
7月21日,全球领先口腔护理品牌-高露洁棕榄(中国)与泰瑞环保,携手高露洁超人气品牌代言人杨洋,在上海举行“YOUNG启微笑守护未来”环保发布会活动。发布将微笑与环保元素充分结合,传递出高露洁“微笑守护地球,守护未来”的环保主张,并鼓励消费者一起加入到口腔护理产品包装物料回收再造项目中,为地球环保出一份力。 在中国,人们日益崇尚绿色环保的生活方式,并将环保的理念践行到日常生活当中。一直致力于环保事业的高露洁,携手泰瑞环保发起口腔护理产品包装物料回收再造项目,在中国已经进行到了第二个年头。高露洁作为一家一直朝着全球领先消费品公司而努力着的企业,坚持承担守护地球环境的社会责任,并持之以恒地付诸于实践。高露洁深信笑容的力量,能够让我们更积极乐观的对待生活。因此,高露洁一直致力于守护大家的珍贵的笑容,同时更希望通过环保公益,改善我们周围的环境和世界,呼吁更多的人们一起为环保出一份力。 很荣幸GIVINGBACK受邀也能参与到这次活动当中。我们使用废弃的牙膏外包装,与广告布结合打造出一系列产品。并在活动现场的独立区域进行展示


日前,一场名为“YOUNG启微笑 守护未来”的环保活动在沪举行。明星杨洋作为环保项目宣传大使,号召大家把废旧口腔护理产品进行回收,为保护环境出一份力。 据介绍,废旧口腔护理产品回收项目由高露洁和泰瑞环保联合发起,泰瑞环保在收到物料后,会将它们清洗,分类,之后熔融造粒,100%循环利用,制成其他耐用产品。自项目开展以来,已有将近7万件口腔护理包装物料被成功回收;并有30家高校、16家NGO以及117个社区联合参与,覆盖约70万消费者。 预计今年八月份,主办方将在华东96家大润发超市放置环保回收箱,大家可以将自己搜集到的口腔护理包装产品交到相关回收箱中,以实际行动支持环保工作。


日前,一场名为“YOUNG启微笑 守护未来”的环保活动在沪举行。明星杨洋作为环保项目宣传大使,号召大家把废旧口腔护理产品进行回收,为保护环境出一份力。 据介绍,废旧口腔护理产品回收项目由高露洁和泰瑞环保联合发起,泰瑞环保在收到物料后,会将它们清洗,分类,之后熔融造粒,100%循环利用,制成其他耐用产品。自项目开展以来,已有将近7万件口腔护理包装物料被成功回收;并有30家高校、16家NGO以及117个社区联合参与,覆盖约70万消费者。 预计今年八月份,主办方将在华东96家大润发超市放置环保回收箱,大家可以将自己搜集到的口腔护理包装产品交到相关回收箱中,以实际行动支持环保工作。

NOW Launches Free Flexible Packaging Recycling Program through TerraCycle

NOW, Bloomingdale, IL, an independent and family-owned manufacturer of natural products in the U.S. health food store channel, has partnered with recycling expert TerraCycle to divert NOW’s flexible packaging from landfills. The NOW Recycling Program enables consumers the opportunity to recycle their toothpaste tubes and flexible food and supplement pouches—items not accepted by most municipal recycling programs.

NOW partners with TerraCycle to recycle its ‘non-recycable’ packaging

Toothpaste tubes and flimsy pouch packaging aren’t accepted by most municipal-run, curbside recycling programs, but NOW is giving customers the option to send back empty packaging of these types to get recycled through a partnership with New Jersey-based TerraCycle, which works with corporations, manufacturers, municipalities, and individual households to process hard-to-recycle materials.

Daily Disposable Contact Lenses: Pros and Cons

In addition to cost, some people object to the amount of waste created by disposable products. While contact lenses and blister packs can't be recycled locally, they can be collected and periodically sent to TerraCycle for recycling. This program is sponsored by Bausch + Lomb, but all brands of lenses and blister packs are accepted. The cardboard boxes that lenses come in can simply be recycled as usual.

Q&A with Brad Smicklas: Hudiburg Subaru accepting hard-to-recycle items

Q: What is Subaru's new recycling program?...A: Hudiburg Subaru in Oklahoma City is accepting "hard-to-recycle" items such as snack/candy wrappers, disposable cups/lids and coffee/tea/creamer pods to be transformed by our partner, TerraCycle, into useful items like park benches, playground equipment and more. The items created from the recycled materials then will be donated to community partners connected to the more than 540 Subaru retailers participating in the initiative.

Recycling 101

Here are a few ideas that should help point you in the right directions. This is by no means a comprehensive list. Please add suggestions on our Facebook page and let other locals know other easy ways to avoid filling the landfill faster... Waste collected through the Terracycle program turns cigarettes and their plastic package wrappers into plastic pallets and compost.

Legendary entrepreneurs are problem solvers

Legendary entrepreneurs are intuitive category designers. To become one yourself, open your mind to the pain points, frustrations and foibles that drive your prospective buyers nuts... If you look at nature, there is no such thing as a useless output. And that was the "aha" moment for Hungarian-born entrepreneur Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle, a company on a mission to eliminate waste.