Tech Council award winner Sorin: ‘We have one of the most vibrant and thriving ecosystems for technology and venture capital’

The New Jersey Tech Council honored three people and 11 companies at its 22nd annual Anniversary Awards celebration Thursday night at the Bridgewater Marriott. One of them, David Sorin, is a managing partner at Newark-based law firm McCarter & English. He is also co-chair of the Venture Capital & Emerging Growth Companies Practice. Much of Sorin’s practice focuses on emerging growth, middle-market technology and tech-enabled and life science enterprises.

We're so over these 2018 food and beverage trends

The problem, of course, is that squeeze packs aren’t easily recyclable—they’re made out of several layers of glued-together plastics and aluminum that cannot be placed in your blue bin. While some companies establish unique partnerships with recycling organizations such as TerraCycle (where users must mail-in their empty squeeze packs to be recycled), adoption rates for these types of programs are historically low. It’s not unreasonable to say that most squeeze packs end up in the landfill

Instagram: Who You Should Be Following

Terracycle @terracycle The head honcho of recycling, Terracycle is doing big things in the cosmetics industry via numerous collaborations with giants such as Colgate-Palmolive, L’Occitane and Garnier. Its Instagram feed gives an invaluable insight into just why the bigwigs are clambering over themselves to team up with the service, and how consumers can get in on the act too.


A Escola de Educação Infantil Irma Toffoli atende a região dos bairros Jardim Toscano, Vêneto Cristal e São João, tem 165 alunos e 36 funcionários em sua equipe. Entre suas ações junto à comunidade, daremos destaque ao convênio com uma empresa de reciclagem, que dá destinação final ao lixo separado e enviado à sua sede.