Pepsico México y Terracycle han conseguido sumar 100,000 brigadistas para el cuidado del medio ambiente

Casi 100,000 brigadistas mexicanos se han sumado de manera proactiva a tomar acción a favor de la cultura del reciclaje y cuidado del medio ambiente en el país, logrando recolectar más de un millón de empaques en el primer año de la alianza entre TerraCycle y PepsiCo México. A la fecha, en México se han inscrito más de 1700 equipos de recolección, formados por grupos de consumidores, familias, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, empresas e individuos brigadistas que tendrán laposibilidad de elegir una organización sin ánimo de lucro para destinar el donativo que PepsiCo México otorga a través de sus brigadas de botanas y galletas por cada empaque recolectado. El director general de TerraCycle México-Centro América, Isaac Arjona, declaró que “en TerraCycle nos sentimos muy orgullosos de afirmar que la Brigada de Empaques de Botanas Sabritas es una de las más exitosas y de mayor crecimiento en un corto período de tiempo después de su lanzamiento, entre las 70 brigadas que lidera TerraCycle en los 22 países donde opera. Nos sorprende y alegra la participación natural y proactiva que los mexicanos han tenido frente a este tema y esto nos motiva aún más a seguir promoviendo la cultura de reciclaje en México”. Mediante esta alianza se pusieron en marcha programas gratuitos de recolección de empaques de botanas y galletas -operados por Terracycle y financiados por PepsiCo México a través de sus marcas Sabritas, Gamesa y Quaker-, que los consumidores mexicanos han aprovechado para evitar que estos materiales terminen en el relleno sanitario, dándose de alta como brigadistas. ”Para la marca Sabritas es un honor apoyar las causas que movilizan a los mexicanos. Eliminar la idea de la basura es un tema que interesa a los consumidores y en el que están dispuestos a participar. Es sorprendente ver cómo con acciones tan sencillas como poner indicaciones visibles en nuestros empaques, las personas ya están entrando proactivamente a la página de TerraCycle a inscribirse como brigadistas y están influenciando a otros a sumarse a recolectar empaques de toda la categoría de botanas. Aplaudimos este ánimo de nuestros consumidores y estamos dispuestos a seguir apoyándolos”, añadió Isaías Martínez, director de Mercadotecnia de Sabritas. TerraCycle recolecta el material de empaque pre-consumo de PepsiCo México, junto con los desechos de post-consumo, para transformarlo en productos upcycle, es decir, productos que se fabrican usando como insumo principal los empaques recolectados y se convierten en botes de basura, mesas y sillas, o productos divertidos como mochilas y lapiceras, entre otros artículos o productos. Reconociendo el gran esfuerzo y espíritu de los consumidores mexicanos, TerraCycle y PepsiCo México, a través de sus marcas Sabritas, Cheetos, Ruffles, Mafer, Gamesa y Quaker, se comprometen a seguir promoviendo estos programas orientados a eliminar la idea de la basura, como un elemento clave para sumar a los esfuerzos por promover la cultura ambiental en México.

Tom’s of Maine and TerraCycle: Recycling Personal Care Products

I love Tom’s of Maine. To me, the name is synonymous with great products and environmental stewardship — a winning combination. To that end, Tom’s of Maine does not conduct animal testing or include any animal-based ingredients in its products. The company divulges every ingredient, its purpose and where it comes from at tomsofmaine.com.   Tom’s of Maine makes it a priority to use sustainable practices in every part of its business. The company does not use artificial colors, artificial flavors, fragrances or preservatives in its products. Especially of note: Tom’s of Maine endeavors to use recycled content in its packaging and make it recyclable when it has reached the end of its useful life.   To maximize its products’ recyclability, Tom’s of Maine has teamed up with TerraCycle to provide a second life for empty and used toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, floss containers, mouthwash bottles, soap packaging and antiperspirant and deodorant containers.   “TerraCycle’s purpose is to eliminate the idea of waste,” a statement on TerraCycle’s website reads. “We do this by creating national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste.” Your organization can sign up and join the Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade, and while you’re at it, sign up for any of the other 40+ Brigade programs available through TerraCycle at terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/. You can join as many Brigade programs as you like.

Every school, every week

Gegan Elementary:

Families are asked to save any kind of juice pouch (not juice boxes) and bring them to the collection center in the front lobby. The pouches do not have to be washed, just empty and in a plastic bag. The Parent-Teacher Organization will ship them to the Drink Pouch Brigade and TerraCycle. The minimum number of pouches needed is 1,001.

Belle Aire Students Participate in 3rd Annual 'Trash for Cash' Raffle

Did you know that 99 percent of the total material flow in the United States becomes garbage within six months? Garbage goes to landfills where it releases carbon emissions that have a negative impact on the environment. Technically, some “non-recyclable” materials can be recycled, but they must be collected, sorted and brought to special recycling facilities which process them differently from traditional recycleable materials such as glass, metal, paper and plastic.   Belle Aire School students recently participated in a “Trash for Cash” program. Belle Aire works with a company called Terracycle to collect these hard-to-recycle items such as used juice pouch containers, used beauty product packaging and diaper packaging.   The school receives about 2 cents per item shipped to Terracycle. The company then uses these things to make new products. The items are kept out of landfills and the Belle Aire PTA earns a little bit of cash to support its programs.

7 Points for Having a Charitable Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl parties are a nationwide staple and it is one of the few times where everyone invited brings something. Now that the two teams have been decided, let the scurry for who is having the best party and the preparation for epic trash talking begin. Amid all the buildup of the big game, there are opportunities to make this year's Super Bowl party the most charitable one ever. And you won't have to miss any commercials while giving back to your favorite causes.
Dive for Recycling You may only end up with a couple of trash bags after the big game. But multiply that by millions of others who also have friends and family over for the day's festivities. Take the initiative to have three separate trash cans that are clearly and boldly labeled: Paper, Plastic and Glass. This way, your guests can easily support your do-good attitude and feel like they have made a difference as well. If everyone who reads this post takes part, we can collectively "outsmart waste" and you can even get paid through TerraCycle's innovative recycling platform.

Urban Action 1/23

Beyond the blue box

ColorBrightonGreen.org will present "Recycling Beyond the Blue Box: TerraCycle and the Monroe County Ecopark," at 6:30 p.m. onWednesday, January 23. Cheryl Bertou will explain how her son partnered with TerraCycle to reduce waste by recycling previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste and raised funds to build a school in South Sudan. The event is at Brighton Memorial Library, 2300 Elmwood Avenue.