Getting people excited about environmental issues can take a bit of strategy. Natural resource depletion, global warming, landfill waste and water contamination are topics that can be intimidating when presented to the average consumer, especially for the demographic we most hope to reach: young people and future stewards. With so much on the line for establishing sustainable infrastructures for future generations, it is important that we find ways to engage youth and make motivations for environmentalism positive and fun.
In partnership with noted graffiti artists, Leon Rainbow and the Vicious Styles Crew, TerraCycle will host the 11th annual Jersey Fresh Jam, New Jersey's biggest showcase of urban art and hip hop culture
For the fourth year in a row, graffiti artist Mimik and The Fresh Collective out of Elizabeth have come to the Jersey Fresh Jam to do what they love — spray paint walls with magnificent creations.
“You get to meet a lot of people,” Mimik said of the free event at TerraCycle that features graffiti artists, break dancers and hip hop artists from around the country. “It’s a culture base back in the day ... a return to the past.”
Don’t toss those worn out school binders just yet. Louisville residents can now recycle their old, worn out binders and receive a coupon for a new one.
Just in time for back-to-school shopping, Office Depot, Office Max and recycling company TerraCycle have created the Binder Recycling Program to keep binders out of landfills.
ears ago, when South Wayne elementary teacher Jina Newman signed her students up with a Trucker Buddy, there was no email, no internet. Her third-graders wrote their Trucker Buddy once a month and the trucker buddy would send them a postcard every week.
Newman would get out a map and the class would put pins where their Trucker Buddy had been.
Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity in Brainerd received a grant from the Edina Realty Foundation to help support its mission to bring people together to build homes, community and hope.
Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity strives to ensure that everyone, everywhere has at least a simple, decent place to call home. Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all.
De acordo com Ana Carolina Portella, da Seção Socioambiental, a empresa Terracycle recebe as esponjas reutilizáveis, de qualquer marca...
Em 2012 a Faber-Castell estabeleceu uma parceria com a TerraCycle e lançou um programa de coleta que permite a transformação de instrumentos de escrita em matéria prima reciclada que...
Ringo Bryne vant 3000 kroner. Etter en imponerende innstats kom butikken på en velfortjent førsteplass i Kaffekappløpet - årets store gjenvinningskonkurranse for tassimo-avfall (kaffekapsler).
Det er også mogleg å sende søppelet til TerraCycle som nyttar søppelet til å lage nye ting. Brukar de eingongsty eller plasthanskar på jobben? Kanskje de kan resirkulere dette gjennom TerraCycle?