Win 1 of 2 TerraCycle Back to School Packs

Get ready for Back to School with these eco-friendly TerraCycle school supplies. Each one is upcycled from common trash items you might find in any classroom or cafeteria such as drink pouches, chip bags and granola bar wrappers. Not only are TerraCycle products fun, affordable and good for the environment, they also have a story. Each one begins life as garbage. TerraCycle pays schools and charities to collect their trash and send it in, free of charge. For every item return TerraCycle donates 2 cents to a local school or charity. This prize pack contains a Capri Sun backpack and lunchbox, a Mars candy notebook and a Stride notepad.

Nightline Konstanz

Mit einem alten Stift kannst du gleich doppelt Gutes tun: Wir schicken alle bis September gesammelten alten Stife an TerryCycle, die die Stifte recycelt und zu Gießkannen oder Stifehaltern verarbeitet, und leisten so einen kleinen Beitrag für die Erhaltung unserer Umwelt. Für jeden Stift erhält die Nightline Konstanz e.V. 2 Cent als Spende, die dazu genutzt werden, unser Angebot auch in den nächsten Semestern anzubieten und bekannt zu machen. Sammelboxen an der Uni:
  • Nightline Pinnwand (Foyer, gegenüber Campus-Café, hinter der Telefonzelle)
  • AStA-Café H301a

Soul to Host Charity Flip Cup Tournament

PHILADELPHIA (July 5, 2012) - The Eastern Division Champion Philadelphia Soul (13-3) and Xfinity Live! will host the World's Largest Flip Cup Game for charity Sunday, July 8 at Xfinity Live! before their game against the Spokane Shock. The flip cup game was initiated as a way to collect as many Red Solo Cups as possible for the Solo Cup Brigade, the Soul's Community Service Initiative for the game July 8. In addition to the entry fee donation, the Soul and Xfinity Live! will turn in the Red Solo Cups to Terra Cycle who will give up to $0.10 per cup collected for one large donation to the Wilford Hall Fisher House.

EcoScraps Works: Big Retailers Change Food Waste Status Quo

It’s no coincidence that EcoScraps has so many similarities to Terracycle – just like Terracycle and companies such as Honest Tea, Recyclebank and Warby Parker, EcoScraps has the ability to successfully implement what BBMG described as Disrupt and Delight – “leverage the constraints of sustainability to design products and services that work better, cost less and deliver ways for all of us to create a better world.” This is the key for its success and for a little less wasteful future for the rest of us.

East Meadow Girl Scouts Cleaning Up for a Cause

Troop 1811 has been working hard to collect wrappers that they can put to positive use. East Meadow Girl Scout Troop 1811 has been working hard to give back to their organization. "We have been collecting Nabisco and Keebler wrappers, along with all candy wrappers and sending them to a recyclable company called Terracycle," Debbie Iadevaio, one of the group's leaders, told Patch via email. "In turn, they donate money to the girl scouts of Nassau County council. This year we also started collecting Elmer's glue containers and sticks." Amanda Skoros is the other leader for Troop 1811. Below is a list of all the girls who have participated in the project.