Posts with term TerraCycle X

15 Things you didn’t know you could recycle

Apart from newspaper, plastics and glass, there are many things in your home which can be recycled. Any home generates a lot of garbage, and most of this garbage contains things which can be put to use again, including used diapers. A company in Canada is extracting the plastic and paper from used diapers and recycling that to make plastic components, recycled paper, tubing and roof tiles. This just goes to show that almost everything can be recycled these days.

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中华环保联合会公益基金部主持了24日下午的zero waste环节,和来自盈创回收、泰瑞环保、GoZeroWaste、Bulk House等专注固废回收再利用的组织与倡导者以对话交流的方式对固体废弃物的回收模式、塑料垃圾的现状、零废弃生活方式等议题进行了深入的交流讨论,并与现场来宾进行了互动,传递了零废弃领域最新的可持续发展理念与个体消费者可参与的模式。公益基金部项目主任段延佩主持了该对话环节。

Trending: Closed-Loop Solutions Ramp Up Recycling Rates for Batteries, Contact Lenses

Meanwhile, Bausch + Lomb, a subsidiary of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., has shared that its ONE by ONE Recycling Program for contact lenses has recycled a combined total of more than one million used contact lenses, blister packs and top foils in less than one year since its launch. In collaboration with TerraCycle, the program has diverted more than 7,000 pounds of waste from landfills to-date.