16 upcycled and green gifts you can feel good about giving

TerraCycle Mars Include USA M&Ms
(6 of 16) 6. Snack Wrapper Eco-Boombox This is a desktop toy your coworkers will salivate for. Frito Lay joined forces with TerraCycle to give their snack packaging a second life, and the Eco-Boombox was born. It’s made with 80% recycled packaging materials (some sent in from consumers themselves) and has a 3.5mm universal plug so you can play music from your iPod, iPhone, MP3 player, laptop, or computer. This gives new meaning to the term "rapper." The Eco-Boombox is priced at $19. [Link] (5 of 16) 5. TerraCycle Crushed Electronics Trash Can TerraCycle is a company on a mission to reduce the estimated 2.5 million tons of electronic waste that ends up in our landfills every year. They create a variety of products out of crushed and remolded computers, fax machines and other office equipment. These 11 inch trashcans painted in day-glo designs by inner city artists in Trenton, N.J. are a sturdy and groovy addition to any office. Oh, and the irony of a trashcan made out of trash isn’t lost on us. Price: $10. [Link]