Germans recycle dental waste and support charities

MAINZ, Germany: A new recycling programme allows German consumers to support a good cause by sending in their used or empty dental care products for processing. The campaign, which was launched by dental manufacturer Colgate-Palmolive and environmental company TerraCycle, aims to promote environmental awareness. In addition, for every approved item submitted for recycling, Colgate-Palmolive donates money to non-profit organisations.

Ein zweites Leben für Zahncremetuben

Alte Zahnbürsten, leere Zahnpastatuben, Verpackungen: Um unsere Zähne sauber zu halten, verschmutzen wir unsere Umwelt ganz beträchtlich mit Plastikmüll. Damit soll jetzt Schluss sein, meint ein Unternehmer in New Jersey - und macht uns allen ein interessantes Angebot.

Kelly Mill Elementary is a Wicked Cool School

School Wins National Recycling Contest and Community Can Help

The students and teachers at Kelly Mill Elementary School ended the year on a green and clean note, winning $250 and toothpaste samples for their recycling efforts in the Wicked Cool!™ School Sweepstakes sponsored by Tom’s of Maine™ and recycling pioneer TerraCycle®. The money will be put into the school’s general PTA fund, which is used for things like classroom equipment, supplies for teachers, school activities and special area teachers. “I am thrilled that our school became involved with TerraCycle,” said Heather Cates, the Brigade leader at Kelly Mill Elementary. “I think it’s important to raise environmental awareness at the elementary level to make this a way of life for kids. Recycling isn’t an option anymore; it’s a must.” Cates invites the community to get involved in the Brigade programs at Kelly Mill Elementary.  Interested individuals can email her at hcates1@yahoo.com for more information.  In addition to the items collected through the Natural Care Brigade, the school also collects Capri Sun drink pouches, candy wrappers, Malt-O-Meal cereal bags, Kraft Cheese packaging, Elmer’s glue bottles and others.  To learn more or get involved in the Tom’s of Maine Natural Care Brigade, please visit www.terracycle.com.

Kick-It 3v3 Soccer Tournament

The Kick-It 3v3 Soccer Tournament is coming to the Atlanta area July 27 & 28 with Entenmann's Bakery and recycling pioneer TerraCycle. Entenmann's will offer free samples of Little Bites and have recycling bins for the empty packaging which will be sent to TerraCycle for recycling. For more information, registration and details about the tournament please visit www.kickit3v3.com.

Recycling-Programm für Zahnpasta & Co.

MAINZ - Mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Zahnarztpraxis: Dafür sorgt die neue Umweltinitiative der Zahnpflegemarke Colgate und des Umweltunternehmens TerraCycle. Ab sofort können Zahnarztpraxen aktiv am deutschlandweit ersten Recycling-Programm für Zahnbürsten und andere Zahnpflegeprodukte aus Plastik teilnehmen und ihre Zahnpflege-Abfälle nachhaltig entsorgen.   Schutz vor Karies und eine gute Oralprophylaxe ist dank medizinisch hochwertiger Mund- und Zahnpflegeprodukte für Jedermann möglich. Wer zudem noch der Empfehlung von Zahnärzten folgt und seine Zahnbürste alle drei Monate wechselt, erhöht die karieshemmende Wirkung zusätzlich. Jetzt zahlt sich eine gute Mundhygiene auch für die Umwelt aus: Die Zahnpflegemarke Colgate bietet in Kooperation mit dem Umweltunternehmen TerraCycle das erste Recyclingsystem für Zahnbürsten, Zahnpastatuben, Zahnseidedosen und sonstige Zahnpflegeprodukte aus Plastik an. So werden Prophylaxe und Zahnbürstenwechsel erstmals nachhaltig und umweltschonend gestaltet. Teilnehmen können sowohl Verbraucher als auch Zahnärzte, die Zahnpflegeabfälle in ihrer Praxis sammeln und per Post zum Recycling an TerraCycle schicken. Jedes recycelte Zahnpflegeprodukt wird nicht nur zu hundert Prozent wiederverwertet und zu neuen Plastikprodukten verarbeitet, sondern ist auch zwei Cent wert, die Colgate an eine gemeinnützige Organisation nach Wahl der Teilnehmer spendet.

RECYCLE: Company turns cigarette butts, other trash into products

If you feel guilty when you throw away a butter tub, deodorant tube or other trash, check out some of the recycling programs from the Trenton, N.J.-based company TerraCycle.cigarette_butts The company has 40 programs for collecting and recycling everything from candy wrappers and juice pouches to Solo cups and tape dispensers. The trash is turned into new products such as park benches and backpacks, some of which can be found at Target and Walmart. One of the programs, known as The Cigarette Waste Brigade, is run by TerraCycle and the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co. Members of the public are asked to collect extinguished cigarettes, filters, loose tobacco pouches, outer plastic packaging, inner foil packaging, rolling paper and ash, which are turned into plastic pallets and other products. (The cardboard boxes are not accepted  since they can be recycled through municipal programs.) When it’s time to send in the waste, a free shipping label can be printed out from TerraCycle web site. The company was founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky when he was a Princeton University student. TerraCycle began producing organic fertilizer by packaging liquified “worm poop” in used soda bottles. More than 40 million people nationwide participate in the recycling programs, diverting more than 2.5 billion pieces of waste from landfills, according to a company news release.