Collection Corner: Butt out

Cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world, and the city of New Orleans has taken action to collect the incessant waste. The international recycling and upcycling company TerraCycle, Trenton, New Jersey, launched its first citywide cigarette butt recycling receptacles program in British Columbia, making New Orleans the first U.S. city to participate in a large-scale recycling effort, according to TerraCycle.

Sunset goes green in big way

Sunset School helped divert 3,964 units of lunch-kit waste from landfills this past school year, making it the second-highest collector of such waste in the state. The school has been involved with the Lunch Kit Brigade since October 2012. The Lunch Kit Brigade is one of the programs that TerraCycle, an upcycling and recycling company, offers.

Good News

Holy Family Catholic College students have turned breakfast into money for their college. They are amongst the top rated collectors of cereal bags in the MOM Brands Cereal Bag Brigade, a national recycling plan. Schools earn points for just about every unit of waste they collect and send to TerraCycle, which recycles the traditionally non-recyclable waste into new materials, a news release stated. To date, the students have diverted 1,197 units of cereal bag waste from landfills. The points are redeemed for charitable gifts or a cash donation to the nonprofit or college of their decision.

Johnson named Volunteer of the Year

Brody Johnson was selected as the recipient based on his work with "terracycling" at WES. Terracycling is the "upcycling" of certain hard-to-recycle items such as empty yogurt containers, juice pouches and glue sticks. Jen Royal is an aid to Johnson and volunteers helping Johnson collect, sort, count, and ship all the plastic items to TerraCycle, a recycling company.

Participez au concours “Vantez-vous d'upcycler jusqu'au 15 Septembre”

Jusqu’au 15 septembre, avec TerraCycle participez au concours créatif “Vantez-vous d’upcycler” pour gagner des points et des cadeaux upcyclés ! Dans une démarche environnementale et ludique, fabriquez votre éventail en matériau upcyclé. Les règles sont simples : - fabriquez un éventail en réutilisant de vieux objets ou matériaux. - prenez-le en photo sous son meilleur jour, puis envoyez la photo à service.consommateurs@terracycle.fr ainsi que quelques lignes pour le décrire (type de matériau utilisé, détails sur le design, …). - tous les participants recevront 50 points. TerraCycle sélectionnera les trois éventails les plus réussis sur des critères d’esthétique, d’originalité et de talent dans la réutilisation des matériaux. Ces trois premiers recevront des prix spéciaux. Tous les participants recevront des points, et les trois plus beaux éventails recevront des points supplémentaires et des produits upcyclés. Il vous reste 2 semaines pour y participer, alors à vos éventails !

Volunteer UCF collecting solo cups to help sea turtles

Whether at a tailgate or a party, red plastic cups are ubiquitous around UCF. Now they can be reused to help other Florida creatures have a good time. Starting Sept. 1, Volunteer UCF's Animal Awareness and Environmental programs will be accepting No. 6 plastic rigid cups in an effort to help sea turtles. For every cup that is brought to the Volunteer UCF cubicle, TerraCycle will donate 2 cents to the Sea Turtle Conservancy.