A Brigada de Saúde Bucal recolhe tubos usados de pasta dental, escovas dentais usadas, caixas de fio dental e embalagens destes materiais que normalmente são descartados em lixo comum. A atividade tem parceria com a TerraCycle, entidade internacional que busca eliminar a Ideia de lixo reciclando o “não reciclável”.
O setor de cosmética vem se mostrando bastante sensível à questão. Pensando em solucionar esse problema e ainda reaproveitar o resíduo marinho, a P&G desenvolveu uma parceria com as empresas especialistas em reciclagem, TerraCycle e SUEZ, para produzir embalagens feitas de plástico pós-consumo.
Fur babies share our love in ways human beings cannot, think about your pet cat for instance. Cats can be independent, but they truly do enjoy being around you, even though they might prefer standing on your computer while you work or sleeping on your head while you, yourself is sleeping. Fur babies make the best of friends quite possibly because they can’t talk back to us. When petting our fur babies we tend to feel more relaxed, less anxious and in turn our health is much better.
Fun fact: Every piece of plastic ever produced still exists in the world today. It’s a pretty strong argument for brands to use alternative packaging materials.
As consumers become more aware of the impact that plastic and non-recyclable waste is having on the world’s environment and ecosystems, their demand for alternatives is becoming increasingly vocal.
When the UK Recycling Association recently denounced the famous Pringles tube as ‘the number one recycling villain,’ the story began trending on Twitter, as people encouraged one another to boycott brands until they have re-thought their packaging.
It’s consumer pressure like this that compels businesses to “harness the power of bad publicity by taking definitive and innovative action,” LS:N Global reports. “There are plenty of examples of companies leading the way to fully recyclable, re-usable or even zero-packaging futures.”
Examples like London-based company Skipping Rocks Lab, who recently created Ooho – the world’s first edible water ‘bottle’ made from seaweed; Saltwater Brewery in Florida who come up with a six-pack beer ring made out of edible wheat and barley that can be consumed by fish – so it aids rather than endangers marine life; and French company Lactips who developed an edible plastic made from the milk protein casein, which can be dissolved in hot and cold water, is totally biodegradable within 18 days and can be used as home compost.
While not quite so innovative, back in New Zealand, Raglan Coconut Yoghurt has just partnered with TerraCycle to create the country’s first recyclable yoghurt pouch for their Little Yoghi range. While the recycling process still involves consumers collecting and posting used pouches back to TerraCycle, the materials can then be re-purposed to make things like park benches, watering cans and waste bins.
Recycling and sustainability are issues that are only going to increase in importance for consumers. Statistics from Nielsen and Deloitte consistently show that Millennials are the group most likely to choose products seen as sustainable or developed by socially and environmentally responsible organisations. As a result “brands must step up their sustainability credentials to ensure they retain their appeal and secure a long-term future,” says LS:N.
O Grupo Escolar Elisa Gessele Orsi fez a apresentação de vídeos sobre reciclagem de lixo e também deu destaque ao projeto que a escola realiza, em parceria com a empresa TerraCycle, que coleta materiais de difícil reciclagem.
Desenvolvido há um ano, o projeto mudou a rotina dos moradores da região e deu uma nova cara para o bairro. Tudo começou porque as crianças estavam preocupadas com a quantidade de lixo jogada nas ruas da região e com o aparecimento de doenças como a dengue.
A parceria entre as marcas Head & Shoulders, TerraCycle e Suez resultou na produção da primeira embalagem reciclável de shampoo feita a partir de plásticos retirados dos oceanos, praias e rios do mundo...
Pensando em solucionar esse problema e ainda reaproveitar o resíduo marinho, a P&G desenvolveu uma parceria com as empresas especialistas em reciclagem, TerraCycle e SUEZ, para produzir embalagens feitas de plástico pós-consumo para os shampoos da linha Head & Shoulders.
CHICAGO, June 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of its nationwide EveryOneCan program, Coors Light will donate five cents to Keep Texas Beautiful for every Silver Bullet served in participating Texas bars through August 31, 2017. The donation, potentially as much as $100,000, commemorates the organization's 50th anniversary.