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EcoDesignerFair Pavilion - BIOFACH CHINA 2018

TERRACYCLE 泰瑞环保 TerraCycle is Eliminating the Idea of Waste® by recycling the "non-recyclable." Whether it's coffee capsules from your home, pens from a school, or plastic gloves from a manufacturing facility, TerraCycle can collect and recycle almost any form of waste. We partner with individual collectors such as yourself, as well as major consumer product companies, retailers, manufacturers, municipalities, and small businesses across 20 different countries. In China, TerraCycle is currently operating two recycling programs: Colgate Oral Care Waste Recycling Program and Ultra DOUX Hair Care Product Packaging Recycling Program, to recycling oral care waste and hair care product waste of all brands. 泰瑞环保通过回收“不可回收”的废品,以实现零废新主张。泰瑞环保几乎能回收并循环利用所有形式的废品——无论是家里的咖啡胶囊、学校的文具,还是工厂的塑胶手套。我们不仅让个人参与其中,还与遍布于20个不同国家的大型消费品公司、零售商、工厂、城市和小型企业合作。在大家的帮助下,我们每月能将数以万计的废品从垃圾填埋场和焚烧炉中拯救出来。通过上面的搜索栏告诉我们你想要回收什么,和我们一起开启废品回收之旅吧! Website 网站:www.terracycle.cn

烟蒂回收问题引发讨论 法国拟向卷烟生产商收费

近日,由于许多人把烟蒂扔在人行道上,法国各社会团体将炮火瞄准了烟蒂。各城市为处理烟蒂花销巨大,无奈之下向国家生态过渡及团结部反映了此问题。此外,法国工业环境与风险研究所(Ineris)在2017年末发布报告称,烟蒂属于有害废物。仅卷烟过滤嘴就含有4000种化学物质(尼古丁、苯酚、重金属等),其中含有有毒物质以及致癌物质。随意被扔在路上的烟蒂需要10年至12年才能降解。而且烟蒂非常容易被风吹走,吹到河里会造成水体污染。炮轰之下,卷烟生产商们不得不面对这一问题。 但是,向生产商收取的生态资金要如何使用法国工业环境与风险研究所在报告中指出,问题在于,从危险性来说,烟蒂难以回收利用。该研究所表示,目前已经有人在尝试新的再利用方式。例如在英国拥有烟蒂处理厂的美国泰瑞环保公司(Terra-Cycle),还有位于法国东部布列斯特的美高公司(“Mé Go”)。虽然两家公司的技术不同,但想法基本一致。 美高公司的创始人巴斯蒂安?卢卡(Bastien Lucas)向《20分钟报》的记者解释道,“要回收的是醋酸纤维素,这种塑料占卷烟过滤嘴成分的60%,需要被清洗并转化成新的塑料物。”


除了鼓励大家自己背上书包带着环保袋来逛游园会,F2N零废弃小站回收大家家里闲置的干净二手袋,在现场免费给需要的人重复使用。 重新认识“垃圾” 和环境杀手“一次性塑料” F2N零废弃小站将泰瑞环保回收和根与芽手机回收带来分享“垃圾只是放错了地方的资源”,他们都有“变废为宝”的价值。 泰瑞环保回收家中用完的牙刷、牙膏皮、漱口水瓶、牙线盒,加工成再生塑料的笔袋、花盆、课桌椅等等。 北京根与芽回收旧手机,拯救非洲黑猩猩。因为制作手机的贵金属来自刚果盆地开采的钶钽铁矿石,栖居地的严重破坏已经危及那里最大、最完整的黑猩猩种群。我们回收的手机将送去专业的回收公司进行拆解处理,筹集的资金将用于黑猩猩保护工作。


现在,环保生活越来越得到家庭和孩子们的喜爱。大家逐渐意识到整洁清新的自然环境和生活空间,需要每一个人的努力维护和相互影响。 这周六,F2N零废弃小站来到海德京华举办的节能&绿色春季游园会,邀请更多家庭和孩子们一起来学习好玩有趣的零废弃生活创意和实践方法,和海德京华一起传播可持续的绿色生活理念,建设生态环保的社区和校园文化。 F2N零废弃小站将泰瑞环保回收和根与芽手机回收带来分享“垃圾只是放错了地方的资源”,他们都有“变废为宝”的价值。 泰瑞环保回收家中用完的牙刷、牙膏皮、漱口水瓶、牙线盒,加工成再生塑料的笔袋、花盆、课桌椅等等。


很多同学都是第一次关注我们,在摊位前细致地了解了很久。 也有不少兑换的常客,发现又多了新植物,很是开心。 也有刚刚了解到活动,出于对绿植的向往直接回去打包东西的 甚至有即将离校的同学将满满一箱的旧书拉过来。 不变的,是大家对我们的支持。 空气凤梨要如何养护、海藻球该多少天换水、绿色兑换售后群的开设也让同学们多了一分保障,文末有二维码哟。 过期药品如何处理、收牙膏皮能做什么……关于我们的回收品疑问解答重复了一遍又一遍


什么是零浪费 自从日本杂物管理咨询师山下英子提出“断舍离”的概念后,全世界掀起了一股断舍离的热潮,很多国人也开始尝试“断舍离”,比如定期清理自己不需要的东西、每买一件衣服必出一件衣服......前几天,店里来了个北影毕业的女生,我问她尝试“断舍离”后生活中最大的变化时什么,她说“生活变简单了不少,每天不再为太多的选择而纠结”。现在自己身边就有不少这样做的朋友,问过他们同样的问题,普遍的回答都是“生活简单了!” 断舍离:断=不买、不收取不需要的东西。舍=处理掉堆放在家里没用的东西。离=舍弃对物质的迷恋,让自己处于宽敞舒适,自由自在的空间。

The 1st Zero Waste Store in Mainland China Is Open! Let's Party! (The Bulk House)

We are very excited to tell you that the 1st zero waste and package free shop in mainland China has finally opened. On Sunday 20th May (that's this Sunday), let's party!   So, what is「Zero Waste」? Is an easy concept to grasp. It means to not produce any waste that could or would end up in landfills, incinerators or oceans. Don't bring things into your life that you do not need.   Let's get rid of the fascination with having "stuff" and realise the benefits that we can bring into our lives by living in a more spacious, comfortable and free space. Time: Sunday 20th May (3pm - 6pm) Location: No. 24-2 Guloudongdajie, Gulou, Dongcheng District, Beijing Our location is on Baidu, just search THE BULK HOUSE to find us on Baidu. Drinks and snacks will be provided during the party. Reduce to Relive: bring things you no longer use or need, find things you do need. Terra Cycle: bring some of those hard to recycle items from your home and leave them in our TerraCycle box. BYOB: Bring Your Own Bottle If you have your own reusable bottle, please bring it along with you as we might not have enough cups and glasses for everyone.


欧舒丹(L 'Occitane)与泰瑞环保(TerraCycle)合作推出消费后的包装回收计划,该项目将鼓励消费者回收他们的化妆品空瓶。 消费者可以把化妆品空瓶和包装(任意品牌)拿到欧舒丹门店,美国的任意一家欧舒丹门店都可以,同时消费者在同一天购买产品可获得九折优惠。

The 1st Zero Waste Store in Mainland China is Open! Let's Party

In addition to second-hand furniture, we also have our Reduce to Relive section inside the store, which we are happy to introduce to our customers. We've all got too much stuff and we all have things in our home that we never use and probably never will use. We say, sell those things or give them onto people who will use them. You can drop off clothes, books, DVDs and many other items into our Reduce to Relive section. Please make sure the items are clean and are still working. Please don't drop off any food items or dangerous items though (for example, sharp objects)   Everything in the Reduce to Relive section is FREE! You bring nothing and take something or bring something and take nothing, it's up to you. We just have the very basic principle: "Please only take what you really need." We also work with TerraCycle. TerraCycle take care of your hard to recycle items by taking things like old toothpaste tubes and turning them into products. Once we have a big box of items we will send them off to TerraCycle in Shanghai for them to work their magic on them. Please feel free to drop off shampoo bottles, facewash bottles, old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, etc into our TerraCycle box.


牙刷作为生活必需品,每个月都要替换一次,想象一下每年自己要产生的废弃牙刷...是不是有点震撼到!在零废弃小站可以找到环境友好的竹子牙刷,它的刷头、手柄、包装及外盒都是植物基础制作而成的。 顺便说一下废旧的牙刷和用光的牙膏皮、洗发水瓶都可以送来零废弃小站回收再利用哦。市集会将收集到的这些物品交给泰瑞环保(点击了解),再由他们将这些回收物品制成公园长椅、教室课桌、零钱包等物品。