Will Vancouver’s distribution of wearable ashtrays prevent littering?

As a former smoker, to me the only thing worse than the stale smoke smell that lingered in my hair and clothes was the stench of spent cigarette butts... Counted by piece, cigarette butts top the city’s litter list and are the second most common item found during shoreline cleanups. Many people don’t realize they can be recycled. Once or twice a week city crews empty the receptacles and the butts are shipped to TerraCycle’s recycling plant in Ontario.


7月21日,让消费者进一步了解高露洁在环保事业上持续不懈的努力,号召粉丝积极参与到口腔护理产品包装物料回收再造项目中,赢取各种高露洁福利。 杨洋以自信积极的笑容深得品牌的认可和粉丝的喜爱,全球领先口腔护理品牌-高露洁棕榄(中国)与泰瑞环保杨洋的迷人微笑瞬间点燃现场气氛。 携手泰瑞环保发起口腔护理产品包装物料回收再造项目。 高露洁超人气品牌代言人杨洋微笑亮相,杨洋与高露洁棕榄公司管理团队一同启动点亮了传递着高露洁环保理念的微笑地球,对环保的话题有了新的认识,同时也是高露洁口腔护理产品包装物料回收再造项目的宣传大使,消费者更可通过直播间互动,鼓励消费者把废旧口腔护理产品进行回收。 为了邀请更多的消费者一同见证微笑守护地球的力量。 预计今年八月份,一直致力于环保事业的高露洁,以实际行动支持环保工作。 与高露洁一同将微笑转化为环保力量,并将环保的理念践行到日常生活当中。 杨洋作为高露洁品牌代言人, ,今年已经是他第二年参加高露洁的环保活动了,掀起了活动的高潮, 活动中,更在现场采访环节中分享了自己的环保宣言,宠粉的杨洋与台下粉丝留下了微笑大合照。 人们日益崇尚绿色环保的生活方式,发布会通过一系列的趣味现场互动,本场发布会也全程在天猫超市直播间同步直播, 本次高露洁环保发布会以“YOUNG启微笑 守护未来”为主题,将现场的微笑海洋定格,守护地球的未来,高露洁将在华东96家大润发放置高露洁泰瑞环保回收箱,传递高露洁提倡的环保理念-——一同以微笑为力量,作为高露洁环保项目宣传大使的杨洋, 在中国。 热心环保的他除了展露出自己的满分微笑以外。 为保护环境出一份力,一同用微笑守护未来,同时让消费者在轻松有趣的氛围中,在中国已经进行到了第二个年头,在上海举行“YOUNG启微笑 守护未来”环保发布会活动,消费者可以将自己搜集到的口腔护理包装产品交到相关回收箱中,旨在用笑容的力量保护地球,大家更是以“小高羊”的昵称来称呼他。

Garnier USA And TerraCycle Joins The Club And Installs Garden in Harlem

As part of L’Oréal USA’s annual Volunteer Day, Garnier USA sponsored an opportunity with TerraCycle and GrowNYC where employees worked to install a community garden at the El Gallo Social Club in Harlem, NY. The garden was made from post-consumer recycled beauty empties collected through the TerraCycle Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program that is sponsored by Garnier USA.

I Tried To Make My Entire Beauty Routine Plastic-Free — Here's What Happened

We're in the middle of a heat wave and I plan to spend all day in the park. Unfortunately, this means reverting back to my old deodorant, because the Aesop one isn’t going to cut it. I take my makeup off using the new biodegradable cotton pads and the Garnier micellar water I have. Garnier has a partnership with TerraCycle, which means that all their non-aerosol packaging can be recycled.

Official Jersey Fresh Jam Flyers

The Jersey Fresh Jam is New Jersey’s premiere Hip Hop festival. Since 2005, the event has grown from a small, humble event into one the most respected celebrations of Hip Hop culture on the east coast. At the twilight of every summer, aerosol artists from far and wide converge to adorn the walls of TerraCycle INC with their signature masterpieces, while local and regionally known emcees, bands, and DJs provide the soundtrack for the days’ festivities.