That is why Jonathan Neracher has teamed up with Facilities Services as well as TerraCycle in an effort to minimize cigarette butt waste on campus.
That is why Jonathan Neracher has teamed up with Facilities Services as well as TerraCycle in an effort to minimize cigarette butt waste on campus.
So Tom's of Maine... did a study and found that 55 percent of parents are sneaking around behind their kids' backs and throwing out old toys. So... they said 'how can we turn this into a teachable moment for our kids?' So they teamed up with TerraCycle, a leader in the recycling industry, and they created a first-of-it's kind program: a toy recycling program.
"The bottom line is that what is recycled and what is not is directly linked to oil," said Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle, which works with companies on programs to make packaging recyclable. "If the cost of collection and processing is greater than the material value, then the material becomes nonrecyclable. If it's less, then it's recyclable. It's that easy. And the material value is 100 percent dependent on oil prices as it's derived from oil."
"The bottom line is that what is recycled and what is not is directly linked to oil," said Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle, which works with companies on programs to make packaging recyclable. "If the cost of collection and processing is greater than the material value, then the material becomes nonrecyclable. If it's less, then it's recyclable. It's that easy.
Beginning now through June 13, schools in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut and Maryland have a chance to win a new playground made completely of recycled material. To be eligible, the schools must participate in the Oral Care Brigade™, a free recycling program run by Colgate and TerraCycle. Schools will earn one ‘Playground Credit’ for each shipment of empty toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, and floss containers sent to TerraCycle.
Through recycling, composting and using a company called TerraCycle, Gazelle Girl sent only six pounds of waste to the landfill in 2014.
Personal care brand
Tom’s of Maine is working to raise environmental awareness in kids through two initiatives: The company has launched a
#StartYoungLiveGreen campaign - designed to encourage parents to teach their children the importance of environmental responsibility – and is partnering with
TerraCycle to promote waste reduction through the
recycling of broken toys.
Rather than them toss it in a landfill, the personal care company and TerraCycle are teaming up during Earth Month to offer the first program that empowers families across the country to recycle broken toys.