Posts with term TerraCycle X

Este champú puede limpiar tu cabello y el océano al mismo tiempo

¡Este producto quiere que mantengas tu cabello limpio y al mismo tiempo a los océanos!

Cuando se trata del cuidado de nuestro cabello solemos recurrir a miles de productos, mascarillas y ampolletas que ayuden a mantenerlo sano y fuerte.

Las marcas encargadas de poner a nuestro alcance todos estos productos, saben que cada persona tiene necesidades diferentes y han creado una línea especializada para cada tipo de cabello e incluso lanzaron productos especialmente para los hombres.

Dentro de esta gama existen champús para el cabello rizado, quebrado o lacio que lo limpian y lo llenan de vida aunque existe un producto que hace más que solo cuidar de tu cuero cabelludo.

¿Sabías que cada segundo más de 200 kilos de basura van a parar a los océanos? Entre ella van los botes de los productos de belleza que usas, las botellas de agua y el empaque de algún six de cerveza.

El océano es el hogar de muchas criaturas y toda esta basura no sólo contamina su hogar, también pone en peligro a las tortugas que se quedan atoradas entre la basura, mientras que un gran porcentaje de peces mueren por comer plástico.

Para limpiar los mares de todos estos residuos, una de las empresas más importantes dentro de la industria de belleza, además de cuidar del cabello de sus consumidores, también quiere unirse a la lucha contra la crisis ambiental.

Procter & Gamble (P&G) consciente de todo el impacto ambiental que las botellas crean, compartió recientemente que todos los envases de su línea de champú, Head & Shoulders, serán producidos con todos aquellos plásticos recolectados de playas, ríos y océanos.

Esto quiere decir que este champú puede limpiar tu cabello y el océano al mismo tiempo. Cada empaque estará elaborado hasta con el 25% de estos residuos y será la primera botella en la industria del jabón líquido en estar hecha con basura.

La empresa TerraCycle decidió asociarse con P&G para colaborar con la recolección de todos estos residuos y duplicar esfuerzos para limpiar todos estos sitios y sobretodo proteger a los animales marinos y a sus ecosistemas.

Es importante entender qué tan grande es el problema de la basura en el mar. ¡Es horrible y preocupante!, dijo Tom Szaky, fundador de la empresa de reciclaje TerraCycle.
De acuerdo con el Foro Económico Mundial,  casi 8 millones de toneladas de basura terminan en los océanos cada año. Esto es como tirar todo el contenido de un camión de basura cada minuto. Szaky comentó que muchas organizaciones y voluntarios recogen los plásticos de las playas, puertos y otros sitios que posteriormente TerraCycle separa en plásticos de alta densidad que enviará a P&G para elaborar sus envases y el resto se utiliza para crear bancos y mesas que serán llevadas a organizaciones no lucrativas. La marca P&G es una más que se une a crear productos a partir de los desechos de los mares, otra empresa que se unió a esta causa es Adidas con sus tenis elaborados con plástico obtenido del mar.
Como consumidor, también te debes preocupar por saber con que están hechos los artículos que utilizas y cómo deshacerte de ellos de manera responsable, añadió Szaky
Actualmente esta línea está disponible en Francia pero se planea reemplazar todas las botellas de Head & Shoulders con este empaque.

Giveaway! WIN $25 Plus Entenmann’s Little Bites! Ends Feb 27th

Since becoming a parent there are two things that have changed. #1 – I am up really early. #2 – I have taken global issues way more serious. I am leaving this earth for my kids and their kids. I want my littles to understand that the Earth is here for us, and we need to be here for it. Which is why recycling has become so important to not only me but the rest of the world – Including Entenmann’s. I am so happy to announce that Entenmann’s has partnered with TerraCycle to help us all recycle those Little Bites Pouches and turn them into  park benches, recycling bins, and playgrounds. Through the free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship to TerraCycle® for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. TerraCycle and Entenmann’s also want to help the school of your choice win a classroom party. I know my kids have snack time every day and their teachers often need snacks for the kids. So why not Entenmann’s Little Bites as a snack to get the ball rolling on winning that class party, all the while helping the environment by recycling? From January through March 31st 2017, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® want to reward you for making eco-friendly habits by making the pledge. And if you collect Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a Classroom Party. It’s easy to participate: make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards. The Entenmann‘s Little Bites ® Pouch Recycling Program is open to any individual, school or organization interested in reducing local landfill waste. To learn more about the Entenmann‘s Little Bites ® Pouch Recycling Program here: http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/contests/little-bites-pledge

Head & Shoulders kreiert die weltweit erste recycelte Shampoo-Flasche aus am Strand angespültem Plastik

In Zusammenarbeit mit den Recycling-Spezialisten TerraCycle und SUEZ wird diese Innovation erstmals diesen Sommer in Frankreich ermöglicht, wo eine limitierte Auflage der Head & Shoulders Flasche für Kunden in der führenden Einzelhandelskette Carrefour erhältlich sein wird. Dies wird der weltweit größte Produktionslauf recycelter Flaschen aus Strand-Plastik, und damit ein wichtiger Schritt in der Etablierung einer einzigartigen Zulieferkette unterstützt durch tausende Freiwillige und hunderte Umweltschutzvereine, die das an Stränden angespülte Plastik sammeln.

Pledge to Recycle with Little Bites

Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? Many of us make New Year’s resolutions with the intention of bettering our lives in some way, whether it’s eating healthier, getting out of debt, or getting in shape. This year, make the resolution of helping to make your environment better! This can be achieved in different ways, including composting, reducing food waste, and recycle, to give you a few ideas.   Make the pledge to recycle with Entenmann’s® Little Bites® and they’ll reward you for it! TerraCycle®, an international recycling company turns waste into plastic that can be used for products such as park benches, recycling bins, and playgrounds. Through the free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship to TerraCycle® for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. Additionally, you can upcycle their Littles Bites packaging, creating an organizer! From January through March 31st, 2017, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® want to reward you for making eco-friendly habits by making the pledge. And if you collect Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a Classroom Party. It’s easy to participate: make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards.
The Entenmann’s Little Bites ® Pouch Recycling Program is open to any individual, school or organization interested in reducing local landfill waste.

Make The Pledge To Recycle!

As my boys are getting older, we are encouraging them to do everything possible to take care of our planet.  It’s important that they understand their role in protecting all of our valuable natural resources.  Aside from some subtle changes that we have made right here at home to conserve energy, we have been teaching them how to recycle some of the things that we use on a daily basis. Have you made your resolution yet for 2017?  Make the pledge to recycle with Entenmann’s® Little Bites® and they’ll reward you for it! TerraCycle®, an international recycling company turns waste into plastic that can be used for products such as park benches, recycling bins, and playgrounds.  Through the free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship to TerraCycle® for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. From January through March 31st 2017, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® want to reward you for making eco-friendly habits by making the pledge.  If you collect Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a Classroom Party.  It’s easy to participate: make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards. The Entenmann’s Little Bites® Pouch Recycling Program is open to any individual, school or organization interested in reducing local landfill waste.

Hasta un 25% del material del envase de champú de H&S provendrá de plástico de playa


La empresa estadounidense de bienes de consumo Procter and Gamble (P&G) publicó recientemente en su página web que va a producir envases de su champú estrella Head and Shoulders (H&S) donde, por primera vez, la cuarta parte de su composición como máximo será de plástico reciclado de playas.

Los supermercados Carrefour en Francia serán los primeros en vender el champú en su nuevo envase en una edición limitada y lo harán a partir de este verano.

A P&G le ayudarán en este proyecto dos empresas: TerraCycle, una estadounidense especializada en reciclaje, y SUEZ, la multinacional francesa de energía y gestión del agua.

¿Cuántas iniciativas como ésta necesitaremos para frenar el pronóstico para el 2050 en el que se espera que habrá más plástico que peces en el mar?

Children with disabilities benefit from recycling campaign in Mérida

More than one million bags of snacks were collected by the community and raised $ 80,597.50 pesos

The integral teaching center “Enseñando a caminar por la vida A.C.” (ENCAVI) located in the city of Merida, specializes in teaching children with disabilities to perform in various daily activities, which are performed in a healthy, safe environment And improving the quality of life of the beneficiaries. In addition, it teaches them values as important as care for the environment.

For some years, the ENCAVI, committed to the environment, has decided to carry out campaigns and agreements with the parents to collect the snack bags that were consumed.

The Integral development center with the help of TerraCycle Mexico and its idea of eliminating waste through its snack bag recycling program led a series of campaigns and agreements in support of parents.

The commitment was present both in the administrative and in the parents, as the result of these actions was reflected in the 1,611,950 bags of snack that were collected until December last year. The garbage was collected in a warehouse where it was stored, emplayaba and sent to be recycled by TerraCycle who receives the garbage delivering points for it.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="475"] Centro de Desarrollo Integral Enséñame a Caminar por la Vida (ENCAVI.[/caption]

The garbage collection of the last 6 months collected enough points to raise the sum of $ 80,597.50, which will be used to improve the facilities and purchase material for use by the beneficiaries.

While positive results have been achieved for vulnerable groups and the planet in the harvesting campaigns, more people need to be involved in these programs to promote recycling and environmental care, as well as helping many others who lack the economic resources to purchase basic goods for their quality of life, for this there are also more recycling programs such as oral care products, soaps, cookies bags, bread wraps and sweet bread, these programs are completely free for those interested in collecting their trash and benefit different nonprofit associations.

About TerraCycle: The purpose of TerraCycle is to Eliminate the Idea of Waste®. We do this by creating a national recycling system for wastes previously considered “non-recyclable” or “difficult to recycle”.

Anyone can sign up for these programs, called Brigades, and start sending their waste. For each package collected, TerraCycle provides a cumulative economic incentive, which is donated to non-profit organizations. To participate simply log on to www.terracycle.com.mx or call 01 800 681 1589