Il est parti d’une démarche écologique qui, au final, aidera les écoles nesloises. En effet, avant les vacances d’été, Christophe Bernard, un habitant de Nesle, a lancé l’idée de recycler les capsules Tassimo, via Terracycle, afin de récolter de l’argent pour des associations et notamment pour les écoles de la ville de Nesle.
In exchange, they receive positive PR and “a nice feather in their hat, if you will, as it pertains to corporate social responsibility,” Mr Szaky said.
Over one million cigarette butts have been collected by consumers, anti-litter groups and businesses since the launch of global recycling company TerraCycle's Cigarette Waste Brigade on Clean Up Australia Day in March this year, making Australia's second most littered item recyclable for the first time in the country.
Manchester Primary School students have become class acts when it comes to wielding magic to turn trash into treasure. ‘‘Locals can send their collections to TerraCycle for free to be recycled into bright, fun and sustainable items by dropping them off at the school.