Posts with term terra cycle X


什么是零浪费 自从日本杂物管理咨询师山下英子提出“断舍离”的概念后,全世界掀起了一股断舍离的热潮,很多国人也开始尝试“断舍离”,比如定期清理自己不需要的东西、每买一件衣服必出一件衣服......前几天,店里来了个北影毕业的女生,我问她尝试“断舍离”后生活中最大的变化时什么,她说“生活变简单了不少,每天不再为太多的选择而纠结”。现在自己身边就有不少这样做的朋友,问过他们同样的问题,普遍的回答都是“生活简单了!” 断舍离:断=不买、不收取不需要的东西。舍=处理掉堆放在家里没用的东西。离=舍弃对物质的迷恋,让自己处于宽敞舒适,自由自在的空间。

The 1st Zero Waste Store in Mainland China Is Open! Let's Party! (The Bulk House)

We are very excited to tell you that the 1st zero waste and package free shop in mainland China has finally opened. On Sunday 20th May (that's this Sunday), let's party!   So, what is「Zero Waste」? Is an easy concept to grasp. It means to not produce any waste that could or would end up in landfills, incinerators or oceans. Don't bring things into your life that you do not need.   Let's get rid of the fascination with having "stuff" and realise the benefits that we can bring into our lives by living in a more spacious, comfortable and free space. Time: Sunday 20th May (3pm - 6pm) Location: No. 24-2 Guloudongdajie, Gulou, Dongcheng District, Beijing Our location is on Baidu, just search THE BULK HOUSE to find us on Baidu. Drinks and snacks will be provided during the party. Reduce to Relive: bring things you no longer use or need, find things you do need. Terra Cycle: bring some of those hard to recycle items from your home and leave them in our TerraCycle box. BYOB: Bring Your Own Bottle If you have your own reusable bottle, please bring it along with you as we might not have enough cups and glasses for everyone.