York County Old Navy store collecting flip-flops for recycling

The local Old Navy clothing store is collecting flip-flops that will be processed into playground material. The collection is part of a TerraCycle nationwide recycling program in which pens are being collected from Office Depot stores and flip-flops from Old Navy sites. In York, Old Navy is located in the Manchester Crossroads Shopping Center at 351 Loucks Road in Manchester Township, according to TerraCycle publicist Megan Yarnell. Collection bins are located at the front of the store.

Whatcom County residents can celebrate Earth Day with these events Whatcom County residents can celebrate Earth Day with these events

Recycle: Bring used writing instruments, regardless of brand, to Office Depot at 4297 Meridian St. in Bellingham. They will be sent to TerraCycle Inc. and turned into new office-supply products such as trash cans and desk organizers. The collection runs through Saturday, April 23. People who bring in 10 pens, pencils or markers will receive a coupon toward a new product from Sanford, a pen company. Recycle: Drop off your used flip-flops at Old Navy in Bellis Fair mall, so they can be recycled and used at four public playgrounds in the country. Look for designated collection bins. The effort continues through May 21. It is a partnership between Old Navy and TerraCycle Inc.

Seven Days

Fri 22

Today is Earth Day, so do your part to keep our world beautiful. Start by grabbing your old flip flops and heading to Old Navy at Town Square, which has teamed up with TerraCycle to produce The Flip Flop Replay. Through May 21, Old Navy will collect flip flops, which will then be recycled into four public playgrounds around the country.

Les BIC se recyclent ?

L’info du jour concerne la marque BIC (qui n’a jamais utilisé un BIC lève le doigt !), qui s’est associée début avril avec TerraCycle, entreprise de collecte et de réutilisation de déchets non recyclables, pour organiser sur les lieux mêmes de consommation (écoles, entreprises, universités…) des collectes volontaires d’instruments d’écriture pour les recycler. Ce programme permet à tous les instruments d’écriture, qu’ils soient ou non de marque BIC, d’être recyclés dans de nouveaux produits d’usage courant tels que des pots à crayons, des corbeilles à papier, des arrosoirs …


La campaña también ayudará a recaudar dinero para asociaciones y escuelas BIC, el fabricante mundial de bolígrafos, y la compañía de reciclaje TerraCycle se han asociado para poner en marcha un programa de recogida de bolígrafos en los lugares donde éstos más se utilizan: colegios, universidades y empresas. El programa, que cuenta con el patrocinio de BIC, permite que cualquier instrumento de escritura, independientemente de la marca, pueda reciclarse y convertirse en nuevos artículos como estuches, papeleras o regaderas. A cambio, se donarán 2 céntimos de euro por cada instrumento de escritura recolectado a la asociación u organización benéfica elegida por cada uno de los centros que participen. En el caso de las escuelas, el dinero también podrá destinarse a proyectos educativos del propio centro.