Posts with term 泰瑞环保,THE BULK HOUSE, X

The 1st Zero Waste Store in Mainland China is Open! Let's Party

In addition to second-hand furniture, we also have our Reduce to Relive section inside the store, which we are happy to introduce to our customers. We've all got too much stuff and we all have things in our home that we never use and probably never will use. We say, sell those things or give them onto people who will use them. You can drop off clothes, books, DVDs and many other items into our Reduce to Relive section. Please make sure the items are clean and are still working. Please don't drop off any food items or dangerous items though (for example, sharp objects)   Everything in the Reduce to Relive section is FREE! You bring nothing and take something or bring something and take nothing, it's up to you. We just have the very basic principle: "Please only take what you really need." We also work with TerraCycle. TerraCycle take care of your hard to recycle items by taking things like old toothpaste tubes and turning them into products. Once we have a big box of items we will send them off to TerraCycle in Shanghai for them to work their magic on them. Please feel free to drop off shampoo bottles, facewash bottles, old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, etc into our TerraCycle box.

推荐 | 一个90后武汉女孩和她的外国男友开了「 中国第一家零浪费无包装商店 」!

除了二手家具,店中设置有「 闲置二手物品共享区」也是我们非常乐意向顾客介绍的。因为现在不少人搬家常会丢掉很多衣服、家具等物品,而其中大部分东西都是半成新甚至7、8成新,这样被丢掉不仅可惜而且十分浪费。另外,身边也有很多朋友想精简自己的生活,但苦于很多东西不知道如何处理,简单丢掉又非常可惜,于是我们就在店里设置了这样一个二手物品共享区域。这个区域的所有物品大家都可以免费拿走,大家也可以将家中不需要的衣服、书籍、DVD等物品(需要干净、还可继续使用)放在共享区,供其他喜欢的人免费拿走。在共享区,有一条基本的原则就是:“只拿自己真正需要的东西”。 另外,我们还和Terra Cycle泰瑞环保合作, 在我们的零浪费无包装商店中设有回收站点,大家可将家中用完的牙刷、牙膏皮/盖、牙盒线以及各种品牌的洗发、护发产品空瓶等带过来,我们会定期邮寄给位于上海的泰瑞环保