Why collaboration is important for brands and work

In the world we live in right now, conflicts rise left and right. Problems keep on popping out, and people fight over almost anything and everything these days. The corporation also established collaborative relationships with other environmental organizations such as TerraCycle and SUEZ with the intention of bringing advancements on the aspect of sustainable packaging.

Our Entrepreneur360 List: Celebrating the Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America

We applaud everyone who has made this list and congratulate their work. Check out our 2017 Entrepreneur360 list by clicking here. The list featured an array of companies, including the addictive app Dots, the cutting-edge recycling company TerraCycle and popular social media tool Meet Edgar. To make the list, the companies had to be privately-owned businesses in the U.S., with at least one founding member involved in the operations.

Recyclage : sur la route des mégots

Des chercheurs ont trouvé une manière insolite de recycler les mégots de cigarettes. En les intégrant dans un nouveau type d’asphalte, ces déchets pourraient non seulement disparaître mais améliorer aussi les performances de nos routes. 2h du matin, samedi soir à Paris. Devant les bars ça discute mais surtout ça fume et rapidement le sol fini par être jonché de mégots. Côté fumoir, les cendriers débordent pendant que les traits de notre ami en face s’estompent dans une brume toxique. Finalement, qu’on se retrouve à fumer dans cet espace exigu ou par -5 dehors, les ravages sont les mêmes et les déchets s’accumulent.

Buying With Intent: Social Purpose Branding Encourages Buying for a Cause

When it comes to today’s purchasing habits, corporate social responsibility (CSR) or social purpose, are “the new black” to many consumers. As one of the leading eye health companies, Bausch + Lomb has managed to keep its eye on the sustainability prize with its ONE by ONE Recycling Program. The program, made possible through a collaboration with TerraCycle, a world leader in the collection and repurposing of hard-to-recycle post-consumer waste, has diverted more than 7,000 pounds of waste from landfills, and has helped create new post-consumer products.


据现场开展“收回”的,嘉定工业区社区公益基金会工作人员归婷介绍,这是“基金会”与上海一家环保公司共同开展的“吞垃圾小怪兽”生活用品废弃包装收回项目。主要在辖区范围内开展废旧生活用包装兑换生活用品的的方式,来激励居民提高环保意识。 据了解:“吞垃圾小怪兽”活动是嘉定工业区社区公益基金会与“泰瑞环保”共同发起的一项公益活动。活动通过进入社区开展废旧牙膏牙刷类和洗护产品空瓶回收为主题的活动,通过回收的废旧产品再利用,升级回收或循环再造变成各种负担得起的、可持续的消费品,是中国的社区内首次尝试对这些难以回收的物品进行再回收。

2017: The year that… sustainability got innovative

Here’s things modern consumers like: efficacy, forward-thinking products, and a clean-living back-story to their brands. Procter & Gamble kick-started the year teaming up with TerraCycle and Suez to announce its new recyclable Head & Shoulders shampoo bottle made from beach plastic, said to be a world-first. Such was the success of this creation that P&G received the United Nation’s Momentum for Change award in the Planetary Health category in October this year.