TerraCycle pede “segunda chance” ao lixo

A Lua Propaganda elaborou uma campanha de mídia impressa para a TerraCycle, empresa que cria produtos verdes a partir de materiais que normalmente são rejeitados pelas cooperativas de reciclagem – como bitucas de cigarro, embalagens de salgadinho, canetas e escovas de dente.

Candy Wrapper Collection Benefits Elmwood Park Zoo

Eating through a lot of Easter candy? Make all those candy wrappers earn money for Elmwood Park Zoo by dropping them off at the Admissions counter. The wrappers will be sent to Terracycle, which converts waste into a "wide variety of products and materials," according to their website. Waste is upcycled or recycled to create new products.

Candy Wrapper Collection Benefits Elmwood Park Zoo

Eating through a lot of Easter candy? Make all those candy wrappers earn money for Elmwood Park Zoo by dropping them off at the Admissions counter. The wrappers will be sent to Terracycle, which converts waste into a "wide variety of products and materials," according to their website. Waste is upcycled or recycled to create new products.

Not so far and away

I recently visited "Away"--that place things go when you put them out with the trash, otherwise known as the landfill. It was a really eye-opening experience, and I highly recommend it. Really. It's not at all what you think it will be, and it makes you rethink what happens to all that stuff you throw out (although I do recommend visiting before summer heat hits).

Ein Beamer für dein Klassenzimmer

Wer bis zum 8. Mai die meisten Stifte einschickt, gewinnt einen Beamer für sein Klassenzimmer und tut gleichzeitig etwas Gutes für die Umwelt. Die eingeschickten Stifte werden recycelt und zu neuen, nachhaltigen Plastikprodukten wie Parkbänken, Gießkannen oder Mülleimern verarbeitet.