Posts with term TerraCycle X

RecycleSmart expands program for managing post-consumer cosmetics waste

This month the Canadian waste and recycling management services company announced an e-commerce partnership with TerraCycle. It’s an effort meant to divert more cosmetics and personal care waste from landfills and incineration. Making the boxes and recycling service available online should mean that RecycleSmart can reach and serve more customers and divert more waste in the process. “We are ecstatic to begin a partnership with RecycleSmart since both organizations share a common mission of increasing waste diversion and offering additional recycling options in Canada,” Sunil Kaushik, senior manager of TerraCycle Canada, tells the press. “Through RecycleSmart’s website, businesses and individuals can now purchase Zero Waste Boxes to recycle many items previously deemed non-recyclable, from coffee capsules to safety equipment.”  





Lake Ontario gets some love

A number of Oshawa residents showed how much they “love their lake” by cleaning up litter in Lakeview Park earlier this month. The cleanups were part of non-profit A Greener Future’s Love Your Lake program, which takes place in more than 100 locations along Lake Ontario. Love Your Lake sees volunteers collecting litter in a designated area in their community. “Families bring their children out, we also have some seniors as well,” Rochelle Archibald, A Greener Future executive director says. “In general, it’s just people who want to get outside and take care of their community.”


近日欧莱雅集团旗下自然洗护发品牌淳萃(Ultra DOUX)携手泰瑞环保在广州启动“爱满空瓶”环保公益项目,并呈现新品椰香沁润、珍宝原蜜系列。活动当天,淳萃呵护大使刘昊然现身现场,进行了天猫直播,表演绕口令、真心话以及私物分享。消费者扫描二维码即可参与“爱满空瓶”环保公益项目,使用后的淳萃空瓶将通过泰瑞环保的网站进行回收,再经过零污染的方式处理,制作成崭新的课桌椅捐赠给光爱学校的孩子们。