The company teams up with TerraCycle to reuse the pouches and keep them from filling up landfills.
It’s all possible now due to a new partnership between GU Energy and recycling pioneer TerraCycle with the Performance Nutrition Brigade® sponsored by GU Energy Labs.
The Georgetown Day Cup is part of the bigger TerraCycling program on campus that allows students to bring items that often cannot be taken by traditional recycling containers, according to Natalie Kaliss (SFS ‘18), another co-chair of the GUSA senate sustainability subcommittee,.
Just in time for Earth Day, Tom’s of Maine and TerraCycle are teaming up to give broken and unwanted toys new life.
He started using it at TerraCycle, the New York Avenue creative recycling mecca whose walls are decorated with artistic graffiti.
Flanders Elementary School is currently in second place in a contest to win a $40,000 playground during a challenge sponsored by Colgate and ShopRite. Flanders School participates in a recycling program through Terracycle and is the only school in Southington participating in the competition.For more information on this challenge, please visit: or contact the Flanders team at
Flanders Elementary School is currently in second place in a contest to win a $40,000 playground during a challenge sponsored by Colgate and ShopRite. Flanders School participates in a recycling program through Terracycle and is the only school in Southington participating in the competition.
Beginning today, athletes can send all GU single-serve packaging to TerraCycle to be recycled.