
 泰瑞环保由Tom Szaky (汤姆·萨基) 在2001年于美国创办。公司宗旨是倡导新思维,用新视觉重新看待垃圾这一概念,让废品都能产生价值,创造更多的可能。从起初的一个极小的创业公司,泰瑞环保现已经成长为国际行业领袖,专注于难以回收的废弃物,进行收集和重新规划用途。公司在20多个国家开展业务,至今参与者已超过6000万人,通过公司各项创新平台回收废品总计达数十亿件,并为世界各地的慈善机构筹得超过 1500万美金的善款。

8 ripple effects of the circular economy in 2017

The effects of the circular economy — which swaps the "take, make, dispose" model for one in which resources are kept in play for as long as possible — spread far this past year. The United Nations presented recycling company TerraCycle with an award this year for working with P&G on the "Ocean Plastic Bottle," the first commercially available consumer-grade bottle made from 10 percent marine plastic and 90 percent recycled plastic.

Holiday Recycling Tips

Madison residents can reduce the amount of trash that follows Santa’s arrival—and departure—with these recycling tips from the Madison Environmental Commission. Recycle mascara tubes, lipstick, lip balm, blush, foundation, moisturizer containers, toothbrushes, shampoo bottles, deodorant containers and other personal care items through TerraCycle.

Wait — you can recycle that? Rock Island woman works to rescue the unrecyclable

Karen Neder wants your squeezed-out toothpaste tubes, your used-up glue sticks, and your old water filters. By pick-up, drive-by or drop off, she’ll take it all. The magic in Neder’s alchemy is TerraCycle, a company that collects, reuses, upcycles and recycles hard-to-recycle waste. Founded in 2001, the company's website says it operates in more than 20 countries to recycle billions of pieces of waste through various means.

Two Steps Forward: 2017 was the year that …

It felt like it would never end. But, at long last, the curtain is closing on 12 extraordinary months that were strange and unprecedented, to say the least. The conversation certainly was vibrant. In January, Procter & Gamble, TerraCycle and Suez joined the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the circular economy think tank, at a World Economic Forum panel in Davos to talk about a plan to increase plastics recycling to 70 percent within three years; it’s currently around 14 percent.

As part of its Go Green initiatives, the school participated in a candy wrapper collection this fall as part of a school contest sponsored by Loggerhead Marine Center. WACS collected 34.6 pounds of candy wrappers and was among the top three schools in the contest. The marine center partnered with TerraCycle and sent all candy wrappers and packaging collected to be re-purposed into new supplies.


宝洁公司全球可持续发展副总裁Virginie Helias说道:“作为全球头号洗洁精及英国备受推崇的品牌企业,我们希望利用Fairy品牌来提高人们对海洋污染以及回收重要性的认识。通过使用海洋回收塑料,我们的消费者目前非常关注这一问题,并希望我们在废旧塑料应用方面创造更多的机会。”   这款海洋回收塑料瓶是与回收专家Terra Cycle公司一起合作生产的,并将于2018年上市应用。宝洁公司表示,这次将在英国推出32万瓶,是迄今为止海洋回收塑料应用规模最大的一次。这款塑料瓶由10%海洋回收塑料(回收塑料由世界各地的海洋和沙滩收集而来)和90%的PCR塑料制成。   TerraCycle公司首席执行官Tom Szaky说道:“我们很高兴能够与驰名品牌Fairy合作推出由100%回收塑料和海洋塑料制成的可回收包装瓶。”海洋污染问题是一个中肯的问题,我们希望其他品牌能够创造性地思考包装废弃物,最终实现循环经济。   抑制塑料流入海洋对维持海洋健康至关重要。据埃伦·麦克阿瑟基金会(EMF)的数据显示,塑料包装材料每年市场值达到800亿美元至1200亿美元,但已经利用的却不足5%,造成极大的经济损失。按照目前的发展来看,截止2050年,废旧塑料可能比海洋中的鱼还要多(按重量计)。   据宝洁公司介绍,宝洁Fairy海洋回收塑料瓶,主要宗旨是扩大其他品牌和地区未来的主动权,公司将继续利用品牌的力量来鼓舞塑料回收。为了从填埋场和海洋中转移废旧的塑料垃圾,宝洁旗下品牌,包括Fairy,Dawn,Yes,Dreft和Joy,将继续转移垃圾填埋中的近9000吨塑料,并混合40%的PCR塑料,平均用于全球4.81亿个透明塑料瓶的生产中。据宝洁公司介绍,如果将这些瓶子堆放起来,其高度将达到珠穆朗玛峰高度的11 倍。