Naples Christian Academy receives WRAP Award from the Collier County Board of Commissioners

On December 13, 2011, Naples Christian Academy was awarded a WRAP (Waste Reduction Awards Program) award by the Collier County Board of Commissioners. The WRAP award recognizes businesses, institutions and multi-family properties for their enhanced and innovative recycling programs. The Academy was recognized for their increased recycling efforts and the message of the importance of recycling that they are advocating to their staff, students and families, through their regular recycling efforts, upcycling through Terracycle and their participation in the Dream Machine Recycle Rally contest. Naples Christian Academy received a beautiful framed certificate and trophy and was honored for their service to the community and for doing what they love to do most - serving and honoring God! This story is contributed by a member of the Naples community and is neither endorsed nor affiliated with Naples Daily News

Norsk kapselgjenvinning

Nyetablerte TerraCycle oppfordrer norske forbrukere til å delta i kapselgjenvinningsprosjekt. I november 2010 hadde vi en reportasje her på PackNews om samarbeidsavtalen mellom det amerikanske selskapet TerraCycle og Kraft Foods. Den gikk ut på å samle inn brukte kaffekapsler av merket ”Tassimo” i Sverige og å sørge for at disse blir resirkulert og brukt som ny råvare til produksjon av diverse aluminiumvarer. Se Brukte kapsler er en gullgruve

Samme konsept her og i Danmark

Nå har selskapet etablert seg også i Norge, og den grunnleggende ideen om innsamling/gjenvinning får samme gyldighet her. Slik blir det også i Danmark. TerraCycle oppfordrer konsumentene til å ta del i programmet. Det kan man gjøre ved å returnere så vel kapslene som sekundæremballasjen til Kraft Foods, og så sørger firmaet for at de blir tatt hånd om på en vettig måte.


- For å sikre størst mulig oppslutning i starten forhåndsbetaler vi portoen. Ikke nok med det: Vi donerer 10 øre for hver kapsel/emballasje til en valgfri veldedighet. Slik ønsker vi å bidra til redusert avfallsmengde, samtidig som vi sikter på å styrke forbrukernes kjennskap til moderne gjenbruk og gjenvinning, opplyser TerraCycle Norge til PN. Utgangsselskapet, som ble startet i USA i 2001, opererer for tiden i 18 land: USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brasil, UK, Irland, Frankrike, Tyskland, Spania, Tyrkia, Israel, Sverige, Holland, Belgia, Sveits, Danmark, og Norge.

Are Applesauce Pouches Recyclable?

I'm sad to say that I developed an unkeen, ungreen habit in 2011. Sometime after my son's first birthday, he went from eating almost everything served to him to being the type of kid who would prefer to exist off yogurt, mac and cheese, and crackers. Sigh. Frustrated, I'd wander the supermarket aisles trying to think of what I could possibly feed my picky son.

Chip Bag Brigade!

Cassi "Twister" Reimer's discovery of TerraCycle's "how to make a fancy bow out of food wrappers" has inspired three things, to date. A lively craft session, full of Middleswarth and Utz and Toll House cookie wrappers, documented in a previous post, was the first. Second was an appearance on Central PA Live, where the process is explained on video in under five minutes (bookmark it for the next time you want to make a fun bow!). Third, due to these prior events, we have attracted the attention of TerraCycle - who has kindly offered us a spot on their Chip Bag Brigade, which we've been pining for since joining! Thanks, TerraCycle!

Green Cleaning & Your Kids: Things to Think About What’s Safe to Keep Around the House?

In choosing a standard cleaner versus a green cleaner, sometimes it seems as if you have to make a sacrifice. Choose a green cleaner, and it seems to not be quite as effective and often cost more off the shelf. Choose a standard cleaner, and you confront the hazards of harsh chemicals in your home and the headaches that the cleaning agents and scents bring. How are you supposed to choose what’s best for your child with all these opposing benefits and risks? There are a few things you should know.

De-connecting and eco-cycology in 2012

But other companies are catching this green fire. The outdoor-outfitting company Patagonia, for example, says any old item bought from Patagonia can be returned for recycling into new fiber or fabric; the company claims to have taken in 45 tons of clothing for recycling – and from this, it has made 34 tons into new clothes. French shampoo-maker Garnier began partnering with the nonprofit Terracycle to offer free collection and recycling of all personal-care and beauty products; bags filled with shampoo bottles could be sent by UPS with Garnier picking up the tab.