Belleville is keeping cigarette butts off the street and out of landfills. Partnering with TerraCycle Canada’s Cigarette Recycling Program, Belleville will ensure cigarette butts are properly disposed of and are given a second life through recycling.
Cigarette butts, you see them everywhere, and they’re disgusting.
Belleville has just entered a partnership that can keep cigarette butts off the street and out of landfills. Teaming up with TerraCycle Canada’s cigarette recycling program, Belleville will ensure cigarette butts are properly disposed of and are given a second life through recycling.
Belleville is keeping cigarette butts off the street and out of landfills. Partnering with TerraCycle Canada's Cigarette Recycling Program, Belleville will ensure cigarette butts are properly disposed of and are given a second life through recycling.
Belleville has just entered a partnership that can keep cigarette butts off the street and out of landfills. “Cigarette butts are one of the most littered items in the world and they pose a real threat to our environment,” said Joseph Reid, general manager of transportation and operations services. “The plastic filters soak up chemicals, get tossed and release those chemicals – often into our waterways. By partnering with TerraCycle we’re proud to bring a sustainable solution to Belleville.”
Media coverage of Sylvan Lake’s environmental initiatives spread to the Toronto office of TerraCycle Canada, which reached out to the town. TerraCycle is a private U.S. business headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey.
The town agreed to move forward with a recycling program and bought the collection receptacles from TerraCycle Canada at a cost of $100 each. The cost includes pre-paid, return-shipping labels that can be affixed to boxes of butts and then sent for recycling free of charge.
At TerraCycle, the refuse is sterilized and prepared for processing.
Anualmente são produzidas milhões de esponjas, que por terem um tempo indeterminado de decomposição, podem causar grande impacto ambiental quando descartadas incorretamente. Pensando nesta questão, a marca Scotch-Brite da 3M se uniu à TerraCycle para criar o Programa Nacional de Reciclagem de Esponjas, voltado à
coleta e processamento desse resíduo.
Lentes de contato são uma das opções de tratamento para quem tem
miopia e outros problemas de visão. Elas fornecem um campo de visão maior que o dos óculos e são boas aliadas dos praticantes de exercícios físicos, além de ajudarem na hora de dar um mergulho e encontrar seu guarda-sol na volta (o drama de praia de qualquer pessoa com a vista comprometida).
The kids at Howick Primary School are diverting the Howick community’s oral care waste from landfill for their chance to win one of two recycled community garden sets, as part a national recycling competition run by Colgate and global recycling pioneers TerraCycle.
How does a facility that produces some common hazardous wastes prepare for potential flooding? TerraCycle, an innovative waste management services provider, offers the following recommendations.