Flushing your contact lenses down the drain is adding plastic waste to oceans

For its program, Bausch + Lomb partners with a company called TerraCycle that specializes in recycling smaller items that wouldn't normally get separated in the standard process. The issue with lenses is to deal with not only them but their packaging made up of foil and plastic, which has to be separated in order to go to recycling plants, said Rick Zultner, director of process and product development for TerraCycle.

A Guide to Zero-Waste Living

It pays to think creatively about ways to reduce packaging: An increasing number of natural shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes, toothbrushes, beauty and personal-care products have recyclable packaging. Terracycle recycles certain brands of hair-care, skin-care, cosmetic and oral hygiene packaging. To recycle cosmetic packaging (even “non-recyclables”), bring any brand of containers, tubes, bottles and jars to an Origins retailer.

“We Want To Lead A Movement To Use Plastics in A More Responsible Way” With Virginie Helias VP at Procter & Gamble

We have a long history of sustainability at P&G. This is not new to us and not a band wagon we jumped on. We lead by example be it through a new innovation that has the potential to revolutionize the plastics recycling industry, working with partners like Suez and TerraCycle to bring the world’s first bottle made from recycled beach plastic, to making significant contributions to help reduce climate change through our quick and cold cycle laundry detergent.

The List: 8 Sustainable Bathroom Hacks

It’s ironic that bathrooms usually have such small wastebaskets, because after the kitchen, I’m guessing they must be the room in the house that produces the most waste... Many cosmetics companies do their own take-back programs for empty compacts and makeup tubes. For the rest, Terracycle has a mail-in program (you have to pay, so you might want to try to share the cost with some similarly environmental-minded friends).

Flushing your contact lenses down the drain is adding plastic waste to oceans

For its programme, Bausch + Lomb partners with a company called TerraCycle that specialises in recycling smaller items that wouldn't normally get separated in the standard process. The issue with lenses is to deal with not only them but their packaging made up of foil and plastic, which has to be separated in order to go to recycling plants, said Rick Zultner, director of process and product development for TerraCycle.