Posts with term Solo Cup X

"In 14 Years They are Decomposable..."

A large gathering is usually where you’ll find them and when you throw the "handy dandy, easy clean up, red solo cups away" the cups will sit in the landfill for 14 years. Back in 2011 TerraCycle and Solo teamed up to create the Solo Cup Brigade, a disposable solution for the millions of single-use cups sold each year. Getting involved is incredibly simple. Individuals, schools, offices, non-profits and pretty much anyone signs up on the TerraCycle website. After you’ve collected plastic Solo cups you return them to TerraCycle, who will recycle them into playground equipment, park benches and outdoor furniture. For every cup received, Solo will donate two cents to Keep America Beautiful or the member’s charity of choice. So you get to help save the environment AND raise profits for a charity. That sounds like a fantastic deal! Want to get involved and start recycling your Solo cups? Find out more by visiting www.TerraCycle.com. By taking this step today we’re taking a step toward a better future.

Iconic Red Party Cup Goes Green

In a general culinary news article I wrote late in 2012 entitled Kitchen News November 2012 , I highlighted that the Canadian kitchen and housewares company Trudeau Corp had announced the launch of its version of the iconic Solo red party cup. Just recently I became aware of a direct competitor to Trudeau called Red Cup Living ; it appears that the battle to win your ecological partying heart is becoming red hot.

Eco-friendly Halloween Tips

Halloween is the second largest consumer driven holiday of the year, yet the scariest component of the holiday is the bite it takes out of the environment. Currently, the candy market consumes nearly as many resources as the meat industry, due to the use of milk in chocolates. In addition to the carbon footprint left behind by mass candy production and companies pumping out costumes and plastic pumpkins, Halloween has a significantly adverse effect on trash streams and landfills. Greening Halloween on a national scale has been slow in comparison to efforts to improve other holidays, such as Christmas. To take part in these efforts on a large scale, check out GreenHalloween.org. The site offers volunteer opportunities and action kits to help your neighborhood go green for Halloween. For those who cannot resist the tradition of trick or treating be sure to log on to Terracycle and join their Candy Wrapper Brigade. TerraCycle accepts individual wrappers, large bags and multi-pack bags. Earn points for Earth friendly products and donate to charity all at the same time.
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Even though Hallow’s Eve quickly approaches, it isn’t too late to take an active part in reducing your scary footprints during this year’s festivities. Encouraging green practices and spreading the word in your neighborhood could be the best treat of the season. Tips for an EEK-o-friendly Halloween: • Create your own unique costume. Child or adult, costumes are expensive and disposable. By using materials from home or other reusable items, your costume is sure to be one of a kind and eco-friendly. If you are at a loss for ideas, check out do- it-yourself blogs for simple costumes or get really into the spirit with video-tutorials on special effects make-up. Just be sure to research alternatives to toxic make-up and adhesives before getting started. • Donate store bought costumes to thrift stores, costume shops, play houses, or drama clubs. Many times, these organizations thrive on donations. • Use green shopping bags or create your own treat bags out of old pillowcases instead of buying any. • Save and reuse your candy wrappers for art projects or crafts. Earth911.com has a small list of ten projects to put those wrappers to use instead of sending them to the landfill. • Decorate using natural elements that can be saved for reuse, returned to nature, or composted after the holidays. Use gourds, squash, pumpkins, fall leaves or garden/wild flowers. Plant bright orange mums in your garden or make your own wreath from branches lying around in the yard. Disposable decorations account for a large amount of Holiday waste. If you have commercial décor, be sure to store it for reuse, or donate it to a local play house, thrift store, or other charity. • Compost jack-o-lanterns and un-carved pumpkins or gourds along with leaves or flowers used in decorating. • Remember to keep seeds for roasting or throw them out for wildlife in your backyard. Unfortunately, most pumpkins sold for carving lack the taste and texture suitable for eating, so for an extra green advantage, try to buy organic food pumpkins and paint them instead of carving, then they can be eaten. • To encourage others to join the green initiative, staple small eco tips to the treats that you hand out. Inform others in your area about the environmental cost of Halloween or offer them simple green tips for daily living. Use ideas from GreenHalloween.com action kits or check out Reverse Trick or Treat hosted by the Global Exchange. • If hosting a party, try to use non-disposable tableware. If disposable is the only option, sign up for TerraCycle’s Solo Cup Brigade so that they can be recycled. Most plastic disposables will be accepted through local curbside recycling programs. More than ever, national holidays are contributing to environmental and social detriment through unfair trade practices, overconsumption and increased waste. It is imperative that daily eco-conscious living is carried over into holiday practices. Don’t buy into the ever-growing commercialism of the season. Instead, challenge yourself to be as green as possible and focus on deep rooted traditions. Simply researching the basis of traditions can provide an outlook that is sure to be more Earth friendly than the modern day equivalent.

Fox Valley woman helps school cafeterias embrace recycling

While eating lunch with her children, Tracy Romzek was shocked to see how much of the meal was thrown out. Not just the food, but the other things that could be recycled, such as milk cartons. “I had lunch with the kids and saw all the cartons being tossed out,” said Romzek, 38, a Town of Menasha mother of two. Romzek, who has a master’s degree in environmental engineering, decided to research the best way to recycle the materials. “I lived out in Washington state previously to moving here three years ago,” she said. “We always recycled cartons.” She talked to the school principal and school district officials. “I just saw something that could be done and chose to take action,” she said. Romzek admitted she didn’t know what it would take to get a milk carton recycling program started. But once she took action at Clayton, it opened the door to other recycling possibilities and, ultimately, other schools in the district. “It started as a carton thing but what it really turned out to be was cafeteria recycling,” she said, noting the program is currently implemented in all but one of Neenah’s elementary schools and at Horace Mann Middle School. She hopes to bring the program to Jefferson Elementary and Fox River Academy in Appleton. She signed up for recycling brigades with TerraCycle, a free waste collection program for hard-to-recycle materials. Clayton now collects dairy containers like yogurt tubs, drink pouches, Scotch tape dispensers, paper products, Solo cups, granola bar wrappers, cheese packaging and Lunchables containers, among other items. “That is waste being upcycled,” she said. “These are things that are not traditionally recycled.” Romzek was also awarded an environmental education grant from SCA Tissue, which allowed her to purchase different containers and things needed for the recycling programs. She hopes to encourage the schools to get away bagging the recyclables. The milks cartons, she noted, cannot be tied up in a plastic bag or they will rot. She also sought a local facility, Fox River Fiber in DePere, to take away the materials. “It’s pretty cool we have a local company that wants them,” she said. She sees recycling as a cost-saving measure for the district. “A third of the lunchroom waste is going into recycle rather than the garbage,” she said. “Recycling is cheaper to pick up than the garbage.” Andrew Thorson, director of facilities and an engineer in the district, said he appreciates all Romzek has done. “She’s very dedicated and she has a lot of energy to handle these things,” he said. “It’s very helpful to us that she can spend her time on that. We have the need but not necessarily the ability to do as much as she does.” Romzek also feels the recycling programs educate the kids. “A lot of these kids, once I showed them what can be recycled, they love it and they really try and they want to do the right thing,” she said, noting that by getting them “involved early on, they will care later.”

Tithing with trash?

  Georgia Army National Guard Capt. Andrew Lane is a man on a mission. If it’s recyclable, “Captain PLaneT” aims to keep it out of the local landfill – and earn cash for his parish while he’s at it.   Lane launched a Tithing with Trash program at St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church in Athens, Georgia, when he returned home from a deployment in Afghanistan in 2010. Since then, the congregation has earned nearly $4,800 collecting hard-to-recycle items such as empty toothpaste tubes and Solo Cups and sending them to TerraCycle in Trenton, New Jersey, to earn 2 cents per item. TerraCycle, in turn, recycles or “upcycles” the trash – turning it into “green” products such as backpacks fashioned from Lay’s potato chip bags.   “They’re not just doing it to hug trees or sing ‘Kumbaya.’ They’re turning it into artwork or consumer products,” Lane said.   The nonprofit TerraCycle partners with some of the world’s largest companies, who sponsor collection programs for particular waste streams – say, spent writing utensils or empty tape dispensers, explained Lauren Taylor, U.S. public relations director. Some sponsor only collection of their brands’ trash, while others accept any related items. Kraft’s “dairy tub brigade,” for example, takes all manner of dairy-product tubs, lids, foil tops and other packaging.   Individuals such as Lane sign up to join a sponsored trash “brigade,” collecting and shipping specified items via United Parcel Service for free to TerraCycle and receiving “points” they turn into cash. “The money earned needs to go to a charity,” Taylor said. “Somebody can’t just decide this could be a great side job for them.”   “The majority of the people who collect for us are schools,” she said. They set up lunchroom collection points – juice-drink pouches here, candy wrappers there – often after a parent or teacher realizes how much trash is being pitched and thinks, “We’re throwing money away.”   It’s hard to quantify, but churches also participate, and St. Gregory is one of a handful of Episcopal churches signed up to benefit from TerraCycle trash, Taylor said. “We definitely know Andrew because he is just so energetic and just loves our programs and really motivates people to collect. … He is definitely among the most highly motivated.”   Lane is a sustainability evangelist.   “It’s really powerful, because we’re the only creatures in existence that we know of that generate trash that we have to pay someone to haul off,” he said. Without addressing sustainability issues, he said, “for our grandkids it could be deep, deep, deep trouble.”   “We might actually trash this planet and poison its water or run out of water … without an epidemic or a war.”   Lane has given diocesan council presentations about TerraCycle and met Diocese of Atlanta Bishop-elect Robert Wright while separating food waste at the Mikell Camp and Conference Center. “He actually came and shook my hand. He said, ‘I see you’re not actually just speaking; you’re a man of action.’”   In Athens, Lane is lobbying a Kroger grocery store to let the church maintain a collection container for TerraCycle trash. At St. Gregory, parishioners place items in assorted labeled bins.   “I see people carrying in their containers and standing out there and sorting stuff out in Andrew’s elaborate bins,” said parishioner Lois Alworth, a member of the church’s Green Guild/Creation Keepers committee that Lane chairs. “There’s not a whole lot that the church itself uses that TerraCycle takes. What we get is what people bring from home.”   “We all laugh and say because we’re Episcopalians everybody has lots of wine corks,” she said. “TerraCycle takes really odd things, [like] toothpaste containers, when they’re empty, and old toothbrushes.” Every four to six weeks, committee members gather after church for a “box-up event” to package the TerraCycle items for shipping, she said.   Even here, recycling comes into play. Lane sometimes uses economy-size cat-food, dog-food or chicken-feed bags as shipping envelopes for TerraCycle trash. UPS doesn’t mind as long as the packages aren’t leaking liquid, he said. “You could mail a sweater in there if you didn’t care if your sweater smelled like dog food.”   TerraCycle collects waste in 20 countries, with almost 32 million trash collectors and nearly 2.5 billion units of waste collected in the United States since 2007, Taylor said.   Lane has his eye on a program started in Canada and expected to launch in the United States this month: a “cigarette butt brigade” that will take all cigarette waste, including the plastic wrap and aluminum board from packaging. This tackles “one of the dirtiest, one of the most prolific forms of waste,” said Lane, who is in his second semester studying for an Army graduate certificate of sustainability through Arizona State University. Look at any paved road in America, and you’ll see cigarette butts, he said. “They’re thrown out, and they sit there until eternity, until they’re washed into a stream or a river.”   A discussion with Lane ranges to environmental topics far beyond TerraCycle, from his battle to promote recycling at the Army’s Fort Stewart to the near-extinction of white rhinos to the role of black soldier flies in composting to Germany’s renewable-energy goals. He describes listening to his son read how Native Americans taught the Pilgrims to bury dead fish with corn plants as fertilizer and noting, “That’s composting.”   At St. Gregory, green initiatives likewise move beyond TerraCycle. The congregation assiduously composts food and paper waste. A church webpage provides current and cumulative data for energy generated by the parish’s months-old solar panels (2.99 megawatt hours so far, enough to power 99 houses for a day and offset 2.07 tons of carbon or the equivalent of 53 trees). Next up: a 450-gallon rain cistern.   “We just need to hook the gutters to it, and we’ll be in business,” Lane said, noting that an inch of rain on a 1,000-square-foot roofline translates to 500 to 600 gallons of water. Installing the gravity-fed cistern to water plans is “taking what the good Lord has given us and not squandering it.”   “Our church,” he said, “may be the greenest church in Georgia.”   Georgia Interfaith Power and Light has supported St. Gregory in its green efforts and awarded the church a Trailblazer Award for its TerraCycle program.   “We encourage all of our congregations to get involved in more intelligent ways of thinking about their waste and … where they throw things,” Executive Director Alexis Chase said. “Other churches are considering doing TerraCycle. Everyone is sort of trying to figure out a way they can be involved.”   Some “brigades” are full, based on the funds partner companies provide, but Lane offers a solution for churches that still want to participate. By request, he’ll send shipping labels for them to send trash to Trenton.   He keeps track of the resulting cash and sends 80 percent to the participating church, with 20 percent going to St. Gregory.   “It has two positives: You get paid for it, and you know you’re doing a good thing for the planet,” Alworth said.   But eliminating waste does create a headache or two at church. It took awhile to convince Lane – who says he believes in “zero waste” – that they still needed a trash container despite the TerraCycle, recycling and compost bins, Alworth said.   Once, a mass of fruit flies flew out of an unemptied compost bin while they were setting up a funeral repast; they spent the whole time trying to “swoosh flies away” inconspicuously, she recalled. “That was the one time we came close to not composting anymore.”   “It’s not something you take real lightly, and not every parish has an Andrew,” she said.   But overall, she sees participating in composting and TerraCycle as good stewardship of God’s creation.   “Anything that we do like this helps us to feel like we’re being better stewards than we would be if we sent all this stuff to the landfill to just sit there and pile up,” she said. “I think that’s why people do it. They love the church, they love each other, and they’re willing to do this for the betterment of everything.”

‘Tithing with Trash’ cuts waste, turns hard-to-recycle rubbish into riches

[Episcopal News Service] Georgia Army National Guard Capt. Andrew Lane is a man on a mission. If it’s recyclable, “Captain PLaneT” aims to keep it out of the local landfill – and earn cash for his parish while he’s at it.   Lane launched a Tithing with Trash program at St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church in Athens, Georgia, when he returned home from a deployment in Afghanistan in 2010. Since then, the congregation has earned nearly $4,800 collecting hard-to-recycle items such as empty toothpaste tubes and Solo Cups and sending them to TerraCycle in Trenton, New Jersey, to earn 2 cents per item. TerraCycle, in turn, recycles or “upcycles” the trash – turning it into “green” products such as backpacks fashioned from Lay’s potato chip bags.   “They’re not just doing it to hug trees or sing ‘Kumbaya.’ They’re turning it into artwork or consumer products,” Lane said.   The nonprofit TerraCycle partners with some of the world’s largest companies, who sponsor collection programs for particular waste streams – say, spent writing utensils or empty tape dispensers, explained Lauren Taylor, U.S. public relations director. Some sponsor only collection of their brands’ trash, while others accept any related items. Kraft’s “dairy tub brigade,” for example, takes all manner of dairy-product tubs, lids, foil tops and other packaging.   Individuals such as Lane sign up to join a sponsored trash “brigade,” collecting and shipping specified items via United Parcel Service for free to TerraCycle and receiving “points” they turn into cash. “The money earned needs to go to a charity,” Taylor said. “Somebody can’t just decide this could be a great side job for them.” TerraCycle “upcycles” some trash into useable products such as this backpack created from Lay’s potato chip bags. Photo/TerraCycletoday   “The majority of the people who collect for us are schools,” she said. They set up lunchroom collection points – juice-drink pouches here, candy wrappers there – often after a parent or teacher realizes how much trash is being pitched and thinks, “We’re throwing money away.”   It’s hard to quantify, but churches also participate, and St. Gregory is one of a handful of Episcopal churches signed up to benefit from TerraCycle trash, Taylor said. “We definitely know Andrew because he is just so energetic and just loves our programs and really motivates people to collect. … He is definitely among the most highly motivated.”   Lane is a sustainability evangelist.   “It’s really powerful, because we’re the only creatures in existence that we know of that generate trash that we have to pay someone to haul off,” he said. Without addressing sustainability issues, he said, “for our grandkids it could be deep, deep, deep trouble.”   “We might actually trash this planet and poison its water or run out of water … without an epidemic or a war.”   Lane has given diocesan council presentations about TerraCycle and met Diocese of Atlanta Bishop-elect Robert Wright while separating food waste at the Mikell Camp and Conference Center. “He actually came and shook my hand. He said, ‘I see you’re not actually just speaking; you’re a man of action.’”   In Athens, Lane is lobbying a Kroger grocery store to let the church maintain a collection container for TerraCycle trash. At St. Gregory, parishioners place items in assorted labeled bins.   “I see people carrying in their containers and standing out there and sorting stuff out in Andrew’s elaborate bins,” said parishioner Lois Alworth, a member of the church’s Green Guild/Creation Keepers committee that Lane chairs. “There’s not a whole lot that the church itself uses that TerraCycle takes. What we get is what people bring from home.”   “We all laugh and say because we’re Episcopalians everybody has lots of wine corks,” she said. “TerraCycle takes really odd things, [like] toothpaste containers, when they’re empty, and old toothbrushes.” Every four to six weeks, committee members gather after church for a “box-up event” to package the TerraCycle items for shipping, she said.

Reduce Waste and Upcycle with TerraCycle

While writing a previous article on green dental care, I found out about a great company called TerraCycle, which offers a program to accept “non-recyclable or hard to recycle waste,” such as toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes. After looking at the website , I decided TerraCycle deserved an article of its own! Started by a young Princeton student, TerraCycle began as a small business that sold worm casting fertilizer in used soda bottles. TerraCycle started expanding its business by producing various products out of post-consumer waste, such as pencil cases out of used CapriSun drink pouches. This process, called upcycling, involves producing new, useful products out of waste materials and useless products that otherwise would go to the landfill. So, upcycling helps reduce landfill waste and reduces resource use. TerraCycle quickly grew into a global project with over 20 countries now participating in their upcycling efforts.

Solo Cup Company Review & Giveaway

Summer is coming to a close this weekend with Labor Day. For my family, we have one final summer party as we kick football season into full swing. Granted we just love spending time with family and great friends. To help reduce the time we spend setting up and cleaning up, we use disposable dinnerware--plates, bowl utensils, napkins, cups, etc. and the brand I depend on is Solo Cup Company.
When I get Solo Brand products, I know I am going to get a sturdy product that I can depend on--I know that they are going to hold all that heavy food and drinks for adults and not collapse in little hands. The other thing I love about Solo Cup Company products (besides the song, advertising them that is constantly going through my head whenever I see one of their products) is that they are eco-friendly!
The unique term "Eco-Forward®" expresses Solo’s ongoing commitment to developing greener alternatives that contribute to a more environmentally sustainable future. Many of their products and compostable, recyclable, created with post-consumer recycled content and renewable resource materials. They also have created a line of products called Bare by Solo which takes disposable dinnerware to another level of green! The Bare by Solo includes renewable plates, compostable plates & bowls, recyclable cups and compostable cups. I can attest to how sturdy they are, so you are definitely not giving up quality while your are protecting the earth.

COLUMN: Become a Member of the Solo Cup Brigade

TerraCycling? Is this a new form of bicycling? Something only Lance Armstrong would be interested in? No, but it is a fun and rewarding way to join ‘brigades’ of environmental stewards. TerraCycle is an innovative program where organizations are collecting different types of waste that are typically not recycled and are sending them to a collection station that is turning the waste into new recycled products such as park benches and backpacks.

Have a red, white, blue, and green 4th of July!

TerraCycle has a solution for getting rid of all the non-recyclable waste from the Fourth and other summer parties through its collection program, the TerraCycle Brigade program. Anyone can send non-recyclable packaging from summer events – such as chip bags, napkin wrapping or plastic cups – to TerraCycle free of charge to be recycled or even repurposed into new, useful and innovative products. http://www.terracycle.net/