Copper River Salon and Spa helps TerraCycle and Garnier collect 72,672 pieces of waste

image.png Copper River Salon and Spa in Princeton is helping the planet and the local community by reducing waste and keeping otherwise non-recyclable personal care and beauty products and packaging from being thrown away and sent to landfills. Since 2012, the salon has collected 3,647 pounds of skin care, hair care and cosmetic packaging through the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program in partnership with Garnier. The salon joined the recycling program to unite their passion for creative style and self care with the importance of caring for the environment and appreciating nature’s beauty, according to a statement provided by TerraCycle. “Beauty is more than skin deep. Beauty comes from self care, care for your community, and care for the world around you,” Barbara Weigand, owner and master stylist at Copper River Salon, said in the statement. “Copper River Salon and Spa looks to emulate beauty in all forms, including doing our part to make beauty sustainable.” By stationing collection points near the reception area inside the salon and outside at the front entrance of the salon, Copper River Salon and Spa makes it convenient and accessible for clients and community members to drop off their products and packaging for recycling at any time, according to the statement. They also educate and inform their clients on what items can be collected through the program. The waste collected through the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program would have otherwise been landfilled, incinerated, or may have even contributed to the pollution of marine habitats. The collected packaging will now be recycled into a variety of new products such as park benches, bike racks, shipping pallets and recycling bins, according to the statement. “The opportunity to recycle through the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program allows us to impact our community by providing valuable information on how to properly recycle materials that otherwise would negatively impact our environment and a reliable way to collect these items,” Weigand said in the statement. “By doing so, our community can make environmentally friendly choices to preserve nature’s beauty.” In addition to their program with TerraCycle, Copper River Salon and Spa is a member of the National Association of Eco-Friendly Salon & Spas Organization and the New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry. For more information, visit copperriversalonandspa.com/. All collected materials from the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program are sent to TerraCycle for recycling, where they undergo a series of treatments before getting turned into new items. For more information on TerraCycle, please visit www.TerraCycle.com.

Copper River Salon and Spa helps TerraCycle and Garnier collect 72,672 pieces of waste

image.png Copper River Salon and Spa in Princeton is helping the planet and the local community by reducing waste and keeping otherwise non-recyclable personal care and beauty products and packaging from being thrown away and sent to landfills. Since 2012, the salon has collected 3,647 pounds of skin care, hair care and cosmetic packaging through the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program in partnership with Garnier. The salon joined the recycling program to unite their passion for creative style and self care with the importance of caring for the environment and appreciating nature’s beauty, according to a statement provided by TerraCycle. “Beauty is more than skin deep. Beauty comes from self care, care for your community, and care for the world around you,” Barbara Weigand, owner and master stylist at Copper River Salon, said in the statement. “Copper River Salon and Spa looks to emulate beauty in all forms, including doing our part to make beauty sustainable.” By stationing collection points near the reception area inside the salon and outside at the front entrance of the salon, Copper River Salon and Spa makes it convenient and accessible for clients and community members to drop off their products and packaging for recycling at any time, according to the statement. They also educate and inform their clients on what items can be collected through the program. The waste collected through the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program would have otherwise been landfilled, incinerated, or may have even contributed to the pollution of marine habitats. The collected packaging will now be recycled into a variety of new products such as park benches, bike racks, shipping pallets and recycling bins, according to the statement. “The opportunity to recycle through the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program allows us to impact our community by providing valuable information on how to properly recycle materials that otherwise would negatively impact our environment and a reliable way to collect these items,” Weigand said in the statement. “By doing so, our community can make environmentally friendly choices to preserve nature’s beauty.” In addition to their program with TerraCycle, Copper River Salon and Spa is a member of the National Association of Eco-Friendly Salon & Spas Organization and the New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry. For more information, visit copperriversalonandspa.com/. All collected materials from the Personal Care and Beauty Recycling Program are sent to TerraCycle for recycling, where they undergo a series of treatments before getting turned into new items. For more information on TerraCycle, please visit www.TerraCycle.com.

Tailored™ Pet Food and Terracycle® Partner to Launch National Recycling Program

Tailored, a new direct-to-consumer, personalized dog food brand, has partnered with TerraCycle® to make the packaging for their pet food nationally recyclable throughout the United States. As an added incentive, for every shipment of Tailored packaging waste sent to TerraCycle, collectors earn points that can be donated to a non-profit, school or charitable organization of their choice.   “At Tailored, we are focused on making it easy for pet parents to find the right food for their pup’s unique needs and delivering personalized recipes fast, free and safely to their door. But we’re also passionate about feeding a happier, healthier Earth,” said Steve Joyce, CEO, Tailored. “That’s why we’ve partnered with TerraCycle – to lessen our environmental impact by ensuring our pet food packaging is able to be safely recycled.”   Through the Tailored Recycling Program, consumers can now send in their empty Tailored pet food packaging to be recycled for free. Participation is easy: sign up on the TerraCycle program page https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/tailored-pet-nutrition and mail in the packaging using a prepaid shipping label. Once collected, the packaging is cleaned and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products.   “By participating in the Tailored Recycling Program, pet owners can nourish their pet and the planet by responsibly disposing of their pet food packaging,” said TerraCycle CEO and Founder, Tom Szaky. “Tailored is helping to drive awareness to the issue of waste and elicit change in the consumer by giving their customers the unique opportunity to divert waste from landfills.”  
For more information, visit www.terracycle.com.

Lavazza lance un programme de compostage de ses capsules et dosettes de café

Pour concrétiser ses engagements relatifs à l’économie circulaire et à la lutte contre le gaspillage, le groupe Lavazza (Carte Noire et Lavazza) s’associe à TerraCycle®, spécialisé dans le recyclage des déchets difficilement recyclables, pour faciliter le compostage de deux produits de ses gammes françaises : les capsules Lavazza Eco Caps et les dosettes souples compostables Carte Noire.  

Things That Might Interest You 8-23-2020

DSC_6555 Parts of Moccasin Bend (background) and Point Park (foreground), units of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, could potentially benefit from the Great American Outdoors Act.  (Photo: Bob Butters)   A recent article in Outdoor Life by Alex Robinson and Natalie Krebs explains how "the Great American Outdoors Act proves that grassroots advocacy and our democracy still work—even if it’s not always pretty."  Read the article.   The Southern Environmental Law Center reports that If allowed to stand, White House changes to the National Environmental Policy Act will reduce public input that has guided major projects for decades, further diminishing the voices of communities that have long suffered environmental injustices and masking the full extent of polluting projects. On behalf of 17 environmental organizations, SELC filed a federal lawsuit to protect NEPA.  Read more.   The SELC also reports that In one of the Georgia General Assembly’s most interesting and remarkable legislative sessions in years, SELC and partners in the Georgia Water Coalition accomplished several important victories, many in the final days of the session. Read Improved environmental protections among Georgia legislative wins.   I concluded years ago that many people who wouldn't ordinarily litter don't see cigarette butts as litter. But they are, and they're ubiquitous in the environment. Fortunately, I recently ran across some good news. TerraCycle, the world’s leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams, has joined forces with the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development and Keep Tennessee Beautiful to recycle the world’s most littered item – cigarette butts. After being shipped to TerraCycle, the waste received through the program is processed into plastic pellets for use in a variety of recycled products and Keep America Beautiful receives a $1 donation for every pound of cigarette waste collected. Read more.

Discussion with Mathilde Thomas, confounder of Caudalie

How did the French brand Caudalie establish itself as a powerful eco-responsible leader in the beauty industry? Its founder Mathilde Thomas enlightens us.   It's been a long time since the Caudalie adventure began for Mathilde and Bertrand Thomas. The discovery of the power of polyphenols housed in grape seeds, in 1993, launched the brand, which soon became anchored in the beauty routine of women around the world. A true pioneer in the beginnings of clean beauty, Caudalie continued to evolve, with Mathilde's actions, to be even greener and more eco-responsible without compromising on its effectiveness.  

An ever greener process

  "The list of elements that we want to eliminate from our formulas grows as studies show that some are endocrine disruptors," explains Mathilde Thomas. Since 2017, all of the brand's new skincare products are therefore free of silicones and PEG (polyethylene glycol) - agents frequently used for the silky texture and the surfactant properties they bring to products -, and its complete portfolio is revisited to remove gradually some agents. A major challenge - "Each step is complicated!" -, which it is possible to note thanks to the launch on the market of innovative ingredients, such as derivatives of coconut and sugar, which allow fluid and stable natural concoctions. Mathilde Thomas' other bet? "I want Caudalie to be zero waste - that is to say that all of our packaging is recycled, recyclable or refillable - by 2022." The glass used for the bottles will therefore be transparent, and metallic or laminated impressions on the plastic tubes will be eliminated. For parts that are more difficult to recycle, such as serum pumps, made from several materials, the brand teams up with the recycling company TerraCycle .   This increased awareness, the founder had in Hong Kong, where she lived to conquer the Asian market. “When you live in Asia, the pollution problem becomes extremely concrete. We visited paradisiacal beaches overgrown with waste, and when we surfed, each wave was strewn with plastic residue, ”laments Mathilde. As soon as he returned to France in 2018, tight measures were taken to reduce Caudalie's environmental impact. "Since I go to the lab every week, it makes the process easier!"  

The impact of COVID-19

I was supposed to meet Mathilde Thomas in person, at the end of April, during her planned visit to the Queen City for the inauguration of Caudalie's new head office in Canada, which will house both her offices and her boutique-spa. Crisis Covid-19obliges, its opening was delayed. The brand's boutiques and spas around the world have also temporarily shut down. “The business is badly affected. We have unemployed staff, on temporary layoff… it's a crisis that we have never experienced, ”confides Mathilde, saddened, during our interview with Zoom. When I ask her about the consequences of this event on our consumption habits in the future, the business woman tells me that the hope lies in the next generation. “Young people are very sensitive to the environmental cause and they will only go to work for companies they believe in. They see the product as a whole. This is what will change customs! ” she said, enthusiastic. Anyway,   Théo Dupuis-CarbonneauDiscussion with Mathilde Thomas, confounder of Caudalie © Supplied by ELLE Québec   "In the evening, I mix my Make-up Remover Oil ($ 34) and my Vine Flower Cleansing Foam ($ 34) to remove all traces of makeup!"   Buy © Supplied by ELLE Québec   Buy © Supplied by ELLE Québec   “The whipped texture of the new Lift & Firmness Body Balm ($ 53) penetrates like a charm. And its delicate smell of orange blossom is divine!”   Buy © Supplied by ELLE Québec   "After having melted a little mineral tinted cream ($ 32) with my Premier Cru cream ($ 169), I complete my makeup with a touch of red and a bit of Ilia Limitless Lash Mascara ($ 36)."

Discussion with Mathilde Thomas, confounder of Caudalie

How did the French brand Caudalie establish itself as a powerful eco-responsible leader in the beauty industry? Its founder Mathilde Thomas enlightens us.   It's been a long time since the Caudalie adventure began for Mathilde and Bertrand Thomas. The discovery of the power of polyphenols housed in grape seeds, in 1993, launched the brand, which soon became anchored in the beauty routine of women around the world. A true pioneer in the beginnings of clean beauty, Caudalie continued to evolve, with Mathilde's actions, to be even greener and more eco-responsible without compromising on its effectiveness.  

An ever greener process

  "The list of elements that we want to eliminate from our formulas grows as studies show that some are endocrine disruptors," explains Mathilde Thomas. Since 2017, all of the brand's new skincare products are therefore free of silicones and PEG (polyethylene glycol) - agents frequently used for the silky texture and the surfactant properties they bring to products -, and its complete portfolio is revisited to remove gradually some agents. A major challenge - "Each step is complicated!" -, which it is possible to note thanks to the launch on the market of innovative ingredients, such as derivatives of coconut and sugar, which allow fluid and stable natural concoctions. Mathilde Thomas' other bet? "I want Caudalie to be zero waste - that is to say that all of our packaging is recycled, recyclable or refillable - by 2022." The glass used for the bottles will therefore be transparent, and metallic or laminated impressions on the plastic tubes will be eliminated. For parts that are more difficult to recycle, such as serum pumps, made from several materials, the brand teams up with the recycling company TerraCycle .   This increased awareness, the founder had in Hong Kong, where she lived to conquer the Asian market. “When you live in Asia, the pollution problem becomes extremely concrete. We visited paradisiacal beaches overgrown with waste, and when we surfed, each wave was strewn with plastic residue, ”laments Mathilde. As soon as he returned to France in 2018, tight measures were taken to reduce Caudalie's environmental impact. "Since I go to the lab every week, it makes the process easier!"  

The impact of COVID-19

I was supposed to meet Mathilde Thomas in person, at the end of April, during her planned visit to the Queen City for the inauguration of Caudalie's new head office in Canada, which will house both her offices and her boutique-spa. Crisis Covid-19obliges, its opening was delayed. The brand's boutiques and spas around the world have also temporarily shut down. “The business is badly affected. We have unemployed staff, on temporary layoff… it's a crisis that we have never experienced, ”confides Mathilde, saddened, during our interview with Zoom. When I ask her about the consequences of this event on our consumption habits in the future, the business woman tells me that the hope lies in the next generation. “Young people are very sensitive to the environmental cause and they will only go to work for companies they believe in. They see the product as a whole. This is what will change customs! ” she said, enthusiastic. Anyway,   Théo Dupuis-CarbonneauDiscussion with Mathilde Thomas, confounder of Caudalie   © Supplied by ELLE Québec   "In the evening, I mix my Make-up Remover Oil ($ 34) and my Vine Flower Cleansing Foam ($ 34) to remove all traces of makeup!"   Buy © Supplied by ELLE Québec   Buy © Supplied by ELLE Québec   “The whipped texture of the new Lift & Firmness Body Balm ($ 53) penetrates like a charm. And its delicate smell of orange blossom is divine!”   Buy © Supplied by ELLE Québec   "After having melted a little mineral tinted cream ($ 32) with my Premier Cru cream ($ 169), I complete my makeup with a touch of red and a bit of Ilia Limitless Lash Mascara ($ 36)."

‘Walking the talk’: Credit Valley Conservation named one of Canada’s greenest employers

Credit Valley Conservation is not just asking citizens to be environmentally conscious, it seeks to lead them by example.   The CVC can proudly boast it has achieved that goal after the announcement on June 16 that it has been named as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2020.   “For us, I think it demonstrates there is recognition that we’re not just asking other people to do the right thing, but that we are also walking the talk and doing the right thing,” said CVC chief administrative officer Deborah Martin-Downs.   “It’s one thing to be admonishing people for not doing enough for the environment or not watching their own footprint, but this affirms we are also involved in doing the right thing within our organization.”   The designation is awarded to winners of an annual editorial competition run by the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project. It identifies organizations focused on sustainability initiatives and environmental leadership.   “We were not doing everything we could have been a few years ago, so we’ve made huge strides in identifying things we could do and gradually working them into our processes,” said Martin-Downs.   “We’re a public organization, so it takes time to do those things, but I’m really proud of how people embraced the opportunity to change and to showcase that we can do exactly what we’ve asked others to do.”   The CVC does a variety of things within the Dufferin Community, from helping run and maintain Island Lake Conservation Area, to assisting with floodplain management, applications for changes to urban and agricultural properties, helping towns and businesses manage their storm runoffs, and more.   According to Canada’s Top 100 Employers, two major initiatives the CVC has put into practice are included in some of the reasons why the organization was selected.   The first is its TerraCycle collection program that captures additional recyclables such as pens and pencils, setting up its own organic composting, and establishing an employee uniform recycle and reuse program.   The second has to do with its LEED Gold-certified building containing the CVC offices in Mississauga, which features LED motion-controlled lighting, in-floor radiant heating, louvred window coverings, and more.   Implementing “smart blue roof” technology to help manage stormwater systems is also planned but the project is still in early stages. For the CVC, being named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers is a reinforcement that it is leading by example.   “We still have a ways to go with recycling in the parks, for example. There are many other activities we have found we can do with the office as well,” Martin-Downs said.   “There were a lot of big firms on that list, and I feel like we’re this piddly, little firm, so it was nice to be recognized.”

Jekabs Hayes awarded inaugural TerraCycle innovation award

Posted on June 22, 2020   Mechanical engineering major Jekabs Hayes ’20 was awarded TerraCycle’s first annual Ernel Simpson Innovation Award for incorporating sustainable practices in his senior project. Hayes earned a $500 stipend to cover his research.   Hayes teamed up with fellow seniors Peter Stahl and Christopher Garr and his advisor, George Facas of the mechanical engineering department, to construct a prototype of a small, semi-portable system that uses solar panel-generated electricity to turn salt water into desalinated drinking water.   As team leader, Hayes pushed to take their already environmentally sustainable project to the next level.   “In the spirit of both Dr. Simpson and TerraCycle, our prototype was constructed in part using what most people consider ‘trash’ or ‘waste,’” says Hayes.   Hayes and his team used wiring from obsolete electrical equipment, wood from discarded furniture, and screws from previous design projects. Hayes even went dumpster-diving for a wheel on a discarded l filing cabinet.   Hayes says he is “proud and thrilled” to be the first recipient of the Ernel Simpson Innovation Award.   “TCNJ’s School of Engineering senior design project program was one of the key reasons I decided to change majors [from business],” says Hayes “I can happily say I fulfilled one of my goals from freshman year when I set out to change majors: take part in a meaningful senior project.” Although he is immensely grateful for this award, Hayes says his teammates deserve just as much recognition for their role in this important project. “The project is without a doubt a group effort. We either swim together or sink together,” he says.   All TCNJ engineering students currently working on senior design projects related to environmental sustainability were eligible for the award. Hayes submitted a personal statement describing his efforts to make his senior project more sustainable as well as his resume and a letter of recommendation.   The Ernel Simpson Award is named after TerraCycle’s chief scientist.   “The award was named after our dear Dr. Ernie Simpson for his ability to simplify the complex and develop groundbreaking ways to process everything from chewing gum to cigarette butts to dirty diapers to construction adhesives,” says Liana Scobie, vice president of staff and administration at TerraCycle.   TerraCycle offers free recycling programs funded by brands, manufacturers, and retailers around the world to help collect and recycle hard-to-recycle waste.

How Beauty Brands are Taking a More Sustainable Approach to Packaging and Products

We can’t shop our way to saving the planet, but mindful choices matter. From ingredient sourcing to sustainable packaging, here’s how the industry’s forward thinkers are striving to tread more lightly as they produce the beauty products you see on the shelves. RETHINK (INGREDIENTS) The fine print on beauty labels tells us next to nothing about how responsibly sourced ingredients are. To muddy matters, calculating a product’s eco-footprint is far trickier than checking if the formula is all-natural or organic. For starters, natural ingredients can still cause environmental havoc—take, for instance, palm oil and its derivatives. Widely used in beauty products, they can be found in everything from shampoo to lipstick. They are largely produced in Indonesia and Malaysia, and the destruction of rainforests to clear the way for palm oil plantations is rampant. “A lot of companies are coming in and bulldozing and forcing communities out,” says Lindsay Dahl, senior vice-president of social mission at Beautycounter. Although the brand initially wanted to eschew palm oil, it realized that palm derivatives are still the best choice for many of its products.