Posts with term TerraCycle X

Kein Abfall mehr!

Mission: Abfall abschaffen - Zahnbürsten werden zu Mülleimern werden zu Gießkannen werden zu Parkbänken. Seit rund einem Jahr gibt es in Österreich eine weitere Entsorgungsmöglichkeit für so manchen Abfall: TerraCycle! Das in den USA gegründete Recyclingunternehmen TerraCycle hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, in Kooperation mit Herstellerfirmen Abfälle wie Zahnpflegeprodukte zu recyceln.

Timbuk2 Launches Life Cycle Program for Its Products

Timbuk2 used Earth Day to announce the launch of its Timbuk2 Life Cycle, a program to reduce, reuse, repair, recycle and reimagine Timbuk2 bags. To launch this effort, Timbuk2 announces new partnerships with yerdle, iFixit, and TerraCycle, and hires a full-time repairs sewer in San Francisco. Timbuk2′s Life Cycle program was inspired by Patagonia’s Common Threads Partnership, says Timbuk2 brand director Lizzy Fallows. “Patagonia educated us about the 5 R’s of their Common Threads Partnership and encouraged us to use a similar structure for our Life Cycle program,” she says. “Their mentorship and generosity developing, testing, and launching our program was invaluable.” More information about Life Cycle can be found at http://lifecycle.timbuk2.com and a summary of the program’s five pillars is below: Reduce: Timbuk2 encourages customers to invest in things that last. All Timbuk2 bags have a lifetime warranty and Timbuk2 stands behind the legendary quality and craftsmanship. Reuse: Timbuk2 now helps customers find a new home for their bag: Yerdle Your Bag – Timbuk2 partners with yerdle, an online community where people give and get things for free. On yerdle, people give away durable goods they no longer need, like camping gear, kitchen tools, electronics and kids toys. By giving something away, you earn points – then use your points to get something you want. Send Timbuk2 any unwanted bags and they will find it a new home via a local non-profit partner and give the customer 30% off their next Timbuk2 purchase through April 2014, and 20% thereafter. Repair: Timbuk2 now offers repairs to keep their bags working for the long haul: Timbuk2 launches new fix-it manuals and replacement parts for customers to repair their bag. Get started here: http://lifecycle.timbuk2.com. Timbuk2 hired a new full-time sewer dedicated to repair products. Customers can now send in damaged bags and they’ll do their best to repair it. Learn more here:http://lifecycle.timbuk2.com. Recycle: Customers can now send Timbuk2 any unwanted bags and they will recycle it via their new partner TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based upcycling company, and will give 30% off the next Timbuk2 purchase through April 2014 and 20% thereafter. Reimagine: Timbuk2 now provides inspiration to create something entirely new out of a Timbuk2 bag. http://lifecycle.timbuk2.com.

Kimberly-Clark Professional And Terracycle Recycle More Than 90 Tons Of Garments And Gloves

Kimberly-Clark Professional, a global leader in cleanroom and laboratory contamination control garments, has helped divert 137,000 pounds of disposable garments and 45,000 pounds of nitrile gloves from landfills through its innovative large-scale recycling program called RightCycle by Kimberly-Clark Professional. The RightCycle by Kimberly-Clark Professional program allows cleanroom employees to conveniently deposit used gloves, hoods, boot covers and hairnets in collection boxes where they are then delivered to recycling pioneer and partner, TerraCycle. TerraCycle transforms these otherwise landfill-bound items into useable products such as composite decking, park benches, and Adirondack chairs. “By recycling more than 90 tons of garments and gloves since the program began, we have helped our customers achieve or exceed their Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability goals,” said Randy Kates, director, Global Scientific Business, Kimberly-Clark Professional. “At Kimberly-Clark, our mission to create Exceptional Workplaces that are healthier, safer and more productive is inseparable from our commitment to protecting the environment. This program addresses both of these goals.” Since 2011, the Kimberly-Clark Professional and TerraCycle partnership has made it simple and convenient for companies to recycle these previously non-recyclable waste streams, helping them meet their zero-waste goals. The overwhelming success of the RightCycle by Kimberly-Clark Professional program is part of a larger goal by Kimberly-Clark Corporation, the parent company of Kimberly-Clark Professional, to send zero manufacturing waste to landfills by 2015. The company’s Global Nonwovens Division has already worked to keep more than 99 percent of its manufacturing waste out of landfills. As the environmental and economic costs of landfilling and recycling manufacturing waste continue to rise, alternative recycling options are becoming increasingly important to both industry leaders and consumers. Through this pioneering program, Kimberly-Clark Professional is not only providing a more long-term solution to its own waste-generation, it is helping to pave the way for a more sustainably conscious corporate world. About Kimberly-Clark Professional Kimberly-Clark Professional partners with businesses to create Exceptional Workplaces* helping to make them safer, healthier, and more productive. Key brands in this segment include: Kleenex, Scott, WypAll, Kimtech, and Jackson Safety. Kimberly-Clark Professional, located in Roswell, Ga., is one of Kimberly-Clark Corporation’s four business sectors. To see how we are helping people the world over work better, please visit www.kcprofessional.com.

46 Kg

de stylos usagés ont été récoltés en 2013 dans les différents services de Brest Metropole Océane (BMO). Ils ont été achetés par l'entrprise TerraCycle sous la forme d'un chèque remis à une association. TerraCycle les a ensuite transformés en une nouvelle matière première. Pour mener à bien ce projet, BMO avait mis en place 144 points de collecte.

Kinder sammelten alte Zahnbürsten

Alte Zahnbürsten und leere Zahnpastatuben, die sonst in der Müllverbrennung landen würden, haben die Kinder der Volksschule Maria Bild gesammelt. Die ausgedienten Plastikprodukte wurden den Firmen Colgate und Terracycle übergeben, die daraus neue Kunststoffwaren erzeugen lässt. Auch der Kindergarten beteiligte sich an der Aktion.

Zähne putzen für die Mundhygiene und den guten Zweck

Leere Zahncremetuben, alte Zahnbürsten, leere Zahnseide-Verpackungen – für die Kinder der Volksschule Ebergassing sind diese Abfälle noch wertvoll. Seit alle Kinder und Lehrer an dem neuen Recyclingprogramm für Zahnpflegeprodukte aus Plastik teilnehmen, ist die ganze Schule im Sammelfieber. Über das von der Zahnpflegemarke Colgate und dem Umweltunternehmen TerraCycle ins Leben gerufene Programm können sie ihre alten Zahnbürsten und Co. nicht nur recyceln, sondern erhalten auch für jedes Zahnpflegeprodukt 2 Cent, die die Schule an einen gemeinnützigen Zweck ihrer Wahl spenden kann.

Visit by the recycling tooth fairy!

 How Does it Work?

Collect your oral care products in a random box, send them to TerraCycle for free and receive 2 rappen as a reward for each toothbrush or other dental care product. The money can be donated to a charity of your choice. You can even donate that money to your own non- profit booster club. TerraCycle makes sure that the waste will be fully recycled and new products will be made out of it.

Spenden sammeln durch Zahnbürsten Sammeln

TerraCycle ist ein grünes Recycling-Unternehmen, das Abfall recycelt, der bisher nicht recycelt werden konnte. Schicken Sie kostenlos Ihre alten Zahnpflegeprodukte, leeren Stifte oder Zigarettenstummel an TerraCycle. Für alle Zahnpflege- und Stifteeinsendungen erhalten Sie außerdem 2 Cent, die Sie für soziale Zwecke Ihrer Wahl spenden können.