Posts with term TerraCycle X

TerraCycle beneficia con donativos a escuelas del país

Casi $52,000 pesos fueron donados con el canje de puntos del programa de recolección de TerraCycle.

Mty, N.L.- Antes del término del año pasado, alrededor de 13 escuelas de la Ciudad de México, Durango, Edo. De México, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Monterrey, Nayarit, Puebla y Sinaloa fueron apoyadas con diversos donativos que dieron una suma total de $51,404.86 pesos. Dichos donativos fueron posible gracias a los brigadistas de TerraCycle que recolectaron bolsas de botanas, de pan y pan dulce, productos de cuidado bucal y empaques de galletas y jabones. El Jardín de Niños Francisco I. Madero de Jalisco que recibió un donativo de casi $17,000 pesos tiene un programa especial para la realización de la “Brigada Jardín Mezquitic” en la que participan tanto alumnos y docentes como padres de familia. Con el donativo recibido adquirirán material en favor de los niños y sus aprendizajes. Norma Hernández, brigadista desde hace años, comenta que los programas de TerraCycle brindan la oportunidad de obtener recursos para una institución que carece de ellos, en su caso apoya al CAPEP No. 2 de Hidalgo. La institución sufrió algunos daños y con el dinero recibido se planea colocar protección para la puerta de una aula de medios. En Jalisco, el Instituto Thomas Jefferson utilizará el donativo para que los alumnos viajen a una granja donde aprenderán cómo sembrar y cosechar, también tendrán la oportunidad de hacer una composta y tratar con animales. “Un mejor mundo empieza con pasos chiquitos, todos debemos tomar estos pasitos”, mencionó una de las beneficiadas del programa. Con esto, TerraCycle ayuda a que la sociedad reflexione que sus hábitos de consumo tienen consecuencias medioambientales y que es necesario unirse a estrategias como el reciclaje para contribuir a la mejora del planeta.

Ditch the Curb: 12 Surprising Things You Can Recycle

Avid recycler or not, you are probably throwing items away that can – and should – be recycled.
“Pretty much everything that you consider to be waste from organic materials, to batteries and chip bags, can be recycled. The resources are available, you just have to know how to apply simple shifts in your life.” Veronica Rajadnya | Publicist, TerraCycle
With a little bit of research, you can discover creative recycling ideas for nearly everything.

Common Things That Can Be Recycled

Household Items That Need a New Home

1. Keys If you’ve recently switched locks, or have keys stored away somewhere because you don’t remember what they unlock, consider recycling them. The Key for Hope Foundation takes in old keys, turns them into scrap metal and then uses the money to support humanitarian efforts. 2. Trophies Still have that participation trophy? Instead of sending it to a landfill, donate it to Lamb Awards and Engraving to be recycled. Better yet, if you have matching sets of trophies, they will donate them to a charity in need. 3. Old Tech Like the name states, Green Disk manages and recycles e-waste. They have plenty of options to send in your recycling, so there’s no need to keep your old desktop from 1999.

Products That Deserve New Life

4. Wine Corks Wine lovers rejoice! ReCORK is an organization that recycles wine corks into yoga blocks and surfing traction pads. Use their CORKwatch to find out if your favorite bottle uses natural corks before sending any in to be recycled.  
gumtecGum-tec® Americano Mug
5. Chewing Gum Finding a solution to a “sticky situation”, Gumdrop Ltd. provides bins to recycle chewing gum instead of throwing it onto the street. Recycled gum is then used to make lunch boxes, coffee mugs, pencils and more.     6. Wrappers You might be familiar with TerraCycle, who has plenty of outside-the-box recycling programs. There are specific ones for hair care and beauty products, all the way to Lara Bar wrappers.
“One of our most popular recycling programs is with Colgate. Basically, all of the post-consumer waste, used toothbrushes and toothpaste can be recycled. It’s easily accessible and we have activations and retailers across the country and we are able to reach schools through a recycling contest.” Veronica Rajadnya | Publicist, TerraCycle

Creative Recycling Ideas for Clothing & Accessories

7. Denim The Blue Jeans Go Green™ program, created by Cotton Incorporated in 2006, will recycle your denim and turn it into housing insulation for communities in need. So far, the program has recycled over 1.5 million pieces of denim which is the equivalent of approximately 750 tons of textile waste diverted from landfills. Putting Denim to Good Use
“All denim collected through the Blue Jeans Go Green™ program is upcycled into UltraTouch™ Denim Insulation. We then distribute a portion of the housing insulation to rebuilding efforts across the country, primarily to Habitat for Humanity affiliates.” Kaitlyn Piscadlo | Blue Jeans Go Green
8. Eyeglasses If you stay on trend with eyewear, you probably have a few pairs of gently used glasses sitting in a drawer just waiting to be thrown away. Instead of adding to the pile, donate eyeglasses to Saving Sight – they collect and distribute used eyeglasses to those in need. running_shoes9. Running Shoes While you love your new pair of Nike’s, your old running shoes still have plenty of mileage left in them. MORE, or Modular Organic Regenerative Environments, accepts shoe donations which they sell to vendors to create jobs in city recycling facilities. The profits from sales also go towards training and tools given to rural farmers in underprivileged areas.

Other Items That You Can Recycle

10. Greeting Cards Put your old greeting cards to use by donating them. “At St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, we recycle used greeting cards to create new holiday and all-occasion greeting cards which are sold in our Thrift Store to support abused and neglected children,” explains Jackie Yoxen. Only the front of the greeting card is used, so there shouldn’t be any writing on the back. 11. Crayons Rather than tossing out those broken and half-used crayons in the trash at the end of the school year, ship them off to Crazy Crayons. To date they’ve recycled more than 110,000 pounds of crayons into new designs and colorful creations. 12. Dog Fur How much do you love your furry friend? Knit Your Dog recycles your pet’s hair into wool tumbling that they use to create clothing and accessories.

Get Creative With Recycling

There are plenty of organizations that recycle and upcycle materials that are a little out-of-the-box. Were you surprised by anything that made our list of items to recycle?

The State of the Union: Contact Lenses

The State of the Union: Contact Lenses   PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT     In addition to our efforts to develop new materials and bring innovative technologies to market, Bausch + Lomb also works daily to become a more environmentally sustainable company. We have employees around the globe dedicated to Bausch + Lomb’s sustainable business practices, and today even our contact lenses are playing a role. Through our One by One recycling program, we are encouraging ECPs and patients to recycle used Biotrue ONEday contact lenses, as well as other contact lenses and blister packs, in a nationwide effort to help preserve the environment by taking one action at a time to one day achieve a greener future. This unique and free program, which officially kicked off on America Recycles Day, was developed in partnership with TerraCycle, a world leader in the collection and repurposing of hard-to-recycle postconsumer waste. The program is now available to ECPs and their patients.   - See more at: http://eyetubeod.com/2017/02/the-state-of-the-union-contact-lenses/#sthash.aefokQaq.dpuf

These Eco-Friendly Products are Perfect for the Office

Many eco-friendly products that are allowing your company to become more environmentally responsible. Most business owners are often too busy to think about their impact on the environment. However, everyone’s actions will cause a reaction on Earth. For example, the environmental impact of business costs the global economy $4.7 trillion each year. It honestly doesn’t take much to become more environmentally responsible. Is a fact, the following eco-friendly products have been created for easy integration in the workplace. E-Waste Trash Can Start depositing your e-waste in a trash can created from e-waste such as crushed fax machines and computers. In addition to the TerraCycle E-Waste Trash Can utilizing recycled materials that would have ordinarily clogged up landfills. The trash can directly help organizations to reduce their carbon footprint. As they can hold up to 28 quarts. So, instead of throwing old computer monitors, laptops, copiers or hard drives straight into the bin. We could dispose of them in a trash can that is the personification of eco-responsible behavior.

葡萄酒大众需求量逐渐增多 可回收利用盒中袋葡萄酒新包装面世

为了确保这种新盒子的所有制作材料都可以回收利用,“The Naked Grape”公司已经与TerraCycle公司达成合作。一旦消费者把盒子里的葡萄酒喝完,他们就可以把空盒子免费寄到TerraCycle公司,TerraCycle之后就会把这些盒子进行回收利用或者升级再造,最终用于建造公园长椅、自行车架、回收箱等。 随着中国葡萄酒市场的发展,葡萄酒行业在不断规范,葡萄酒准入门槛也会提高,葡萄酒的发展前景也会越来越广阔。绿色的、环保的、有机的葡萄酒将是葡萄酒未来的发展趋势。 Tom Szaky,TerraCycle公司的CEO,说“美国人回收利用了自己制造出来的34%废弃物。我们希望能有更多公司像The Naked Grape那样,通过使用可回收利用的包装,来帮助提高废弃物的回收利用率,”