Posts with term TerraCycle X

Hearts' Kickstarter campaign has officially launched today!

Hearts' Kickstarter campaign has officially launched today! Their exclusively designed “You’ve Got Mail Bag” was co-created by Hearts & (@Terracycle). It is the perfect example of style with a purpose. The materials utilized were once used for delivering mail and saving lives. Can you guess what they are? A mailbag and upcycled seatbelts are cleverly transformed into a functional laptop case!

Akron Marathon Now Officially Green

Ohio's Akron Marathon has earned certification from the The Council for Responsible Sport for its efforts to lower the race’s environmental footprint. The race joins a small but growing number of sporting events to be officially recognized for their eco-friendly and community-building efforts. The Council for Responsible Sport sets environmental and social responsibility benchmarks races can meet to earn certification. There are four levels, from certified, which Akron received, to evergreen. With Akron’s “certified” award, it became the 50th event to receive the standard since the council launched its certification program in 2008.

Bitucas e chicletes têm novo destino

Se já é um longo caminho fazer com que uma embalagem plástica retorne à indústria como matéria-prima, parece impensável fazer com que rejeitos como gomas de mascar usadas e bitucas de cigarro tenham uma destinação ambientalmente correta. É nessas novas fronteiras da reciclagem e do reaproveitamento de resíduos que a operação global da TerraCycle vem trabalhando.

Recycling: Ein Jungunternehmer macht aus Windeln Parkbänke

Tom Szaky, 31, ist so etwas wie der grüne Shooting-Star der USA. Als Pionier der Wiederverwertung hat er die Amerikaner als einer der ersten mit seinem 2001 gegründeten Startup Terracycle für das Recycling begeistert. Anfangs verfütterte er nur Küchenreste aus der Uni-Mensa an Würmer und verkaufte anschließend deren Exkremente als Dünger an Großhandelsketten wie Walmart. Auf die Idee gebracht hatten ihn Freunde, die mit dem Wurmmist ihre Marijuana-Pflanzen düngten. Dann erkannte Szaky, dass sich das Prinzip Kreislaufwirtschaft noch ausdehnen lässt.