Posts with term Tom's of Maine X

Recycling Mystery: Deodorant Tubes

We all use deodorant to avoid a stinky situation, but all those tubes can present a disposal dilemma. What exactly are deodorant tubes made from? Can I recycle them? Where can I recycle them? And what other options do I have? Earth911 gets to the bottom of these questions and more in our latest recycling mystery.

Recycling 101

Here are a few ideas that should help point you in the right directions. This is by no means a comprehensive list. Please add suggestions on our Facebook page and let other locals know other easy ways to avoid filling the landfill faster... Waste collected through the Terracycle program turns cigarettes and their plastic package wrappers into plastic pallets and compost.

How to make your bathroom eco-friendly | Green living with Tom’s of Maine

When you’re looking for bathroom products (which, admittedly, can be a little overwhelming), I love Tom’s of Maine. Not only do you know you are getting an amazing product, but their line is made using 100% naturally-derived ingredients and sustainable and responsible business practices. Their products are cruelty-free, natural, phthalate-free, and recyclable through TerraCycle’s Natural Care Brigade.


One of the great things about living in the mountains are the refreshing waterfalls, lakes, and streams we have surrounding us.  While it’s super fun for my boys to splish and splash and cool off under the summer sun, the importance of our water sources is something we as parents try to educate them on at an early age. We are blessed to have such a lush and wonderful environment with clean water for our boys to play with as well as to drink, cook, and bathe in! We have to remember that steps need to be made to keep it that way and little choices that we make every day can be beneficial. Even small children can play their part to make a difference in our world.

Ways to Keep Water Clean and Protect our Environment

Last year, my daughter and I participated in a river cleanup with her Girl Scout troop.  It was a disturbingly eye opening afternoon that left me seriously concerned with the health of our waterways.  Without clean water, humans, plants, and animals will not survive.  There is no way around it.  We all need water to live a healthy life and without CLEAN water, we are seriously doomed.  Today, I am sharing a few ways to protect our water supply that YOU can do right at home.  I am also including information about the Tom’s of Maine, Let’s Turn the Tide™ campaign to help clean up some of our most important waterways. My husband and I just got back from a trip to Asheville, NC and the rivers up there are amazing!  We made sure we packed out everything we carried in to help keep them that way!

Support our Waterways with Tom’s of Maine {+ giveaway}

Tom’s of Maine also believes that water is important. Whether it is conserving it in your home or cleaning it up locally. They have partnered with The Nature Conservancy, the leading conservation organization, and are donating $1,000,000 to help fund projects that restore waterways across the US!* The Let’s Turn the Tide campaign allows everyone to vote for their favorite body of water.


Over the years I have been trying to find high-quality natural personal care products for my family. I want to reduce the number of chemicals that we put on our skin, hair, and teeth. My kids and I have very sensitive skin and reducing irritants such as fragrances and artificial dyes have improved our complexions. I am trying out new products all the time and trying to find the best ones that work for my family and Tom’s of Maine products are at the top of the list!

Hasbro Invites the Return of ‘Well-Loved’ Toys & Games for Recycling

Hasbro, Inc., is the latest company to announce a product recycling program; through a partnership with TerraCycle, the toy and game recycling initiative lets consumers collect and send their used Hasbro products to TerraCycle, who will recycle them into materials that can be used in the construction of playgrounds, park benches, and more. TerraCycle says the Hasbro Toy Recycling pilot program is the first brand-sponsored national recycling program in the industry. The free recycling program invites users to print out a free shipping label to use on boxes of “well-loved” toys and games, which they can then send to TerraCycle for repurposing.


How often do you consider the values behind the brands you support? With April being Earth Month, I feel like now is the perfect time to talk about companies that do good. I always gravitate toward products that are made with natural ingredients, and have been making a conscious effort to support companies with sustainable business practices. Tom’s of Maine is one of my favorite brands that seems to do things right, and I am very excited to announce my new partnership with them as part of the Tom’s of Maine Goodness Circle! As part of this group, I look forward to sharing news about Tom’s of Main initiatives and new product launches with you. This post is sponsored by Tom’s of Maine. However, all opinions and enthusiasm about this brand are my own.