-recyclable or difficult-to-recycle waste. The waste is converted into new products, from recycled park benches to upcycled backpacks. For more information on what can be recycled and where, contact Megan atmegan@nexusenergycenter.org or visit Nexus Energy Center.

Sustainable Shepherdstown's Good Habits Challenge

Plastic is so much a part of our lives. Just as it's important to know where your food is from (and what it's made of), it's also important to know where your trash goes (and what it's made of). So good luck and hopefully this becomes second nature to you. This month (and hopefully this becomes habit) the challenge is to cut out one type of plastic regularly used. It could be no more plastic bags from the grocery store, no plastic water bottles, or any of the suggestions below. What do you do with your plastic? BETTER: Reusing it. Upcycling is using the plastic for other purposes than it was originally intended. More and more people are doing this within their homes and communities. A larger scale example is www.terracycle.net Or simply reusing an item. For example: refilling the plastic water bottles you already own.