Educator teaches recycling with bags made from trash

school TerraCycle raise money garbage trash recycling Waste Upcycling Include USA
Nancy Baiche would have an entirely green school if she could, but for now she's happy believing that teaching the prekindergarten classes at Williams Ledger Elementary School about recycling could impact the world and maybe save the earth someday. "They love it," she said. "They're becoming little voices that I'm hoping in the future will become bigger voices." Recycling is part of the curriculum in prekindergarten classes every year, but this year the eight classes at Williams Ledger are getting hands on experience while earning extra money for the school. Baiche, a prekindergarten aide in Bernadine Wagner's class at Williams Ledger, said she was looking for lessons and educational tools to help her students understand recycling when she came across the TerraCycle program. "There's a lot of information out there for adults, but it's really hard to teach to a 3- or 4-year- old," she said. TerraCycle is a company that takes trash such as drink pouches and chip bags and turns it into products such as CapriSun tote bags and pencil bags made from cookie wrappers.