Rinse, Recycle and Repeat: Garnier’s Recycling Campaign

Garnier hair care has partnered with dosomething.org, a campaign-based website to connect people who want to see positive change in the world. This specific campaign — Rinse, Recycle, Repeat — has the goal to make positive impact on the environment by keeping 10 million bathroom empties out of landfills by the end of 2017. In order to fulfill this goal, Garnier has set out to make the concept of recycling bathroom products simple. Nearly half of Americans don’t know how to dispose of shampoo and conditioner bottles properly. Gearing this campaign specifically towards college-aged women, Garnier is hoping to change that with six easy steps. How to get involved:  1.       Sign-up for Rinse, Recycle, Repeat on dosomething.org/rinse and download the campaign e-toolkit, with info from Garnier & TerraCycle 2.       Decorate a bathroom recycling bin 3.       Print branded bin sign and materials from the e-tool kit 4.       Fill the bin with #empties 5.       Upload a photo of the bin to the Prove It section on the dosomething.org/rinse. You can also submit your photo by texting RINSE to 38383.  6.       Participants will be emailed a one-click shipping label; once their recycling bin is full, ship it to TerraCycle.

Coffee pods served up en masse to Burnaby energy plant

The leading producers of non-reusable coffee pods are trying to make a dent in the amount of waste flowing into Canadian landfills.   The tricky part is that single-serve pods made by Keurig and Nespresso aren’t easily recycled. Add to that, 40 per cent of Canadians say they have a pod-based coffee machine in their home, according to market researchers NPD Group.   Keurig pods are made of mixed materials — a plastic cup, paper filter, foil top and coffee grounds — and require effort to separate and recycle. Nespresso pods are mainly recyclable aluminum, which must be cleared of grounds.   Keurig coffee pods are now being burned for energy at the Covanta waste-to-energy facility in Burnaby after the closing of the LaFarge cement plant in Kamloops last year.   The LaFarge plant had been taking about 1.4 million plastic Keurig pods recovered each year by Van Houtte Coffee Services and turning them to ash, an ingredient in cement. But that all came to an end late in 2016 when LaFarge permanently shuttered the cement operation.   Pods from Van Houtte are processed by a partner company, Revolution, where the grounds are removed from the cups and used for certified organic compost, according to a Keurig spokesperson.   The plastic cups are incinerated by Covanta to produce electricity and heat.   Brianne Theberge, a resident of Coquitlam, is one of 5,840 Canadians who collect pods for recycling through the Nespresso Capsule Recycling Program.   “I collect Nespresso pods from our family and three other families in my neighbourhood,” she said. “We always felt bad using disposable capsules. It’s a one-time thing and then you throw it out and you feel bad about it. The problem is that we don’t drink enough coffee to make a whole pot.”   The pods are left intact and picked up by a courier each month and sent to TerraCycle Canada, a company that specializes in difficult-to-recycle packaging.   “We had been Nespresso users for years and then I got a letter in the mail from Nespresso about the recycling program,” she said. I thought, ‘It looks pretty easy, so I’m going to sign up.’ ”   Theberge collects pods — grounds included — from three of her neighbours, who deposit them on her porch once a month. She has collected more than 3,000 capsules for the program, which has diverted 9,659,604 capsules in Canada, according to Veronica Rajadnya of TerraCycle.   According to TerraCycle, plastics are washed, shredded and pelletized for use in manufacturing while the metals are smelted for reuse. Residual coffee is composted.   All single-use pods are accepted for recycling in British Columbia if the consumer first removes and disposes of the foil top and coffee grounds, according to Multi-Material B.C.   Reliable figures are hard to find, but Keurig confirms selling 57 billion pods worldwide to date. 


PUR Water Filtration Pitchers and Faucet Filtration Systems, from Helen of Troy Health and Home, officially launches on World Water Day (March 22, 2017) at an event featuring Dr. David Suzuki as guest of honour and keynote speaker. Dr. David Suzuki will address the individual responsibility each Canadian has to the environment, and more specifically water quality. Mr. Michael Mitchell from PUR, will discuss the next generation of water filtration systems certified to remove 99% of lead, and more specifically, MAXION® Filter Technology – PUR’s unique formulation approach for blending carbon and ion exchange materials for maximum contaminant reduction. TerraCycle will officially launch and discuss its corporate and environmental responsibility partnership with PUR.

El plástico que ensucia las playas se convierte en materia prima

El proyecto requerirá 2.600 toneladas de plástico al año, por lo que la empresa contará con el apoyo de dos organizaciones que se dedican al reciclaje y la limpieza de las playas y oceános: TerraCycle y SUEZ. H&s pertenece a la multinacional P&G, que ha anunciado también que en 2018 producirá ya medio billón de botellas de productos (un 90% del total de botellas que vende la marca en Europa) hechas con hasta un 25% de plástico reciclado. Desde P&G afirman que confían en que su apuesta anime al resto de la industria a hacer lo mismo y que creen que su iniciativa “hace más sencillo a los consumidores elegir productos más sostenibles sin sacrificar nada”.

The Great Value of Your Waste: Conferencia *** Michael Waas

¡Hola! De parte de la SAIDS los invitamos el Lunes 27 de Marzo a la plática "The Great Value of Your Waste", sobre la eliminación de la idea de la basura. Nos acompaña Michael Waas, Vicepresidente Global de Asociaciones de Marca de TerraCycle. La conferencia será impartida en inglés. A continuación encontrarán una liga para el registro del evento, es muy importante hacer uso de ella ya que habrá cupo limitado. ¡Los esperamos! http://bit.ly/2lRZqrY . Greetings, On behalf of SAIDS we would like to invite you this Monday, March 27th to the conference "The Great Value of Your Waste", on the elimination of the idea of garbage. We will be joined by Michael Waas, Global Vice-president of Brand Partnership at TerraCycle. Below you will find a registration form for the event; it is crucial to register prior to the event as there will be limited space in the venue. We look forward to seeing you! http://bit.ly/2lRZqrY

In Fructis Relaunch, Garnier Targets Millennial Bathroom Behavior

Garnier USA is teaming up with DoSomething.org and TerraCycle to get the young women of America to change their bathroom behavior and increase recycling of the millions of beauty and personal-care products bottles that wind up in landfills each year. The “Rinse, Recycle, Repeat” campaign stars YouTube star Remi Cruz in a PSA, and aims to turn 10 million empties into something more useful  The campaign is part of a larger repositioning of Garnier’s flagship Fructis brand, says Ali Goldstein, SVP/marketing. “We haven’t done a massive renovation of this brand since it was introduced in 2003, and young women have changed a lot since then.” She tells Marketing Daily that the company pepped up the brand’s formulation, adding super fruits and citrus proteins, for example. It has redesigned the shape of packaging, and started a new ad campaign from Publicis. But the relaunch “also includes a change in the packaging itself, which is now made from 50% post-recycled materials, up from 30%.” And it’s added a smart label, which lets users scan a QR code for in-depth information about the product.  She says younger Millennials and Gen Zers are, as most market researchers agree, more concerned about sustainability in the products they buy. “But because our products have always been based on natural ingredients, it’s especially embedded in our DNA.” That said, there are still significant obstacles to bathroom-based recycling, she says. So while the company has partnered with TerraCycle on recycling efforts since 2011, it wanted to step up the effort by working with DoSomething.org, which includes more than 5.5 million young activists. Overall, about half of Americans don’t recycle beauty and personal care product packaging. “While people have bigger kitchens where they can set up multiple bins, most of us have small bathrooms. And beauty products are made from so many different materials—it can be very confusing.” The DoSomething.org challenge asks young people on college campuses to make bins for bathrooms and start collecting. Once they have 10 pounds of empties, Garnier funds shipping to TerraCycle, which turns them into materials for playgrounds and gardens. The winner of the contest, who is asked to promote it on social media using an #empties hashtag, gets a $5,000 scholarship, as well as the chance to choose the location of one of the three Green Gardens Garnier intends to build with the TerraCycle materials this year. (It has already built such gardens in New York, Detroit, and New Orleans, and is planning to build three more this year, including one in partnership with Kroger, in Cincinnati.)

Concientizan sobre medio ambiente a la niñez mexicana

Johnson Controls y TerraCycle brindan conferencia y taller a niñas y niños de primaria para reflexionar sobre problemas medioambientales.

MTY, México.- El sábado 11 de marzo, la escuela ‘Primero de mayo’, ubicada en Santa Catarina N.L., recibió una conferencia de Johnson Controls en la que se habló de la huella de carbono y la huella de hídrica. También, TerraCycle habló de su labor dentro del reciclaje y su enfoque en la eliminación de la idea de la basura. Tras esto, niñas y niños participaron en un taller en el que se aprendió a realizar diversos productos con materiales de las brigadas de reciclaje de TerraCycle, como bolsas de botana y galletas, empaques de pan y pan dulce, productos de cuidado bucal y jabones; algunos de los objetos realizados fueron flores, carteras, pulseras y cajas. Al final de la actividad, tanto alumnado como personal docente reflexionaron sobre la importancia de medir el impacto ambiental que tienen las acciones cotidianas diarias, así como la solución de darle una nueva vida a la basura que producimos todos los días. A su vez, el evento funcionó como plataforma para que la escuela siga concientizando a la comunidad sobre el proyecto que tienen a corto plazo. Dicho proyecto consiste en el diseño, construcción y equipamiento de una biblioteca a base de material reciclado,  este espacio servirá para explotar las habilidades y potencial de los estudiantes. Por otra parte, la primaria se convertiría en una de las primeras instituciones educativas del país que cuente con inmobiliario sustentable. Con esto, la primaria demuestra su compromiso con la minimización del deterioro ambiental y sirven de ejemplo para que otros emprendan actividades similares que ayuden al planeta.

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PUR Water Filtration Pitchers and Faucet Filtration Systems, from Helen of Troy Health and Home, officially launches on World Water Day (March 22, 2017) at an event featuring Dr. David Suzuki as guest of honour and keynote speaker. Dr. David Suzuki will address the individual responsibility each Canadian has to the environment, and more specifically water quality. Mr. Michael Mitchell from PUR, will discuss the next generation of water filtration systems certified to remove 99% of lead, and more specifically, MAXION® Filter Technology – PUR’s unique formulation approach for blending carbon and ion exchange materials for maximum contaminant reduction. TerraCycle will officially launch and discuss its corporate and environmental responsibility partnership with PUR.