NJ Today: Central Jersey Daily Rundown, April 4
Playground challenge expansion
TerraCycle announced an expansion to the 2018 Recycled Playground Challenge, its fifth annual partnership with Colgate and ShopRite to teach school students, teachers and communities about preserving healthy smiles and a healthy environment.Cardiff’s Volvo Ocean Race to Showcase Several Innovative Projects
Embalagens da Indústria da Beleza, você sabe quais se comprometem com o pós consumo?
A P&G desenvolveu uma solução em parceria com duas empresas especializadas em soluções ambientais, a TerraCycle e a SUEZ, para transformar plásticos descartados nos oceanos em embalagens recicláveis de shampoo da marca Head & Shoulders.
Concurso de coleta de resíduos premia escolas públicas
A instituição de ensino pública que mais arrecadar instrumentos de escrita para a reciclagem será premiada com kits de material escolar durante um ano.
Campanha para descarte adequado de canetas na Cidade Administrativa
Os materiais coletados serão encaminhados para a TerraCycle, parceira da Faber Castell, que promove a reciclagem desse resíduo transformando-os em pellets, matéria-prima utilizada na confecção de bancos, lixeiras e outros objetos.
Subaru, TerraCycle team up to divert hard-to-recycle waste from landfills
Subaru of America, a subsidiary of Japan’s Subaru, has partnered with TerraCycle to help divert hard-to-recycle waste from landfills and repurpose into community solutions.
Subaru launches partnership with TerraCycle to divert hard-to-recycle waste
Subaru of America, Inc., has announced a new partnership with TerraCycle to help divert hard-to-recycle waste from landfills and incinerators through the automaker's environmentally-focused philanthropic platform, Subaru Loves the Earth. With less than a quarter of the 230 million tons of trash generated annually in U.S. getting recycled, Subaru and TerraCycle® are teaming up to intercept and repurpose hard to recycle items.
Your Ultimate Guide to Recycling
A lot of us already set aside plastic milk jugs, glass bottles and old newspapers for the recycling bin. But with Earth Day approaching, it doesn’t hurt to ask: Could we all be doing more? A lot of times, our good intentions to help the planet are thwarted by recycling incorrectly or simply not knowing what can be recycled. If you’re looking to pitch in more – or even to just get started! – check out our easy-to-follow tips.