How To Recycle Baby Food Pouches

Gary Hensley also shared information on TerraCycle, an interesting program that accepts many items for recycling, including baby pouches, through the mail. After joining, you can print free shipping labels, but the box of recyclables has to weigh five pounds. This may be better suited to groups such as cooperatives, schools, community centers, etc.

Supremia announces eco-friendly cotton bag repurposing initiative

Premiums and promotional packaging specialist Supremia has announced that it has hired TerraCycle to collect and repurpose cotton bags that Supremia is no longer using. Previously, Supremia would either burn or send to landfills the bags it was no longer using. The bags were samples that had been produced for trial, but could not be donated because they were branded. TerraCycle collects the bags and combines them with other cotton products to convert them to low-end yarn called “shoddy.” Shoddy is sold in bulk for use in applications such as insulation or padding in products such as furniture or exercise equipment.

TerraCycle and Hain Celestial Partner to award leading used packaging collector

Boston Terrier Rescue Canada has won a new bench made from recycled plastics through this year's "Recycling Revolution" collection contest, courtesy of Hain Celestial, one of Canada's largest producers of organic and natural food products, and Toronto-based recycling company TerraCycle Canada.  Boston Terrier Rescue Canada collected the most pieces of flexible food packaging waste during the contest period to win the recycled bench, as well as $300 in TerraCycle points that are redeemable for cash payment to their organization.

Reciclagem de esponjas engaja consumidores e alcança a marca de 1 milhão de unidades coletadas

Anualmente são produzidas milhões de esponjas, que por terem um tempo indeterminado de decomposição, podem causar grande impacto ambiental quando descartadas incorretamente. Pensando nesta questão, a marca Scotch-Brite da 3M se uniu à TerraCycle para criar o Programa Nacional de Reciclagem de Esponjas, voltado à coleta e processamento desse resíduo.