Erstes Recycling-Programm für Stifte

BIC, der weltweit größte Hersteller von Kugelschreibern, schließt sich mit TerraCycle - einem Pionier des Upcycelns und Recycelns - zusammen, um Stiften ein zweites Leben zu schenken. Freiwillige „Sammelteams“ haben in Schulen, Kindergärten und Kindertagesstätten die Möglichkeit, Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel zu sammeln. Anstatt wie bisher im Restmüll zu landen, werden die leeren Schreibgeräte anschließend recycelt.

Method, Terracycle Help Clean Up the Planet

Method, a provider of premium, eco-friendly household and personal care products, and upcycling innovator TerraCycle Inc. have teamed up to enable families to recycle their used packaging. Members of the Method Refill Brigade collect their used soap refill packaging and send it to TerraCycle. For each unit of packaging they receive, TerraCycle and Method will pay 2 cents to a charity of the collector’s choice. The collected packaging will then be turned into trash cans, coolers and other home goods.


At the beginning of the school year, I volunteered to head a recycling campaign at Ethan's school called TerraCycle. It's a very cool company started by a guy who didn't like throwing things away and wanted to find a purpose for everything that would normally sit in a landfill. They have a whole list of things they take, and recycle into new products that you can find many stores now a days. The best part of the program is that you can mail in your "trash" (they pay shipping) and they donate $0.02 per qualifying item to a charity of your choice or school of your choice.

Lawrence Intermediate School Unveils Student Leadership Program Designed to Help the School Become "Greener"

Student teams launched a new student-led service learning campaign designed to make Lawrence Intermediate School a "greener" school by enlisting all of their peers and the staff in a school-wide recycling competition. As the students announced during Monday’s assembly, each class will be graded on the students’ recycling skills by the Leaders of the Future program members. Each classroom will earn points for putting the right materials in each of three buckets: one for paper; one for juice pouches, chip bags and water bottles; and the third for regular trash. The class that earns the most points for correctly recycling will earn an ice cream party. The competition will run through the rest of the school year with winning classes being announced on a monthly basis. In the case of a tie, each class will earn an ice cream party. This announcement generated a lot of excitement in the school cafeteria. The students also announced a partnership between the school and TerraCycle. The Trenton-based company will recycle the juice pouches and chip bags collected by the students and will donate to the school 2 cents for each pouch and bag. With 900 students in the school, that can quickly add up to some extra money, which the school hopes to use to buy new reusable plastic lunch trays rather than throwing away hundreds of Styrofoam trays every day at lunch.

Writing brigade keeps pens from landfills

Ran out of ink? Do not throw away that used pen, though. Three major writing brands are encouraging the public to reuse pens, markers and other used writing instruments through a recycling program with a social conscience. Newell Rubbermaid Office Products, maker of Sharpie, EXPO and Paper Mate products, has partnered with upcycling company TerraCyle to launch the unique program. Instead of throwing away your old pens, bring them to collection centers called Writing Instrument Brigades which will be set up at participating locales. TerraCvcle will then dissemble or reprocess the collected instruments to make new products. In turn, Newell Rubbermaid will give two cents to a school, community group, charity or nonprofit organization of the participant’s choice for every writing instrument collected. Overall, the collection efforts will reduce landfill proliferation, educate and inspire consumers to get involved and provide much needed funding to schools and nonprofit groups nationwide. "Keeping one pen or marker out of a landfill may seem like a small contribution, but multiply that by the estimated $5 billion writing instruments sold in the United States each year and it is a big opportunity to reduce waste to landfills," said Ben Gadbois, president of Newell Rubbermaid which produces markers, highlighters, art and office essentials. "TerraCycle offers us an innovative way to repurpose writing instruments after their useful life has expired," he added. Interested parties may sign up with TerraCycle to establish a Brigade location and then select the school, charity or nonprofit group to which they want their collection funds directed. Each Brigade prints a prepaid shipping label from TerraCycle's website to ship the collected writing instruments to TerraCycle.  -    Katrice R. Jalbuena

Can I Recycle ... Wine bottle closures?; Pop that cork, then ...

SECTION: HOME; Features Desk; Part E; Pg. 7 About 55 million cases of bottled wine are sold in California each year. Of those, about 70% are closed with cork stoppers, 16% with metal screw tops and 14% with plastic, according to Amorim, the Portuguese cork supplier that runs the cork-reclamation group ReCork. Most wine stoppers are wrapped in "foil" that covers the top of the bottle, some of which is made from a mixture of lead and tin (on some older bottles, because that wrapper was banned in 1996 by the Food and Drug Administration); other covers are made from polylaminate aluminum and most from a heat-shrink plastic -- usually polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, a.k.a. PVC.

Erstes Recycling-Programm für Stifte

BIC, der weltweit größte Hersteller von Kugelschreibern, schließt sich mit TerraCycle - einem Pionier des Upcycelns und Recycelns - zusammen, um Stiften ein zweites Leben zu schenken. Freiwillige „Sammelteams“ haben in Schulen, Kindergärten und Kindertagesstätten die Möglichkeit, Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel zu sammeln. Anstatt wie bisher im Restmüll zu landen, werden die leeren Schreibgeräte anschließend recycelt.