
近日欧莱雅集团旗下自然洗护发品牌淳萃(Ultra DOUX)携手泰瑞环保在广州启动“爱满空瓶”环保公益项目,并呈现新品椰香沁润、珍宝原蜜系列。活动当天,淳萃呵护大使刘昊然现身现场,进行了天猫直播,表演绕口令、真心话以及私物分享。消费者扫描二维码即可参与“爱满空瓶”环保公益项目,使用后的淳萃空瓶将通过泰瑞环保的网站进行回收,再经过零污染的方式处理,制作成崭新的课桌椅捐赠给光爱学校的孩子们。

2 kids, 30 boxes and a clean desk drawer

Picture it. You have an emergency message to jot down, so you grab the nearest pen … and it’s dry. So you grab another pen, and another, then finally find the Holy Grail … a pen that works! You chicken-scratch that message and all is well. Though some us acknowledge the dry pen’s lifespan and toss it, many of us (cough, me, cough) put it back in the drawer, hoping it will come back to life, dreading its demise in landfill. This, of course, means repeating the whole frustrating process another day. If you too have a drawer full of expired pens, I have good news! What once could only go to landfill can now go to a special recycling program (no, not the blue bin, please don’t put pens in the blue bin).  We have a new program called “Operation Ecopen” What goes in?


Drinking more water helps your health in more ways than one: it replenishes fluids in muscles and tissues throughout the day and post-workout; it satisfies your thirst, which can sometimes be mistaken for hunger and cause you to inadvertently eat more than you need; it alleviates signs of dehydration like fatigue, brain fog, and headaches. I'm lucky to live in a municipality with great-tasting, safe drinking water straight from the tap, and there's filtered water at the office and the barre studio. But if that's not the case where you live, getting your required eight glasses a day becomes more challenging. The solution?

Why should you buy Wellness to spoil your cat?

First off because it makes them happy. To say my cats look forward to dinnertime is an understatement. Giving them a cat food with better nutrition is one of the best things I can do for Nixie and Milo. Wellness does whatever it takes to create the healthiest foods for the pets that depend on us. Their dry and canned foods are free from corn, soy and wheat as well as artificial colors and flavors and they are also free of carrageenan.

Sauberer Kinderspaß

Das ist mal eine wirklich tolle Aktion. Jetzt macht es uns der dm drogeriemarkt nicht nur leicht, unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu verringern sondern sorgt mit seiner neuen Nachhaltigkeits-Kampagne auch noch für garantierten Spielspaß.


  • Más de 11 mil personas han sido beneficiadas con las acciones permanentes de la defensoría municipal
  • A través de la campaña “Reciclando con causa” se han obtenido recursos para 3 sillas de ruedas, 3 andaderas y 2 bañera

El gobierno de Huixquilucan, encabezado por el alcalde Enrique Vargas del Villar, a través de la Defensoría Municipal de Derechos Humanos, ha beneficiado a más de 11 mil personas durante éste año, con pláticas en escuelas, con grupos de personas de la tercera edad, alcohólicos anónimos y asesorías jurídicas.   De acuerdo con el defensor municipal, Mario Benito Fierro, de enero a la fecha se han brindado 260 asesorías jurídicas, 14 pláticas a grupos de adultos mayores y  de alcohólicos anónimos. De manera coordinada con la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México (CODHEM) se han impartido pláticas, a elementos policiacos y  personal administrativo, que han sido de gran interés para los trabajadores.   Cabe recordar que en febrero pasado arrancó la segunda etapa de la campaña “Reciclado con Causa”, en la cual Huixquilucan participa activamente, muestra de ello es que a la fecha se han obtenido los recursos necesarios para adquirir 3 sillas de ruedas, 3 andaderas y 2 bañeras.   Dicha actividad, se realiza a través de las escuelas en las cuales se disponen de 6 contendores para la recolección de las envolturas de productos alimenticios y de higiene personal. El material recolectado se entrega a la empresa TerraCycle, que lo cambia por puntos y éstos a su vez en dinero, el cual se utiliza para ayudar a personas en situación vulnerable.


Have you ever thought about your drinking water? I mean…really thought about it? On one hand, we are incredibly blessed here in our country and we have access to clean, safe drinking water every single day. That is AMAZING. On the other hand, our drinking water is still polluted. It is polluted with things such as lead, mercury, pesticides, chlorine, etc. When you put it this way, our drinking water might not sound quite as great as we once thought.


Have you ever thought about your drinking water? I mean…really thought about it? On one hand, we are incredibly blessed here in our country and we have access to clean, safe drinking water every single day. That is AMAZING. On the other hand, our drinking water is still polluted. It is polluted with things such as lead, mercury, pesticides, chlorine, etc. When you put it this way, our drinking water might not sound quite as great as we once thought.

Because You Asked: Can I Recycle Glass Candle Jars?

Because You Asked: Can I Recycle Glass Candle Jars? Dear Recyclebank: I was wondering if the glass jars that candles come in, such as those that Yankee Candle® uses, are recyclable with regular glass? –Leslie H. Dear Leslie: If you’re like me, you’ll agree that gatherings on summer nights almost feel incomplete without a candle or two burning. This is especially true if you use citronella candles to fend off mosquitoes. Candles in jars are an easy way to light your cookout, or 4th of July party, with minimal mess, but once they’ve burned down, you’ve got extra waste on your hands.

Hawthorne students master recycling ropes in playground contest

It pays to recycle. Ask the students at the Hawthorne Elementary School in Willingboro. Their hard work paid off in a big way recently when they were able to jump and climb on the new playground they won in the 2016 TerraCycle Recycled Playground Challenge for the first time.
And did she ever...