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TerraCycle Coin Purse ~ For Coins and so Much More
If you are looking for a unique gift , be check out TerraCycle. TerraCycle upcycles and recycles traditionally non-recycable waste (including drink pouches, chip bags, tooth brushes and many more) into a large variety of consumer products.
New 'TerraCycle' program in Salisbury turns trash into cash
What do empty ink cartridges, drink pouches and tape dispensers have in common? They're all part of a new recycling program intended to raise money that will go towards creating a new multi-faceted, town recreational facility to be located behind Salisbury Elementary School. Entitled "TerraCycle," the program collects for recycling, items that have previously been considered non-recyclable.
Convergence of Marketing and PR to Accelerate in 2015
Albe Zakes, Global VP, Communications, TerraCycle Inc.
"PR managers can be effective mediators or negotiators for helping to create buy-in from a variety of stakeholders. Our requisite communication skills can help provide clarity to complex or tense situations, bringing departments together and getting teams excited about supporting a new project."
Portland effort aims to turn cigarette butts from litter into railroad ties
Once the box is full, it is shipped free of charge to the New Jersey-based TerraCycle, which will use the tobacco to make compost and turn the plastics in the butts to pellets for use producing items such as park benches, shipping pallets and railroad ties, according to Lakeman.
Terracycle wil perceptie van afval veranderen
TerraCycle is een van oorsprong Amerikaans bedrijf dat als doel heeft de perceptie van afval te veranderen. Dat doen zij door diverse inzamelingsprogramma's op te zetten. Op dit moment loopt de actie om schrijfwaren in te zamelen. Dat verloopt via TerraCycle Brigades. Dit programma is opgezet met BIC schrijfwaren.
Recycling en upcycling
De ingezamelde schrijfwaren worden gerecycled waarna er nieuwe producten van worden gemaakt zoals penhouders, prullenbakken en gieters. Het programma richt zich vooral op scholen, bedrijven en universiteiten omdat hier veel schrijfwaren worden gebruikt. De inzamelaars ontvangen 2 cent per ingeleverde pen. Dit geld kan worden gebruikt voor projecten of een goed
- See more at: http://www.duurzamerwerken.nl/news/newsdetail.aspx?newsId=1065&catid=5#sthash.nczO5xFM.dpuf
Terracycle – recycle and raise money
Pinecrest Club 'Bags' Success for Recycling Effort
The next time you polish off the potato chips, think of that empty bag not as trash but as someone’s treasure, because it surely is welcome at Pinecrest High School. The Pinecrest High School Student Environmental Association has actively been reclaiming those crumpled masses of plastic and foil and recently also collected acclaim from a national recycling organization for its efforts.