Effective Recycling For Restauranteurs

For the past 20+ years, recycling has been available in most municipalities in Canada. It would appear that in that time, recycling would be a straight forward business where all recyclable materials are being recycled.  Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. Recycling of materials varies from municipality to municipality and from region to region. Large cities and metropolitans tend to have a better recycling program as oppose to suburban or rural areas. In many rural areas all recycling materials need to be dropped off at a local recycling drop-off stations. Needless to say, this greatly reduces the success of recycling. Other factors influencing recycling success rates are understanding of what materials are acceptable, how to prepare and sort items and the most importantly, having access to affordable recycling programs. Many waste management companies and smaller recyclers offer various programs in urban and suburban areas. Yet much of the waste makes it into our streets, forests and waterways.  The oceans are littered with cigarette butts, plastic bottles, plastic bags and other plastic items that are recyclable, but not recycled. According to Statistics Canada, in 2010 only 32% of our waste was recycled. To fill the gap in our recycling system,  Terracycle has launched its new program ZeroWaste boxes. They offer recycling options for hard-to-recycle materials such as plastic packaging, styrofoam products, household and cleaning items, beauty products, pet food bags, lunch room waste and much more. The boxes are an affordable solution for businesses that may not have large quantities of waste, yet want to recycle as much as possible. At NewSpring Energy, we have been using ZeroWaste boxes for plastic packaging since the summer. It has been astonishing how much plastic we have collected in those few months. Plastic wraps, styrofoam packaging, shrink wrap, food packaging, plastic bags, styrofoam containers, milk bags and more. It showed us just how difficult it is to avoid all that plastic. With TerraCycle ZeroWaste box program,  we have diverted from landfill 3.8 ft3 of plastic packaging waste to day. We are committed to reducing waste and recycle as much as possible.


Tom Szaky - conferencias - Sostenibilidad

Tom Szaky, CEO y fundador de TerraCycle, ha tenido una idea muy clara desde siempre: conseguir eliminar el concepto de basura en la sociedad. Por eso, en 2001 comenzó con el proyecto de TerraCycle que, hoy, once años después, tiene presencia en 20 países logrando permear en las tendencias globales de sostenibilidad de grandes empresas como PepsiCo, Kimberly Clark, Kraft, Colgate o Bimbo, integrando en su modelo de negocio la cultura del reciclaje, además de apoyar a organizaciones sin fines de lucro.

Con sólo 30 años, Tom Szaky ha ganado más de 200 premios, está considerado uno de los líderes más destacados en eco-capitalismo y upcycling y, más recientemente, la revista Forbes lo ha incluido en la lista de los ′Top 30 Emprendedores Sociales del mundo′.

Autor de “Revolution in a Bottle”, TerraCycle ha logrado dar una nueva vida útil a los desechos pre-consumo y post-consumo y el esquema de reciclaje de TerraCycle ha ayudado a diferentes comunidades a tener mejores condiciones de vida. Protagonista de un documental de National Geographic titulado “Magnates de la basura”.

Actualmente, TerraCycle tiene presencia en múltiples países como Brasil, Canadá, México y Gran Bretaña y ha ganado importantes premios por su responsabilidad social. Su misión principal consiste en suprimir la idea de la basura y establecer sistema nacionales de reciclaje y upcycling, esta última, una noción que define la consideración de cada aspecto de la basura como un valor recuperable.

Aclamado orador, las conferencias de Tom Szaky ofrecen las claves para las transformar a las pequeñas y medianas empresas en micro-multinacionales; es decir: conseguir que las PyMEs tengan también presencia en mercados internacionales.

“Nuestra misión es eliminar el concepto de basura. Reciclamos o suprarreciclamos desechos que hasta ahora no tenían posibilidad de ser reciclados”

Asismimo, Tom Szaky habla de emprendimiento y liderazgo para detonar el crecimiento de cualquier organización, siempre desde la particular visión del éxito de TerraCycle.

10 Self-Care Tips for the New Year

It’s a new year, and I know it sounds so cliche, but it’s a great time to start fresh, make some resolutions and work on improving certain areas of your life. This year, I will be working more on self-care. As a stay-at-home Mom to two toddlers, age 3.5 and almost 2, self-care is something I have let slide for quite a while now. When you’re wrapped up in all of the day-to-day activities of your kids, it can be hard to find the time or energy to take care of yourself too, but it’s so important. If you’re like me, you probably expend all of your energy taking care of everyone else, and just feel completely zapped by the end of the day. There are a few things you can do for yourself throughout the day, however, that will greatly improve how you feel.   Make the Switch to Natural Products – Self-care really starts with what we put in and on our bodies. Tom’s of Maine natural deodorant contains no aluminum, artificial fragrances or preservatives and no petrochemicals, and offers clinically proven, 24-hour odor protection using odor-fighting hops, the mineral zinc and only natural fragrances.   Tom’s of Maine also has fully recyclable packaging through local municipalities or the TerraCycle Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade. I think it’s so great that they not only offer natural products, but packaging that can be easily recycled too. If that wasn’t enough, they also give 10% of their profits back to helping people and the planet!

This Mental Shift Will Help You Protect The Planet

Topics like natural resource depletion, climate change, landfill waste, and water contamination are often presented with a side of "fire and brimstone," causing them to seem negative and inaccessible. However, a touch of mindfulness can make sustainable living much more accessible. Establishing a practice of mindfulness, the process of being more present and aware of your thinking and emotions, is one of the best things you can do for the planet (and your own well-being). Here's why making an effort to tune in and connect with your day-to-day experiences can help you become a more effective steward of the environment.

1. Increased productivity can reduce your carbon footprint.

In the workplace, in the classroom, and at home, we are expected to wear many hats and constantly "do more." Mindfulness helps us gain clarity on what's actually important and what we have the ability to do, resulting in increased productivity and a better use of time and resources. This may translate to a reduction in carbon emissions from less time spent driving, less food waste due to better budgeting, and more free time to learn about sustainable best practices for the home.

2. Thoughtful decision making may lead to more sustainable purchasing habits.

Our culture of convenience trains us to look for things outside of ourselves (i.e., products and services) to solve problems. In the food industry, for example, pre-chopped produce, meal delivery services, and healthy snack subscriptions serve as more convenient ways to obtain quality foods. However, many of these items also come paired with excessive packaging and high carbon emissions from transportation. Remaining conscious of what's happening inside your head while shopping is key to making a personal connection to your purchases, spending better, and supporting ethical manufacturers.

3. Decluttering your mind can help you find solutions for physical clutter.

Mindfulness practices often require us to create a routine around letting go. By doing away with what no longer serves you, you part ways with the material possessions that make you feel blocked or stuck. However, it's important to remember that while they may no longer be useful to you, all items have some sort of intrinsic value. Instead of simply throwing your discarded items in the trash, dispose of them in a more ethical, sustainable manner. Try bringing them to a thrift store, giving them to friends or relatives, or donating them to Goodwill. For those items that are difficult to reuse or recycle, my company, TerraCycle, offers a customizable Zero Waste Box that feeds back raw materials into the value system.

4. Taking in your surroundings creates a greater investment in the environment.

Mindfulness is a heightened way of observing oneself and one's surroundings. Part of that is paying attention to your relationship with your environment and the effect each party has on the others. So stop and smell the roses—literally. Slowing down to take stock of what you have as an individual and as a member of the global community will help you understand the great effects your day-to-day actions (and inactions) can have on the environment. This understanding translates to a moral obligation to protect the earth and move through the world fulfilling your highest potential.