Palmetto Elementary Turns Trash into Treasure

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Teachers at Palmetto Elementary School used to see a lot of used drink pouches get thrown away.  Now they earn two cents for every one of those pouches they collect and return to a company called TerraCycle, who uses their non-recyclable waste to make affordable, eco-friendly products. This school year so far, the enthusiastic students at Palmetto have diverted over 15,500 pieces of waste from going into a landfill and this has earned their school over $300! “We found the Brigades to be a great opportunity to teach our students about recycling as well as help raise money for our school,” said Cindy Stavisky, the teacher who signed the school up for the program.  “With the money we earn, we are going to rebuild our Pre-K playground, making it more accessible for all students as well as an advanced educational environment!” The school is part of a free nationwide program called “Brigades®’ that pays schools and non-profits to collect non-recyclable waste that would otherwise go to landfill.  Now the programs are coming full circle back to Orlando through an exciting partnership with local WalmartÒ locations.