This challenge also resulted in the Green Mountain HQ in Austin gaining an additional onsite recycling option! Next to the batteries, plastic bag and electronics recycling station, we now have a box for toothpaste and shampoo containers and other related materials for recycling through the
Tom’s of Main Terracycle program.
As far as up-cycling is concerned, Rocky Mountain Reuse Center is a place one can drop off used construction materials and purchase some for your house. Doors, cabinets, sinks, faucets, lumber and hardware can all be found there. The Resource is also a Terracycle drop off location and they take paired, reusable shoes, Colgate containers, and aluminum cans for the schools (please inform them it is for the school program).
Für jeden gesammelten nichtbrauchbaren Stift werden zum einen zwei Cent an SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. von dem Kooperationspartner BIC® gespendet und durch den Kooperationspartner Terracycle die Stifte wieder dem Stoffkreislauf zugeführt.
Graduating senior Chelsea Lear-Ward from Levant will give the student address. With a major in community health education and a minor in environmental studies, she is interested in helping to promote health through sustainability. She came to UMF as a Mitchell Scholar and has been active on campus interning with the TerraCycle recycling program, coordinating events for the Farmington Farmers Market and helping to raise awareness of domestic violence. After graduation, she will be moving to Washington State to work in the wellness field.
She came to UMF as a Mitchell Scholar and has been active on campus interning with the TerraCycle recycling program, coordinating events for the Farmington Farmers Market and helping to raise awareness of domestic violence.
TerraCycle was born in 2001, with a pretty simple idea – worm poop and compost. It’s now a global company, and as such, it would be fairly easy for them to have gone all out remodeling their headquarters in Trenton, New Jersey.That’s not the case, though, and everything about their offices embraces who and what they are – in an incredibly awesome way. The company’s corporate image is evident the moment you walk in the door; the main entryway is decorated with graffiti, but it’s recycled graffiti, rescued from walls outside and remounted on the walls inside.
Le biscuitier Saint-Michel et TerraCycle lancent une campagne solidaire de collecte d'emballage. La Brigade St Michel recrute donc des collecteurs. Chaque emballage rapportera 0,02 euros à l'association de votre choix.
“O padrão de consumo tem mudado e os clientes não desejam mais organizações despreocupadas com causas sociais”, afirma Renata Ross, gerente da TerraCycle.
TerraCycle ermöglicht zusammen mit dem Stiftehersteller BiC das Recycling für alte Plastikstifte und Korrekturmittel, die bisher nicht recycelt wurden.