Flemington Kick It 3v3 Soccer Tournament

Sports fans in Flemington, can get more than just exercise at the upcoming Kick It 3v3 Soccer Tournament on July 27and 28. Entenmann’s Bakery, maker of more than 100 sweet baked goods and a sponsor of the sporting event, has partnered with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle to launch the Entenmann’s Little Bites Pouch Brigade®. The partnership will bring recycling opportunities to participants and attendees of the tournament. Entenmann’s will be handing out free samples of Little Bites products at the event and there will be TerraCycle collection bins onsite for empty pouches. Participants are also welcome to bring Little Bites packages from home to be collected. TerraCycle will recycle and repurpose collected pouches into innovative consumer items ranging from flowerpots to playgrounds. The Kick It 3v3 Soccer Tournament is a national tour celebrating 23 years of providing five million kids and families with a fun, safe and healthy sports experience. Those interested in participating in their local league or team can register online atkickit3v3.com. The event is open to all ages and genders. For more information on TerraCycle or to register for free for the Entenmann’s Little Bites Pouch Brigade, visitterracycle.com.

New Jersey-based TerraCycle is getting back into the fertilizer business

After a few year hiatus to focus on growing its recycling fundraisers, TerraCycle has re-launched its worm poop plant foods and fertilizers. TerraCycle’s original product is a ready-to-use, all-purpose liquid plant food packaged directly in reused soda bottles. The product is all natural, burn-proof, has no smell and is incredibly effective for indoor plants of all kinds. In addition to the liquid All Purpose Plant Food, TerraCycle is proud to announce All-Purpose, Flower and Rose Granular Plant Food and the Garden specific versions of a slow-release, granular Plant Food. The granular plant foods are all packaged in reused 32-ounce sport drink bottles and have a reused twist cap. All fertilizers are available online at www.terracycleshop.com.
- See more at: http://blog.northjersey.com/compostings/2951/new-jersey-based-terracycle-is-getting-back-into-the-fertilizer-business/#sthash.YzqKMj2W.dpuf

Apoyan a fundaciones con productos reciclados

Empaques de bebidas en polvo, bolsas de botanas, de pan blanco o dulce, envolturas de jabón, entre otros productos, pueden ser reciclados y a la vez el pago utilizado por ello ser enviado a alguna fundación, como lo hace la empresa Terracycle, organización que se dedica a tomar material y reciclarlo.

Monterrey  • El cepillo de dientes, los labiales, bolsas de frituras, entre otros objetos, pueden tener una segunda utilidad si se reciclan.

Más importante aún es que cada artículo tiene un valor de 25 centavos, que luego se transforma en ayuda para una institución de beneficencia.

"Le da una segunda vida a materiales difíciles de reciclar, por ejemplo, empaques de botanas, galletas, bolsas de pan, sus cepillos de dientes, entre otros. Participar es muy sencillo, inscribiéndose en la página, es gratuito", señaló Isaac Arjona, director de Terracycle Monterrey.

Así trabaja Terraycle, una organización que recolecta basura con el fin de mejorar el ambiente y ayudar a diferentes fundaciones como escuelas, iglesias y quien lo requiera.

"Por cada unidad de empaque vacíos se generan 25 centavos, que después uno elige si dona a la escuela de sus hijos o a cualquier organización sin ánimo de lucro, 25 centavos por cada unidad recolectada", agregó.

Este programa se aplica en 21 países con diferentes productos, en México se puede recolectar empaques de bebidas en polvo, bolsas de botanas, empaque de galletas, bolsa de pan blanco o dulce, empaque de jabón, entre otros.

Los productos se pueden enviar en una misma caja para que sean reciclados, o enviarlos ya separados, lo más importante es que no existe un mínimo de artículos.

Bolsas de botana y pet, lo mas reciclado

El tema del reciclaje va en aumento en Monterrey, en donde alrededor de 300 mil personas reciclan algún tipo de desecho, mientras que a nivel nacional son 1.4 millones de mexicanos. El gran consumo de bebidas en envases de plastico y de botanas favorecen para que sean estos los desechos que mas se reciclan en el pais. "En Mexico ya reciclamos el 1% de todas las bolsas de botana que se venden en el país y el 10% de pet" aseguro Isaac Arjona, director general de TerraCycle en Mexico y Centroamerica. Las entidades que mas recolectan son Monterrey, Guadalajara y Mexico, seguidas por Sonora y Chihuahua. Actualmente esta empresa, gracias a sus brigadas, evita que 15 millones de desechos terminen en los rellenos sanitarios del país y a nivel mundial recoge 150 tipos de residuos diferentes, mismos que convierte en muebles, accesorios, mochilas, plumas, prendas de vestir, entre otras. TerraCycle es una empresa que busca eliminar la idea de la basura mediante educación ambiental, recolección e impacto social. Publimetro Mty- 10_07_2013

South Orange Native Wins 2013 HK Project Scholarship

The HK Project Scholarship Program awards a high school senior from Maplewood or South Orange a $5,000 college scholarship. The HK Project has named its fifth scholarship recipient: recent Columbia High School graduate Rachel O'Keefe. O'Keefe, who has lived in South Orange her entire life, is headed to the University of Rhode Island, where the incoming freshman reportedly plans to major in environmental science and management and to minor in film. At CHS, she was president of the environmental club, served on the Green Team, helped found the school's TerraCycle program, worked on obtaining a grant for a school composter and helped the school get a new water fountain to reduce the number of plastic water bottles being used.

Recycled, USA-made home-garden products: Old plastic becomes new and useful again

Here's a friendly, informative e-mail I recently received: "My name is Joey, an intern at TerraCycle, a company that makes innovative home and garden products from a variety of non-recyclable materials. Our products are  all natural, recycled, made right here in the USA and most importantly are very effective. Here's a sampling of what we offer:" Liquid Worm Poop Plant Food: TerraCycle’s original product is back, new and improved. This ready-to-use and all-purpose liquid plant food is eco-friendly and packaged in reused soda bottles. It is natural, odorless, and extremely effective for plants of all kinds, making it perfect for any garden. Granular Fertilizers: Our all new, Flower and Garden specific Granular Plant Foods are created from a mixture of our signature Worm Poop and other organic ingredients. These powerful plant foods naturally fertilize and only need to be applied to plants and soil every 8-12 weeks! Recycled Plastic Garden Tools: In addition to our plant foods, TerraCycle has created a line of new garden tools made from 100 percent of recycled plastic that is made from common materials like drink pouches and granola bags. The TerraStone Plant Caddy and the Eco-Terra Watering Can by Plastec are eco-friendly ways to grow your garden, all for under $16.99! All plant foods and fertilizers can be purchased online at www.TerraCycleShop.com.