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Mail Your Stinky Butts To Be Recycled, Cigarette Butts That Is

Attention smokers, don’t dump your stinky cigarette butts in the garbage,  you can now send them in free of charge to be recycled. Why? The filters are poisonous, and cigarette company’s want them back. According to MSN  Starting in July, TerraCycle will provide free UPS shipping labels (postage paid by a , unnamed U.S. tobacco company) so people can ship their butts to be recycled and made into plastic pallets. My question is how many people will bother doing this? Storing up enough of them to send in, and then bring them to a store to be shipped? It seems that people for the most part are more conscientious about where they throw their cigarettes than a few years ago, but you can still see them littered all over the streets. If you want to do your part to save mother Earth and not have them end up in a land fill somewhere now you have another option.

Recycle Everything - Recycling Tips

TerraCycle makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide range of different non-recyclable waste materials. Capri Sun – Honest Kids juice pouches can be recycled by Terracycle as can Candy Wrappers, Starbucks Coffee bags, Zip Loc Bags, pens, Cookie Wrappers, Colgate toothpaste, and more. Yes this is more involved, so try to get your local community or school involved.

Ser Verde en la Rutina de Belleza

El color de la belleza empieza con verde, practicando el reciclaje y el ahorro de energia en nuestra rutina diaria de belleza.
Todos sabemos que es importante reciclar , pero por lo general es en la cocina o la oficina.  Vamos a seguir aplicando este habito ahora en el baño,si ,  reciclar las botellas de plásticos de los shampus y enjuagues, cremas y perfumes. Las tapas ponlas separadas en otro envase. Puedes poner una papelera solo para este uso de reciclaje. Averigua en tu ciudad donde puedes llevar o enviar estos envases.(o ve a terracycle.com).

Seneca Park Zoo Focuses on Sustainability

At the Seneca Park Zoo, the focus is on the animals, making sure they have sustainable environments.
Tina Crandall-Gommel, the Zoo's Conservation Education Coordinator says, "recycling is the most important thing you can do.  It effects most of our local animals and then our recycling efforts here also affect ocean animals." The staff at the zoo wants to make sure their environment and ours are healthy ones. That's why a lot of different green efforts are underway. "We collect all sorts of recycling that can't make it into your blue bin at home.  Things like batteries fluorescent light bulbs cfl's, items for terra cycle like capri suns, dorito bags, other types of chips and cookies," says Crandall-Grommel. Zoo visitors are invited to bring items like those to the "green" gazebo for recycling.  They also hold recycle rallies several times a year to collect household items and e-waste.

UpCycle with TerraCycle for the United Way of the Tri-Valley Area

TerraCycle's UpCycling (recycling) Program comes to Franklin County to benefit the United Way of the Tri-Valley Area. The United Way supports non-profit community programs and volunteer efforts across the region; TerraCycle offers a wonderful way to support this organization in its efforts. Are you tired of your trash piling up? Would you like to be able to recycle more products? TerraCycle's goal is to eliminate the idea of waste by creating collection and solution systems for anything that today must be sent to a landfill. They do this by creating national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. TerraCycle then converts the collected waste into a wide variety of products and materials. With more than 20 million people collecting waste in over 20 countries TerraCycle has diverted billions of units of waste and used them to create over 1,500 different products available at major retailers ranging from Walmart to Whole Foods Market.