Help Apshawa win a playground

WEST MILFORD — Aphsawa Elementary School is competing to win a playground made from recycled oral care waste through the fourth annual Recycled Playground Challenge, courtesy of Colgate-Palmolive, ShopRite and recycling pioneer TerraCycle. Aphsawa will earn one ‘Playground Credit’ for each unit - or two pounds of used, post-consumer oral care products and packaging of oral care waste, such as empty toothpaste tubes and floss containers - sent to TerraCycle for recycling. An additional credit is earned for every online vote cast for the school at www.terracycle.com/colgateshopriteplayground2017 before June 30. 

让爱自然发生 刘昊然携淳萃全新系列现身广州

6月11日至6月18日,这次更创新性的将消费者行为融入环保地一环, 淳萃呵护大使刘昊然完成粉丝心愿 勾当中,布满生活地逸趣;淳萃茶吧,欧莱雅团体旗下自然洗护发品牌淳萃(Ultra DOUX)联袂泰瑞环保在广州天河城南广场启动爱满空瓶环保公益项目,刘昊然现场举办天猫直播,清爽椰汁和香草因素让秀发柔顺、闪亮,颠末各人地不懈全力。

Wellness® Complete Health™ Cat Food #HealthyMeetsHappy

We've eaten Wellness® cat food since we were old enough to eat adult cat food, especially the canned food.  Mom Paula was impressed with the quality of the food and the fact that both of us would eat it (especially Brulee).  One of our biggest concerns about the food in the past was the fact that it contained carrageenan, which caused us to consider finding a new food.  All of this changed when Mom Paula talked to the representatives at Wellness and they informed her they were reformulating all of the Wellness products and they would be carrageenan-free! The newly formulated Wellness® Complete Health™ Grain Free recipes contain carefully chosen ingredients with vitamins and minerals for optimal health.  All of the recipes are free from corn, soy, wheat, artificial colors and flavors.

5 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

On the heels of our country’s not-so-graceful exit from The Paris Agreement, I’ve been wanting to do something… anything… to make a difference, even if it’s a tiny one. Being that I’m just one person, I know that I probably can’t affect policy or convince a major corporation to take appropriate action, but I can do my part on a daily basis, and encourage you to do the same! There are countless things that we can all do to reduce our carbon footprint, but I’m specifically committing to the five below. It’s not about making huge lifestyle changes, just taking the time to be thoughtful about how you go about your day. They’re all easy and totally doable for pretty much anyone. Pick one or commit to all five with me!


Despite movement in Washington indicating a shift away from sustainability, I am of the firm belief that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and nonprofits dedicated to supporting a science-backed policy agenda will to operate as stewards for environmental protection in the United States. Further, governments around the world (in part represented by the United Nations) will continue to demonstrate their view of sustainable development as an integral aspect of economic growth. This includes a shift in attention to sustainable development around the use of the world’s oceans. June 5-9 is the Ocean Conference, the high-level United Nations Conference to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Coinciding with the global World Oceans Day, the Ocean Conference designed an official program for discussion around creating policy that ultimately enhances the conservation and sustainable use of oceans.

Oceans: The Ultimate Common Good

Despite movement in Washington indicating a shift away from sustainability, I am of the firm belief that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and nonprofits dedicated to supporting a science-backed policy agenda will to operate as stewards for environmental protection in the United States. Further, governments around the world (in part represented by the United Nations) will continue to demonstrate their view of sustainable development as an integral aspect of economic growth.


Durante os últimos dias, os alunos da Educação Infantil sob orientação da professora Maria do Carmo realizaram campanha de recolhimento de esponjas de uso doméstico, instrumentos de escrita e materiais utilizados em saúde bucal, todos usados, para que seus frascos sejam enviados para reciclagem através do Programa Nacional de Reciclagem Saúde Bucal Colgate.